Flow State Business

Animal Tokens and Guidance in Business

Ruby Lee

Sometimes we get so focused on the “doing” that we lose touch with the magic behind it all. In this episode, I share a personal journey of reconnecting with universal energy, a practice that has always guided me toward deeper fulfillment and success. From the power of crystals to the wisdom of animal tokens, I take you through some profound realisations from my recent trip to Perth and the intuitive pull to reconnect with my spiritual side.

There’s a balance between strategy and energetics that’s necessary for true flow in business—and I’ve been reminded of just how powerful that connection is. I’ll also share the significance of animal tokens and how they’ve guided me throughout my entrepreneurial journey.

If you’ve been feeling a little disconnected from your own inner guidance or are craving a reminder to step back into alignment, this episode is for you. I hope my stories inspire you to find your own way of reconnecting with universal energy, whatever that looks like for you.

And if you're ready to join me in amplifying both your business strategy and your spiritual alignment, the Amplify Mastermind is now open for enrollment! We kick off on November 11th for 111 days, and this round is especially transformative. You can find the link to sign up in the show notes.

Catch the episode and let me know if this kind of content resonates with you—I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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  • Join us for a morning of flow, abundance, and next-level business strategy at the Gold Coast Flow State Social Event here
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00:00:00 Intro
00:01:05 Reconnecting with Spiritual Practices
00:02:34 Holiday Reflections
00:04:00 The Separation of Body and Spirit
00:05:07 Intuitive Kinesiology Appointment
00:09:34 Balancing Strategy and Spirituality
00:11:30 The Impact of Spiritual Connection
00:15:00 Shamanic Healing Experience  and the connection to past lives
00:22:06 Animal Tokens Explained
00:23:34 Integrating Animal Wisdom in Business
00:26:25 Recognising Animal Tokens + Capybara meaning
00:30:00 Invitation to the Amplify Mastermind, Closing Thoughts and Gratitude

Welcome back to the Flow State Business Podcast. I am, as always, so excited to cozy up in the podcast studio on the weekend. It's currently Sunday afternoon. I am sitting here as there is a crazy windstorm. going on outside. At least it looks that way. The palm trees are almost sideways and there's so many crazy dark clouds around. And so what do you do? You turn on the lamp in the office, lots of low light, maybe a little colored bulb. I've got a little indigo bulb going on on the other side of the room. I've lit my candle. Oh my gosh. And this candle is from Damselfly. Go and check them out. And they have statements on their candle, you know, like the What are you called? The holder? And on this one, it says, enjoy the now. Like, yes, yes. And it's so good because this reminder is really the themes of what I want to discuss today. And it's been a little while, hasn't it, my loves? Like since I have really been sharing quite deeply on what I've been doing in my spiritual practices as an entrepreneur and as a business owner. And I want to explain why that's been the case. If you've been more so a recent listener where I've been talking a lot about the strategics, like how to attain your next five clients and what you can do to lead gen and what you can do to launch and talking about flow from a science perspective even, I am so excited to share another aspect to my world, which has really been the basis of my world. It's been the basis of why I started my business and how I've come to where I am today is because there has been such a strong connection to universal energy and my work with crystals, my work with my guides, numerology, animal tokens, like all these things. And I guess in the last year or so, I have Not consciously pulled back from it, but it's not really been a huge focus of mine to share on all the intricacies of my rituals and my practices because I have been so focused on helping you get really tangible results. But I want to share something that's really happened for me this week. And wow, like it has been a huge confirmation of something that I already knew, but I really needed to reconnect with. I've just come back from a holiday in Perth, which is in Western Australia. Australia is so big you guys, if you don't live in Australia, maybe even if you do and you don't know this, from Queensland to Perth, it is an almost six hour flight. It's huge. It's like flying from New York to LA, and it's a totally different energy over there. I'm a massive believer in astrocartography or astrogeography, and I actually have a really shadowy aspect that runs through Perth, which is the Chiron line in the IC. So lots of family healing wounds, Chiron is the wounded warrior. So a lot of facing some of the deep, deep fears there. So, you know, needless to say, it was definitely a big reflection point for me, but also a real coming home aspect was part of the energies in Perth. And I think I've brought that back with me to Queensland where I have a really beautiful energy here. It's very spiritual, it's very Neptune-y, it's very Jupiter. And I don't know if you've ever experienced kind of like this sense of where you feel like you've drifted away