Flow State Business
Welcome to the Flow State Business Podcast. I’m a soul-led female entrepreneur and Energetics Business Coach and my mission is to help intuitively aligned coaches meet their first million dollars in their online business. I share openly on topics such as money, wealth-building energetics, and the strategies that took me from zero to multiple 7 figures in less than 3 and a half years.
This podcast is filled with strategy, the teachings of flow state and proven tactics to help you think about entrepreneurship as a way of being, not just a way of doing. Infused with teaching from my 8 signature phases to get to six figures in flow, we’ll dive deep into an alchemy of topics including mindset, online business strategy, wealth creation and so much more! I share interviews with other female entrepreneurs, teachers and leaders who have found their own way to grow a successful business in flow. The solo episodes will leave you feeling ready to take inspired action, create your own flow state in business and become even more empowered to live your most authentic and abundant life. A little more about me…A few years ago I decided that I had to scratch the entrepreneurial itch. I quit my job as a tech start-up recruiter and went all in as an online coach. Along with my hubby, we created a global coaching brand, travelled the world as digital nomads with our two kids and in 3 years, grew a multi-million dollar business. It took a lot of trial and error, trying out new strategies and of course daily discipline to get this far so quickly. But after some time, the hustle got tiring. I was frustrated with my lack of progress, feeling caged by my own limiting beliefs. I didn’t want to just create another J-O-B, I desired to experience freedom.
In search of freedom, I turned to the inner work and found modalities like astrology, hypnotherapy, meditation and journaling to find ME again. I discovered ways to re-shape my reality and unlock my hidden strengths - as I became my true, unapologetic self, I rapidly grew my business to 7 figures with ease. Now I incorporate these teachings into my coaching philosophy. I blend energetics with proven business principles to create massive growth for my clients. I’m a top-rated Forbes business coach and LOVE every single day in my business and life. Ready to dive in? Then start bingeing!
xo Ruby
Flow State Business
How to Trust the Money is Coming: Aligning Energy and Science with Wealth
When it comes to running a business, there's so much more to success than strategy. In today’s episode, I’m diving into something that’s been on my mind for a while – the energy we bring to our relationship with money.
It’s easy to fall into the hustle mentality, but what happens when you shift your beliefs and trust that money is always going to come through? I’m sharing how I've reconnected with flow, reprogrammed old money stories, and found alignment that’s helped me grow my business with ease.
If you’ve been feeling stuck or questioning where the abundance has gone, this episode is your sign to tune back in and see how flow can change everything.
- Sign Up for the Amplify Mastermind here
- Join us for a morning of flow, abundance, and next-level business strategy at the Gold Coast Flow State Social Event here
- Check out my Flow Frequency Quiz here
- Book - The Rise - Sarah Lewis
- Get my 90 Minute Productivity Flow Track here
- Connect with me on LinkedIn here
- Join my Facebook Group here
- Send me a DM on INSTAGRAM 📸 here
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:28 The Power of Believing in Financial Abundance
00:01:28 Personal Journey and Business Insights
00:04:21 Practical Steps to Financial Flow
00:05:02 Introducing the Amplify Mastermind
00:06:18 The Importance of Belief and Organic Growth
00:09:24 Real-Life Examples and Creator Energy
00:14:15 Embodying the Mastermind Energy
00:21:50 Aligning Actions with Energy
00:23:05 Opportunities Through Alignment
Hello everybody and welcome back to a new episode of the Flow State Business Podcast. It's Ruby here and today we're going to be diving into one of the most important and powerful topics for any entrepreneur And it's around money, specifically how to believe that the money is always going to come through and how to operate like a seven-figure entrepreneur by shifting your energy, by infusing flow and connecting your energy to the way in which money wants to come through. Lots of really good stuff that we're going to get into today. And you know what, let me tell you, this episode is going to leave you feeling really empowered, but also my intention is that it helps you really hold up the mirror in some aspect to see where you felt this sort of block around inspiration and this disconnection to calling in abundance, like maybe you used to. So yeah, let's get started and let's jump in. I'm feeling so good. I have literally come back from a beautiful beach walk. I showered. I'm wearing a new Skims bodysuit. She's snatched. She looks amazing. So, I'm ready. I'm ready for this podcast episode and let's see where it wants to take us. So, over the years, I've been in business now for six years. Crazy saying that because it's just really gone in such a flash. I have really made some great choices and not so great choices with the way I hold my energy and especially the way in which that I'm choosing to call in my relationship with money at every level of my business. Over the past six years, I've had the incredible privilege of working with thousands and thousands of humans on this planet who are wanting to grow their