Flow State Business

Launching and Personal Branding - A riff about spontaneity, mum guilt + partner expectations

Ruby Lee Episode 245

We’re having a good old fashioned catch up today as I riff about spontaneity, mum guilt, and what’s been happening in the business in the space of launching and personal branding. 

While my husband and boys are off on a finishing trip, I’ve been living the solo life and reconnecting to one of my energetic values, spontaneity! I share all the luxurious adventures I’ve been having while leaning into what my soul wants to do. 

So many women have expressed a desire lately to step into a new level of freedom in their own lives. Mum guilt can be such a big hurdle for women in business to overcome and I talk about how I approach this in my own life. I share how my husband and I have established boundaries over the years to make sure we both have time and space to fill our cups.

When you hold an energetic expectation that good things will happen in your life, it’s amazing what unfolds. I’ve been showing up authentically, leaning into what the universe is telling me and I share how important this is from a personal branding perspective. 

I’m also in the middle of the Flow State Business Mastery launch and it’s been incredible. Don’t miss out on the special bonus class where I’ll be taking you behind the veil and teaching you how to infuse energetics and spirituality into creating a launch that you love.

This episode will give you permission to give your soul a holiday and lean into a new place of freedom and heart expression. You’re going to love it. 


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Check out QUEEN OF COIN here

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