from a practice or energy. I'm going to talk about that in a very wide sense. It could be God, angels, you know, if you come from a religious background, please just take any of this conversation as it speaks to you. But this separation between body and spirit, And then something happens and you're like, oh, yeah, oh, I forgot. Like, this is where I'm meant to be. This is how I'm meant to communicate to something greater than me as a human being. So, yeah, I wanted to spend some time today just chilling with you and cozying up on the mic and sharing so many synchronicities that's happened just this week with the intention that you also might need the reminder to connect back to universal energy however you interpret it and however it feels in terms of flow and flow state for you because sometimes like when you think so much and you're in this cognitive overload we can sometimes default to more cognitive overload, put more stuff on the plate, research more, do more, learn more, train more, when really the answer is about how to connect more to universal energy. And this week, I want to share that it really all started with an appointment that I intuitively knew I had to book with my kinesiologist. I'd booked it weeks and weeks ago, knowing that when I was going to come back from Perth and seeing that I was going to go visit Akira online, that I was going to come back with something. I wasn't sure if it was going to be baggage or scary stories or repeating patterns or something, but I now know that it was absolutely intuitive. Now, I hadn't seen her for over a month, which is quite a long time between appointments for me, but things have just been so hectic and so, so busy in the business that I haven't been able to really get some clear time. A kinesiology session with my kinesiologist anyway is 90 minutes. It's half an hour to drive there, half an hour to drive back. So it's pretty much like, let's write it off. It's like half a day. So I didn't really have that in my calendar and it's been a while, but something in me was like, you need to go and see her now, Ruby. And the session. My God, it was so on point. It was so on point. Now, one of the things that she gave me in this session was time to really look back at a time in the business where things were so super flowy. I call it the Superflow Highway. And when I was on the Superflow Highway, where was I? What was I doing? And what have I left on the Superflow Highway to so-called exit that so I could be more focused on the strategics? And the very first thing that came to me was my relationship with my crystals. And this is something I like, it's funny, crystals are always around me. I have a very close connection with crystal and gemology and energies. I definitely wouldn't say I'm an expert in it, but I have a very deep interest in it and I love learning about them and what they can do in terms of vibrational frequency alignment. But it's something that I haven't connected with in so long. Now there's a difference. I've had them around, but I haven't connected with them in so long. And I actually feel quite emotional, there's my Pisces moon, because one of the questions that Alicia asked me, she's my kinesiologist, was, do you miss it? And my first reaction was no. And then my second deeper reaction was, fuck yeah, I miss it. I really do. And I don't know why I've taken so long to come back into the energy of working with my crystal babies. And so I am literally sitting here to my left is my abundance grid. I have this beautiful activated on abundance grid right now. I cannot tell you the last time I set an abundance grid. I think I was still living in Melbourne. And this grid is so special. Like it's got citrine in the middle, green aventurine, amber, labradorite, peacock ore, amethyst, blue lace agate, sodalite, and then a Himalayan crystal quartz to activate the whole thing. Like it is a vibe. And I had like an hour and a half because it has been calling me. I have an hour and a half setting this grid and I am loving it. I am sitting with it. I'm reconnecting with all of my crystals and the energy flowing from my abundance grid is literally lighting up this entire studio and this office. I literally came in here to sit down and record this episode and I could feel how glowy this room was. And I just spoke to them. I'm like, hi, babies. Oh, you're doing your thing. And crystals, whether it's your thing or you're new to it or you've never worked with it before, it's one of those tools that You can sometimes forget how much power it has. And now that I've set it all up again, it feels like another piece of me that has clicked back into place. So much of this year has been about coming back to me. I have just had a beautiful lunch with one of my business besties, Hayley Lloyd, shout out Hayles. And it's a Sunday and we had a beautiful brunch by the water. We spent hours and hours just discussing this idea of coming back to our most aligned authentic self and our different pathways and journeys around that for this year and the lessons that have come with it. And this is part of it. And I'm always such an open book. I'm always here to share. different themes and different areas that I go through. And I mean, this year, as you know, has been so heavily focused on strategic outputs for my clients. I have been in the deep work with them. I've been focused on a lot of tangible outcomes and just making sure that everyone's really