businesses. And as a result, the impact comes with it, the multiple seven figures of income comes along with it, and also just the ability to shape and influence the way in which entrepreneurship is headed. And that is a hell of a privilege. Let me tell you this. I've learned that building a very successful business isn't just about the strategy alone. And, you know, for the first two years, I was all about hard work. How do I hustle harder? I even called my business, Own Your Hustle, own the way that you're doing things and go hard, go a thousand percent. And those things are very important. But the real transformation happens, and it definitely happened for me in this way, is when I started to shift my deeper belief system. And this is around the work of your subconscious and your unconscious money stories. The belief system is so deeply rooted that you're not going to be able to see it just by looking at something in the mirror or attending, I don't know, like a speaker session or a conference. A lot of this for me came through as I was in the kinesiology room, you know, and doing a lot of the upgrades with my emotional connection to money and I loved hypnosis, looking through the lens of my inner child and seeing why it was such a heavy aspect for me when I started the business. So there's other episodes in the podcast that I really go deep into that. I'm not going to talk too much into that aspect. But, you know, there's going to be parts of the way that you start showing up that's calling you to be different, especially if right now things might feel maybe quite stuck financially or you're just making it work and you're just making it happen. It may be the money that's flowing in is equally flowing out. You know, as soon as you earn it, out it goes. And sometimes that can be a vibe because you're upgrading stuff in your life and business. And other times it's like, God, why can't I just get a little bit ahead? Or maybe there's a lot of feast and famine energy going on right now. You know, a lot of my friends who have businesses, we're constantly in contact with each other and there'll be months where we're celebrating like massive months and, you know, everyone's going, wow, I finally broken through when the drought is over. And then it's followed up by just sort of this plateau, meh energy. And then the cycle begins again. So let's talk about how to believe that the money is coming through, even though right now the evidences aren't quite showing you that. And I want to discuss the years and years of healing I've done around it, but also recognizing in the real world what gets implemented and what's worked. And I'm not saying do this because it's what's worked for me. I want to show you how practices like journaling and meditation and doing that deep work to rewire old stories around money, understanding flow state around money, how that's played such an important impact in my life and why I'm really able to hold space for others to do the same. And if you don't know, I have a mastermind called Amplify. And it's really here to take those of you who are in pre-revenue or early revenue stages into a place where you are making sales, inviting clients, opening up collaborations, being so in receivership of opportunities that really slingshots your brand into the spotlight. And doing that without needing to do more, but doing it in a way that feels in flow and in congruence and alignment with your energy that you are earning so effortlessly. You are one of those easy business owners and people are just like, how does it feel so magnetic around you? And you can't quite explain it except that you are deeply in your energy. If you want to be in this space, I have 111 day mastermind starting on November the 11th. We're going to go right through to early March. So if you are now being called to having that level of support in your business. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to welcome you into this space. I'm going to link the Amplify page in the show notes below. Definitely go and check it out. And even as this episode starts to unfold more and more and you're like, geez, I really need to be in this energy more and more. That's going to be your prompt to go ahead and click that link. So there's a truth that I want to discuss. It's not about eliminating your deepest, darkest fears and your doubts around money entirely, because that's not going away. And I don't mean this in a really woeful sense. I mean that these are the scars that we wear proudly. These are the moments that we look back on and go, you know what? I know that I've had to go through that. I know that I've had to see. you know, go through some financial trauma or see my family go through stuff financially that just didn't feel great or like for me really seeing this like up and down around money because my family, you know, were just going through so much in terms of the way that they worked with money that it brought so many big fears to light, but it also showed me how much I had held myself through that. And we all have those moments. What truly matters is how you decide to hold yourself through them. How you stay connected to a belief that money is coming, no matter what challenges you're facing in your business currently. Because if you're doing the work, if you're showing up and you're selling and your doors are open and it's easy for me to find what you're selling at the moment, it's easy for me to jump into your website and pay you. It's easy for me to say, yes, I want this and I want to exchange money for this service. And I don't have