getting results. And don't get me wrong, I love it. They are getting incredible results. You know, the testimonials that are flowing through week on week is always very financially focused or social media growth focused, engagement focused. How many people people have gotten through their freebies, for example, really seeing such an elevation of that. But it's. meant that I've also been disconnected from universal energy. I don't mean to kind of say it's this or that, but that's just what's happened with me, where I have swung so far into the yang and away from the yin. And here's the thing, I haven't really forgotten it. But it just hasn't been my main focus, you know? So in this session that I had with my kinesiologist, she told me that I was actually sabotaging my connection to universal energy. And it made so much sense. Made so much sense. She really reminded me of something so powerful. When I've had the most fun in my business, When I've made the most amount of impact, when my financials have been just massively, massively overflowing, it's always when I was freely sharing my spiritual practices. And when I was so tuned in to the energetics and the rituals, that's really when the magic happened. And I look back at some of the testimonials, I'm in testimonial land, by the way, because I am currently just making sure the Amplify mastermind page is up to scratch, which if you're interested to join my 111 day mastermind, just go to the show notes. But anyway, part of this process is always looking at testimonials. And I look back at different cohorts and I'm telling you right now, the most successful cohort I've ever held. was at the end and early beginnings of 2022, 2023. So last year. And I think about what made literally like 99% of the group so, so successful. Like I'm talking, they were pre-revenue. and they left Amplify with 23K, or they were pre-revenue and they made 50K. Like I'm talking quantum leap jumps as new business owners. A lot of my clients, by the way, are corporates and ex-corporates and they're starting side hustles and going big. So they're used to dealing with big money, you know, so I wanted to stipulate that. Or healers and teachers who have come out of corporates and they're like, whoa, I just realized my sole pathway is over here. And because they've been so aligned to earning like 150, 250K, Going from zero to 50K is so easy for them. So that's a whole other conversation, but I think about what it was. And so many of them, when they wrote about their time in Amplify, it's like, Ruby brought me back to home base. reminded me about my spiritual connection, reminded me there was something bigger, reminded me that there was universal energy supporting everything that I was doing. And it wasn't necessarily about like the strategic outputs. It was really about energetics and the magic in business. And this is so special. And if anyone here is with me right now going, I've really abandoned it or it's there and sort of like what I've been talking about and I've sort of forgotten it. I really hope that this brings you back to practice. Whatever it is the crystal babies were calling me, it could be something so different for you, you know, so different. Hey guys, I am going to briefly interrupt this episode, which I hope you are absolutely loving, and let you know that I have a free resource to help you connect deeper to the energy of impulse. success. This is an EFT tapping emotional freedom technique one of my favorite ways in order to help connect the body at a cellular level to my bigger desires and goals in business. You are going to love it if you've never done it before it's going to be a whole new incredible experience. Link is in my show notes so go ahead and grab that for you right now which you can listen to after this episode. Okay let's head back and This brings me to the next appointment I booked, and this is with my amazing friend Amy, and she has a massage practice. I only exclusively go to her for my massages. She's also a training hypnotherapist, Reiki master, and a very, very incredible shamanic healer. And I think her and I have been connected before, definitely in one past life. And she's just such an angel in my life. Just a massive shout out to Awaken. If you are on the Gold Coast, you have to go and see Ames. But she posted on Instagram this thing saying, I've had cancellations on Friday. If anyone wants to come, come. And I was like, oh, hell yeah, that's me. Got a free day on Friday. I'm going to go love to treat myself to a massage. Oh, my God. I tried to look for a massage place where we were staying in Fremantle, Perth. And bloody hell, like so many places around were literally very exclusively saying that they were like sexual massage places. What? Like there was one literally called Sensual Massage and in the reviews it was just all dudes just saying like five stars, you know, like so-and-so had the best hands and I'm like, ew, no, I'm not going there. I'll just wait. I'll wait till I'm back. I'm good. Anyway, my Nassaj sessions are always linked to her shamanic practices. So, you know, I went in, had this incredible session with her. And she always says that she's not quite ready to fully be known as a shaman, but she is my shaman. So she has this drum, this drum that she's made out of kangaroo hide and she, you know, she hits the drum with a rabbit tail. It's this whole thing. If you've done shamanic work, you'll understand that. Anyway, every time she plays it, I'm so transported back to this particular past life. It's like clockwork every single time. I know where I'm going and I know it's going to be powerful. So I have this past life as a peaceful healer and medicine woman in a very peaceful tribe that is in Joshua Tree. It's home. And I can smell it and it's got this beautiful energy around this place, like there's a big tree on our land and people come to the tree and I am connected to the tree. So they come to see me, but they actually come to see the tree. It's kind of hard to sort of say it in that way, but you get it. And as she's playing this drum, I see this vision of my past life. And I am lying down in my rest place. I don't know, I'm having a nap or something, I don't know. And all of a sudden the drum goes, dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun, this beat. And my eyes just open and I am her. And she's got these beautiful, like, hazel green eyes. And I rise and I come out of my rest place And all of a sudden, people are putting things on my body, like, you know, almost like a protection of some kind, like a, yeah, I can't explain it, but it's like all kinds of things, feathers and leaves, and it's a protection type of armor. And I am getting drawn on, my body is being drawn on, on my face and my arms. And I have a headpiece, which is like, unlike anything I've ever seen before, it's like getting weaved in braids down my hair and it's very special. It's like a crown of some kind, but not like the typical what you would think. It's very, it's weaved into my head, into my hair, sorry. Anyway, as I come out, I realize I'm holding my bow and arrow. So maybe in this life, it's no mistake that I am Sagittarius. It's my, you know, it's my thing. And I dip the bow into the fire. There's a fire in the camp, a massive one. Like I can't see the people on the other side of it type of thing. I dip the bow in the fire and I aim it to the sky and I shoot it. And it's like, I am supposed to be a signaler for the battle that is happening out there, but I'm not in the battle. I am just signaling the divine timing of that, if that makes sense. So as I shoot it. it hits this sort of straw thing which lights up and this straw thing is humongous and it is like a sun token and the sun is exactly kind of how you'd picture a sun being drawn in surf shops where it's like very specific sort of sun rays and flames type of thing. Anyhow, this thing lights up and everybody starts celebrating, like whistles. I can hear everything. And I put my bow and arrow down and I sit down and people sit around me. The flame of the bonfire has really subdued and it's sort of gone into a low light. And all of a sudden my animals come to me. And I want to talk about animal tokens, but as I'm sitting there, my beautiful white wolf, she's my gal. She's actually not been around me for two years. I don't know where she's gone. I haven't seen her in two years. I remember the last time I saw her, I was living in another house, but I haven't seen her in two years. And she… comes sort of just walking towards me, casual AF. I'm like, girl, where have you been? And she is so beautiful. She is like white, almost silver hair. She's got purple eyes and small. She's not a big wolf. She's a small wolf. But she sits kind of next to me and there's room between us. And I'm like, come closer. But she's she's made room for someone else. Then through the trees, this humongous tiger walks up. And this tiger is huge. If you've watched Game of Thrones, the direwolves, how they are almost the size of human height. This tiger the size of my height walks up and she is like fat. She's like a cute, not cute, she's like, I don't know, she's just like a fat tiger. She's being well fed, so to speak. And she's humongous and she's licking her lips. And she sits right next to me, like I can feel her breath. I can feel, I can hear her breathing. And I've never had this token animal before. Like, Who the hell are you? Literally, I've never seen this token animal before, but she's just had a fresh kill. She's satisfied. She's ready. She's here. She's showed up. Then all of a sudden on the left side of me, I hear a screech like a bird and this brown bird I couldn't quite see its face, but I knew it had brown feathers, came and sat on my shoulder, and then even like a brown feather sort of fell on the ground. And I was like, whatever this bird is, is a big bird. And yeah, he just rested on my shoulder. And then there was another animal in the tree rustling, but I couldn't work out what animal that was. I think it was like one of those red pandas, the small, very cheeky, very playful and mischievous. But I was like, who's in there? Who's in there? But anyway, in his vision, they wouldn't show themselves to me, but I knew they were there and sort of almost sniggling and laughing in like a really fun way. But I did see its tail and it was a very bushy, thick tail. Oh, my gosh. And it was so beautiful. It was like this Yep. Like they just came and gathered and they sat there. Now, if you don't know what animal tokens are, I just want to dive into what they are for a minute, because I know I've gone quite deep and I can already tell this episode is going to go so long, but it's something that I know so many of you are just going to eat this up. Love it. And if it's not, go back to my strategic ones. All good. Okay. So animal tokens. An animal token is