to jump through a million hoops to go and find that. And you know that this is your soul's work. You're meant to be doing this because the pathway is so clear to you. And that feeling of this is what I meant to do is stoking the flame. There is no outside circumstance that can shake that. Are you hearing me? There is nothing that can take that away from you. We live in a world that, you know, is always going to tell you that when you're operating outside of the mold, it's unsafe. And as entrepreneurs, we are pilgrims and pioneers. We are meant to show what can be done outside of the square box that the world lives in. And I'm proud of you for pursuing that. But in the reality, when you're thinking about money and you want it to come through your business and you want it to come through sales and you want to have more clients and masterminds filled, you're also battling, you know, so-called the real 3D aspects of what is keeping you feeling really bound and less than abundant. And therefore that kind of just shifts the frequency a lot as you're selling. You know, these are things like the costs are rising, the markets are shifting, there's more and more competition out there, business expenses, oh, they seem to be piling up all the time. But when you're anchored in your belief that everything is working out for you, and thank you, Gabby Bernstein, that the universe has your back, and that every single step you're making is moving things in your favor, That's unshakable work that we're doing here. This is when you can hold that belief and it transforms the way that you make decisions. It transforms the way you move through your business and your life and the way that you speak things out. You know, there's so many examples in my world where I was speaking to, oh my gosh, side note, I volunteered at my son's tuck shop last week at his school. Cute. Making sandwiches, we're packing little brown bags of kids orders and it's just a vibe. I love volunteering there. It just always feels like I want to give back my time and energy in this way. But you know, got talking to all the other ladies there and A lot of them were talking about money struggles, actually, and they were discussing just how expensive everything is and how, you know, it's so hard to keep up with what the kids want to do and their presents and the birthday parties and all of that. And I just thought to myself, I have never in my, you know, six years of owning the business, I have never allowed myself to feel financial burden in that way. And I'm not saying that if you do think that, that that's like, you know, oh my gosh, like, you know, that's bad. But it's just more so a reflection of, I have so much potential in my life to earn more and be in overflow and have that much to support me and my family, that those equations haven't come into my reality for a very, very long time. And that makes it so worthwhile for me to keep believing that so much has already unfolded, all the wishes I've made, all the manifestations, all the journaling entries, that it's almost shaped my life to what it is now and it has, that a lot of those conversations just don't enter my reality. Do you know what I mean? Like if you have those conversations outside of your usual circles and then it reflects back at you like, whoa, like life is different over here and I made that happen. There is pure creator energy in the space right now of even just bringing that realization to life. So anyway, I wanted to just give you guys that example because I'm sure that you might have your own, whether you're speaking to people at the gym or at work and you're like, I would never think about that because you are an incredible creator of abundance. So currently, as you heard, I am launching the Amplify Mastermind and I have to say that it has been one of the smoothest, most effortless launches I have ever experienced for Amplify. And honestly, I feel like I'm harvesting the fruits of all the energy I've poured into this year and it feels divine. I have definitely put in a lot of, you know, getting shit done this year and doing my three-day events and my lead gen. I've talked about all of this, by the way, on my podcast about how I generate leads and how I sell with flow and effortlessness. So if you love this one, keep going, keep digging. There's so much gold in here. But you know, what's really interesting, especially with this launch, and this is a prime example of what I'm talking about here. You put something out there and you know you back it. I fully back the Amplify Mastermind. I know in 111 days how much alchemy is going to happen in this space. And it is a very high ticket for some because this is really aimed at those who are like early revenue. It's probably one of the biggest investments you'll make early on. But I just know that there's no resistance and hesitation around doing this, launching this. Of course, people are going to make their money back. Of course, it's going to be an incredible space. Of course, people want this. Of course, there's a gap in the market. Of course, people want to learn from me how to do this. The list goes on and on. There's so much belief and surety around it. When I'm putting that out there, I am not forcing it to happen. I'm not DMing 150 people a day saying, hi, I'm wondering, are you interested in joining my mastermind? I'm also not on like, 30 discovery calls a week trying to convert each person and looking at statistics and conversion rates and working off scripts and, you know, trying to like change their mind on things and working through followups. That's just not my style. And I'm also not pumping like thousands and thousands of dollars of ads behind this because I just want the people who have. you know, somewhat seen or connect to the energy and dropping in a divine way to come. Not to say ads won't do that, but it just there's more of an organic feel to it. You know what I mean? Hi guys, I just want to quickly pop in and I'm hoping you are loving this episode so far. you have heard me talk about flow and you are wanting and interested and intrigued to learn more about your own flow frequency and the health of your flow state, then you might be very interested in taking the flow frequency quiz. I'm going to leave that in the show notes. If you're interested to do that, it's absolutely free. It takes about seven minutes or less to complete, and it's going to give you so much insight into potentially where you can work on so that you can activate more flow in your life and business. OK, let's head back to the episode. And so with all these beliefs into place, in interplay I should say, I am not doing more work. Instead, I've set the intention for X amount of incredible souls to join this mastermind, but I'm not hustling to make it happen. And how it feels is that I'm embodying the energy of the mastermind. I'm showing up as the version of me who already knows that the right people are in their way, that I'm in a Zoom room with all the faces on the screen, with individual calls, listening to their boxes, reviewing their work, going through their social posts, holding them through the hard times. helping them step more into energetic alignment, helping them step more into radically authentically owning their accountability for this vision. And when it comes to flow state, this whole podcast is all about flow state. When flow comes into play, inspired action also equally comes into play. I want to say that again, because this is where flow is wildly misinterpreted. Where flow comes into play, inspired action comes into play. Flow is not sitting there and hoping for the best and going, I'm just flowing. No, you're not. You're procrastinating, you're hesitating, and it's a vibe over there, but it's not going to be a vibe for very long because you're going to start feeling frustrated that you're not taking the steps. You know, the other night I was journaling and I got this really clear message, go live on Instagram. And I'm like, wait, I haven't gone live on Instagram for most of 2024. And honestly, I was feeling very rusty. But I trusted the nudge. I was meant to be doing some other stuff like, you know, cleaning up the sales page, for example. But I did it. I was, you know, sitting down with a glass of wine and my makeup was already off and I had just a daggy jumper on. Who cares? Went live and during the live, as I saw more and more people join and discussing in the discussion with me, I was in pure channel mode. You can go find it's on my Instagram feed. I was in pure channel mode, just talking to my peeps again, and it just felt so good. And afterwards I had this flood of DMs basically either continuing on the discussions that we had on the live stream and reflections back of what that meant to them, which I love. Thank you guys for always just sharing so much of your energy with me and sharing what's going on with your businesses, but also like DMs literally asking what it's like to be inside of Amplify. Now this wasn't about doing more. Do you see that? It was just listening to the guidance and hitting the red button on the live stream and just doing it. It was like a 17 minute live stream before my next private call. And to me, this was about showing up in alignment. in the energy of what I was calling in. Does that make sense? Here's another really fun example. So I go on these morning walking meditations a couple of times a week where I speak to my future self or my soul self. I listen to some music, but I'm meditating. I'm not, you know, messaging anybody. I'm not on a phone call. I'm not listening to Charli XCX or Chuck Lorone. I'm literally just speaking to me and my guides. And I got this huge, huge nudge. And it was like, you've got to boost that Instagram post that you put out there three days ago. Now, at this point, I used to boost through my phone. And if you don't know, Apple's now added like a 30% fee, so you can't boost through your phone anymore unless you want to pay that. You've got to boost through Ads Manager. And I hadn't really played around with Ads Manager much. for a long time, but I trusted the guidance and I'm like, okay, so it's going to be worth my while. I'm going to spend an hour learning ads manager. I, you know, looked on YouTube, found some really great tutorials on how to set up the ads and guess what? Just this week I had a client sign a contract for Amplify who found me through one of those boosted posts that I did through ads manager. And I looked back, it was a post that I literally had running for $3 a day for seven days. How amazing is that? And this is where that trust of the universe is so present in our lives if we allow it to be. But for those of you who are like, I need something more grounded because that just feels so woo woo, or you're not quite sure how to particularly attach to that energy right now because it's still kind of just very conceptual for you. This is where also something like Flow Science comes in. So I love teaching on Flow Science. I'm accredited in it. I run a signature course called Flow State Business. My business is called Flow State Business. Oh my gosh, it's just meant to be