an ancient symbol and I'm going to share what it means to me. So there's many interpretations, but to me it's an ancient symbol and it's also a reflection to me of past lives and protectors of your energy and of your universe. They are used across such different spiritual practices from Native American cultures to shamanic traditions. If you really think about it, they come in through many different stories, even the Bible and Revelation. So whatever it is that you want to pick from, right? They're basically animals that carry very specific traits and qualities and energies that are guides and protectors. So in a lot of religions and traditions, animals are messengers. They are representatives of what is to come and they are totems or tokens, as you might call them, as you would see them in terms of what's coming up for you and look up their qualities. There's amazing Oracle Cards, there's resources, you can ask ChatGPT what it means. But just be aware, like another one of my besties, Erin, was saying she's seeing a lot of butterflies at the moment. So she's going through exactly what represents a butterfly transformation. So there is a belief that they are coming to you to offer insight, wisdom, and very specific messages. So here's where it gets really cool and how it applies to business and flow. These animal tokens, they're not just something from ancient history that's kind of this like, you know, like it's like a tale that gets told. They are so powerful in modern day business. And this is where I really want to share how you can bring this into your world and what I do. So it's not just like, Oh, cool. Like, you know, wolf, tiger, something in the bushes and, you know, brown feather thing. It means so much more. Each animal represents something different. Think about the wisdom of an owl, the resilience of a bear, the commanding leadership of a wolf. These qualities, they're here to help us embody that in our businesses as personal brands and as entrepreneurs. And maybe you're at a point in your business, in your life where you know that you need to step up as a leader and that wolf token appears and shows you that you're ready. And maybe you're feeling like things are out of your control and the owl shows up to remind you to trust your intuition and your wisdom and to see the bigger picture and to literally scope out the landscape and to do it at a time that's quiet and not hectic. For me, when tokens show up in my vision, it's like they're saying to me, Roops, Next stage, next era. This is how you move forward. My wolf coming back to me, she's not been with me for a couple of years, and she's now back. And she's like, hey, I'm back for a reason. And I think back to when I last saw her and where I was in my business. And I'm like, girl, I'm so happy you're back. I'm so happy. Thank you. And I want you to think about how you can use these signs in your business too. By the way, when I came out of the drum session, and then Amy goes from drumming straight into the massage. Once I came back into my body, so I had traveled through my past life. She had already done my feet, my calves, my thighs, my glutes, my lower back, my upper back, my arms, and then she was working on my neck. I always wake up when the neck starts being worked on because like my neck is so screwed. And it's always so tight, especially after travel when I'm under pillows and things like that. So I wake up and she's like, where did you go? And I was like, same place. And she goes, I need to ask you, did you see a wolf? And I was like, yes. And she's like, I saw it too. I saw it too. And she goes, and an eagle. Did you see your eagle? And I was like, that's an eagle? She's like, that's an eagle. And I was like, oh my God, I could see the brown feathers. She goes, oh, it's a big fucking eagle. Like, and it was just so beautiful and so confirming. And, um, yeah, anyway, massive confirmations all round. So how do you recognize animals are tokens? And it's actually simpler than you think. I want you to start paying attention. Is there an animal that keeps showing up in your dreams? Or maybe something you're noticing, the same animal is showing up in your life again and again and again. and you're kind of just like writing it off as, oh, that's sort of funny. Like I'll give you a really bizarre example. Have you ever heard of an animal called capybaras? Capybaras. Anyway, for whatever reason, a capybara started showing up on my YouTube feed. It was so bizarre and I had to actually look up what they were and they are basically like giant rats. They're very cute to me. I'm like, why is this thing actually showing up all over my feed? And then out of nowhere, my son sings this song, Capybara, Capybara, Capybara, Capybara, Capybara, Capybara, Capybara. I'm like, wait, why are you singing that? He goes, I don't know. That's what everyone's singing at school at the moment. So bizarre. So of course I had to look it up. Capybara is a spiritual symbol for peace. Peace and social, social, like it's a very social animal. It actually integrates well with so many animals, you know, they're just really chill. And I'm like, Oh my God, like, okay, this is cool. And it meant something in a very big way to me at the time. Peacefulness, you know, community, peacefulness, connection, love, kindness at its most raw form, kindness. So that was really cool. I don't know. It was just, I wanted to share that as a very specific example of how that works. But basically when you think about like seeing them all the time, really lean into that journal on the encounters that you're having. What could that animal represent to you? If you don't know, look up Oracle books, you could even, you know, trust your intuition at first, of course, but speak to your friends about it, your coach, your mentor, like, what does this mean? How does it make you feel? What does it bring, you know, in terms of any moments that you have encountered an animal like this? And let those qualities just guide you in your business. Write them down. It might be resilience, wisdom, playfulness, strength. There's always something there that you can integrate into your business decisions and how you move forward in them as well. There's something very, very deeply discerning about you know, universal energy as a whole. Today we've concentrated on crystals, more so on animal tokens. But however it is that you are being called to connect to universal energy, this is the time to do it. And it's such a powerful reminder to stay really connected to that deepest source of guidance. Because we can think for one second that we've got it, we've got the strategy, we've got the connection and we know everything we need to do. And then for whatever reason, you're still feeling tired AF, burnt out, exhausted, constantly looking over the fence to see what your so-called competitors are doing. These are really big reminders to come back to source energy. Stay open to signs and symbols, numbers, colors, so many things, dreams. I want to do like a whole other episode on dreams. But whether it's through, you know, what I've spoken about today or something else, I really want you to know that universal energy is always, always guiding you. And I really want to bring this back into my business in such a big way. I feel the wave has come back to balance that out again. The Yang energy was amazing for 2024, but moving to 24, 25, it is a really clear direction for me that it's needed by you guys, like by the collective of like, I want to come back into the magic of business, the magic of millions, millions in impact, millions in dollars, millions in terms of how the ideas are flowing through. I truly believe, and this is a big epiphany that I came to, that true flow state in business comes when we balance strategic with the spiritual, the doing stuff with the energetics, the thinking with the guidance. And it's okay to lean back into the practices that reconnect us to our higher purpose. And it really allows us to move forward with so much more ease. I want to end with this one example. Today, I am meant to create an episode that is meant to link to Amplify, a six-figure mastermind where I teach you how to build a business from pre-revenue or early-stage revenue into a massively successful personal brand and doing this authentically. And the idea was that I'm going to teach you how to do this from an income perspective. What are some of the things, steps that you need to take to articulate your message? What pillars you need to have in place? What I've seen is successful, like a straight up amplify, you know, podcast episode. But my guides, my energy right now wants to talk about universal energy. And this is part of the fun and the flow of connecting into guidance in this way. I want to talk about this because the magic is here. I want to share my experiences. I want to give you all reminders. And I want you to plug back into what is actually really needed at this time. We're in a very specific, very special time right now. There's a lot going on astrologically. There's a lot going on in our world. There's something that is here to remind you that abundance comes from within. Okay. So I hope this episode has really stirred something up in you. If you are being called to masterminding with me, connecting energetics with all things strategy and doing that in flow. Please go and check out the show notes below and have a look at the Amplify Mastermind. We open on November the 11th for 111 days. And it's a very special time to Mastermind because it goes over the end of year and new year period. And there's so much vision that comes with this cohort in particular. I've had so many incredible, incredible testimonials that you can read in the sales page that I'll link below as well. I'll also pop in there any information that you might have. And if you still have more, you can always DM me on Instagram or on LinkedIn. And please let me know if this type of episode is what you like tuning into and listening to. Come to Instagram and let me know whether you've maybe missed this type of episode with me or whether this is the first time you've really connected into Universal Energy from a business standpoint and looking at how that connects well with you. Yeah, I just think there's something about the divine timing of this episode dropping for particularly some of you. And I hope you loved my stories. I'm sorry. I'm a Pisces moon. I do get very emotional and teary. You'll get used to that with me. Things are so beautiful over here. I feel so restored. I feel so fulfilled. I feel like I am pouring from very massive, overflowing cup. I'm just so happy that my wolf is back, you guys. Oh my gosh. And, um, yeah. Enjoy the magic. Look out for the beautiful things and the messages and the signs all around you today. And I will catch you in the next episode. I love you all so, so much.