something that I was meant to put out in this world. But anyway, there is so much research, scientific research, backing the power of flow and how it impacts us not just in productivity, but also creative connection to our most embodied self. Isn't that fascinating? I love it when science converges with spiritual aspects. Now, one expert that I am loving right now, her name is Dr. Sarah Lewis. So Sarah Lewis, she talks a lot about flow, kind of like not so much indirectly, she's an expert in it, but she does really discuss flow in terms of creativity and failure and mastery. She's got a book called The Rise, so you might want to look that up. I will also link it in the show notes below. But Sarah Lewis has this concept where she shows research that people who have tapped into flow states aren't actually working more hours or grinding harder. They're actually working smarter. They're actually in more alignment with their natural energy and their rhythm that they can do more without feeling more exhausted. Dr. Lewis also goes on to highlight in her book that flow isn't about cramming more into your day. Doesn't that just feel so good? I don't know, it feels like heavenly angels to me. But it's about stripping away any distractions and focusing on the things that actually really matter to help you move that needle. So effectively, when you're in flow, you're up to five times more productive because you're being fully present and you're tuned into your intuition. So coming back to that example of me going on my meditation walks, And getting that nudge and that ping of, Hey, boost that one post, put $3 behind it for seven days. The right person's going to come in and see that. And obviously that one person signed up to Amplify, which I'm stoked about, but there's probably hundreds of more people who have then seen my work around flow and in some way it's registered and who knows what those seeds turn into right down the track. So that has effectively maybe taken away five days of wondering what I'm supposed to do to sign up next few clients into do this and the clients will come to you. So therefore it's my version of five times more productivity because I was tuned in and fully present. Do you see how the science and the spiritual work is congruent with each other in this example? And this really helps me trust that the money is always coming in. You know, the work that I'm doing isn't just slapstick hoping for the best. It's very precise. I always talk about flow in context to precise execution. It's here to help you know what to do so that you're not fumbling through 75 other things and feeling exhausted by the end of it. Okay. So here's what I want you to do to take away from today's episode. Firstly, flow is never about doing more. It's about doing it right. Whoa. Okay. It's about also aligning your energy with your actions. So I want to ask of you, where does your actions feel not in alignment with your energy right now? What things are you doing in the business? Who are you collaborating with? Is there someone on your team that's really just like not meant to be there and you know it, but you're blocking yourself from moving forward because of it? Are you running certain programs that you know has to kind of finish off because other things are wanting to come through and you're simply not showing up from a place of alignment because your actions are so wildly away from that flow state. Okay, so reminder, when you're in that flow state, the money comes easily. So if the money is not coming easily right now, this is the question that you're meant to ask. If the clients aren't coming in as easily right now, that's the question you're meant to ask yourself. What actions are not feeling in alignment with my energy? The opportunities will change pretty quickly once you start to align. I have a client of mine, Cindy, shout out my love, who's just launched a podcast and it's so exciting. And she said the day that she launched her podcast, she had two opportunities come to her on LinkedIn. Now, did I have anything to do with the podcast? Maybe, maybe not, but there's a vibration that goes out to the universe that says, I'm open for bigger opportunities. And they were speaking gears, they were to do with like publishing, for example, and it wasn't right for her at the time, but isn't that an indication opportunities are coming to her naturally? So as you go through the rest of this week, be aware. You know, be open. If you are going on these daily conscious meditation walks, some questions could be, where can I create more flow in my life and business? Show me. Where can I stop forcing things and trusting that I'm exactly where I need to be? Show me. Because you know what, when you operate from this place, alignment comes in without you needing to make that happen. Okay. So that's it for today, my loves. That's it for me. I hope you loved this episode. Please come on over to IG. I'm at Ruby Lee. You can find me there. Check out the links below. If Amplify is going to be right for you, I welcome you with open arms. I cannot wait to Just support you through this journey of really taking your message and your belief system and plugging that into a business that amplifies all the wealth and all the abundance and so many beautiful dreams that are meant to be yours. Keep trusting, keep flowing and remember the money is always coming through when you believe it is. and when you show up in the right aligned energy. Okay, you've got this. I'm sending you so much love and flow and I will catch you in the next episode. Bye my loves.