Flow State Business
Welcome to the Flow State Business Podcast. I’m a soul-led female entrepreneur and Energetics Business Coach and my mission is to help intuitively aligned coaches meet their first million dollars in their online business. I share openly on topics such as money, wealth-building energetics, and the strategies that took me from zero to multiple 7 figures in less than 3 and a half years.
This podcast is filled with strategy, the teachings of flow state and proven tactics to help you think about entrepreneurship as a way of being, not just a way of doing. Infused with teaching from my 8 signature phases to get to six figures in flow, we’ll dive deep into an alchemy of topics including mindset, online business strategy, wealth creation and so much more! I share interviews with other female entrepreneurs, teachers and leaders who have found their own way to grow a successful business in flow. The solo episodes will leave you feeling ready to take inspired action, create your own flow state in business and become even more empowered to live your most authentic and abundant life. A little more about me…A few years ago I decided that I had to scratch the entrepreneurial itch. I quit my job as a tech start-up recruiter and went all in as an online coach. Along with my hubby, we created a global coaching brand, travelled the world as digital nomads with our two kids and in 3 years, grew a multi-million dollar business. It took a lot of trial and error, trying out new strategies and of course daily discipline to get this far so quickly. But after some time, the hustle got tiring. I was frustrated with my lack of progress, feeling caged by my own limiting beliefs. I didn’t want to just create another J-O-B, I desired to experience freedom.
In search of freedom, I turned to the inner work and found modalities like astrology, hypnotherapy, meditation and journaling to find ME again. I discovered ways to re-shape my reality and unlock my hidden strengths - as I became my true, unapologetic self, I rapidly grew my business to 7 figures with ease. Now I incorporate these teachings into my coaching philosophy. I blend energetics with proven business principles to create massive growth for my clients. I’m a top-rated Forbes business coach and LOVE every single day in my business and life. Ready to dive in? Then start bingeing!
xo Ruby
Flow State Business
Finishing 2024 Strong: Aligned Offers and Year-End Energy
November is almost here, and wow—it’s that time when the energy shifts. For me, as a November baby, there’s this extra spark in the air that feels so alive and full of possibility. But I know this is also when we start to feel the pull to slow down, to cozy up, and maybe even take our foot off the pedal.
In today’s episode, I’m leaning into that November energy and exploring how we can use these last two months as a chance to elevate instead of just winding down.
We talk about everything from tuning into the joy of the season to embracing the vibe of Black Friday (which I absolutely love!) as a powerful moment to serve our clients in new ways. This isn’t about adding more to your plate or hustling—it’s about creating space for excitement and flow, even when everyone else might be hitting pause.
So, if you’re ready to step into these final weeks with intention and a little bit of boldness, I’ve got you! Whether you’re planning to offer something new or simply finding ways to finish the year with purpose, I hope this episode gives you that spark to make November and December truly special.
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Hello, my loves. Welcome back to a new episode of the Flow State Business Podcast. As you're listening to this live, we are pretty much going to be in November. Isn't that just crazy? Oh my goodness. And I love November. I am a November baby. I'm a Sagittarius. If you didn't know, it always just feels so exciting to be in November energy.
And for those of you that are Scorpios, happy birthday to my loves. It is just such a transformative time of the year, but it is also a time of the year where we can start subconsciously writing off the entire year. And I know, you know what I mean? Because you may be sitting there thinking about what you're going to be doing for the rest of this year in the business.
And then all the other things that come with year end obligations. There's holidays, there's family, there's slowing down generally as a collective to just like a bit more of a chill pace. If you're in the Northern hemisphere, it's cold, cozy winter here. It's summer. I want to be at the beach every day.
You know what I mean? I want to be reading novels and. Not needing to be on as many zoom calls and, you know, phone calls and all the things and social media, as much as maybe the middle of the year would represent. So I want to chat a little bit about that energy and what I'm doing about that. And also, I know that a lot of us now are zooming out to the big picture, especially because we're in the year end rush.
I mean, like now, I think there's something like 60 days left until we close out. Everything for 2024. And naturally you'll see all of the marketing around it. Like we're in the final stretch. We're hearing a lot about planning for the next year. Like I'm definitely talking to that in my marketing because I have an in person event that I'm running to help everyone that's coming along plan out into 2025.
And it's really easy to get caught up, especially around November ish to talk about the future of the business, but there's not really much out there to bring you back in. And to actually think about what are you doing today? Like, what are you doing this week? What are you doing this month? It's not time to start skipping over that yet.
Okay. Cause this time of year, there's so much opportunity. There's actually so much joy. There's a lot of elation. There's so much research out there that November and December, the general collective are more uplifted. There's just, you know, more for us here to hang on to, despite all the crazy stuff that's happening in the world, right?
And while I am planning for 2025, I also equally am asking myself, what am I wanting to do right now to crush the next couple of months and to really own it? Literally, I was asking myself in the shower this morning, Ruby, what's the plan to make this year end the coolest, the most epic way possible? To finish off the business in 2024.
Okay. So I want to share that. This is what I came to and I wanted to sit down on the podcast today and just give some ideas out there and it might inspire you. And if you're just thinking, Rubs, I am so done with this year. Can we just be over it? Just skip over this one, go to the next. That's all cool.
But for those of you that are like, you know what? I do have, I have more in me. I want to do more than let's do it. Let's go. I was sitting down with a client of mine this morning and I said to her, wait, wait, wait. Before we go, what are you doing to monetize for the rest of this year? Because all of our conversations have been about big picture 2025 stuff and there was this notable silence.
And she's like, what do you mean? And I'm like, no, like, what are you selling this month? What, what programs are we putting out there? And she's like, I'll one to ones? Question mark, question mark, question mark. So that's cool. Like let's, let's use this opportunity. Maybe you're driving or walking to really think about your November and December goals.
Are you hitting the ground running? Like literally with the frame of mind that. This is the time that you might be having the biggest launch you've ever had. Or are you kind of more so subconsciously in the shoes of, we're winding down to recharge. Okay. Um, so I want to speak to the group of you who wants to really intentionally step on the pedal and we want to go really big.
This is the conversation that I want to hold. Like who is with me, Tony Robbins style, put your hands up in the air. We're going to make November and December just such a vibe. I am so excited. Personally, really in the mood to just sell and sell and share and inform and sell and get people into groups and into 2025 energy into my future containers.
And maybe it's all really relevant because these next two weeks for me is I'm going to be running an in person event. So I'm selling tickets for that. I've also got my signature six figure 111 day. Mastermind, which is closing out in two weeks and like so much energy is behind this. I woke up and I'm like, I'm going to share the stories.
I want to talk about the transformations. I'm shouting it out from the rooftops because I believe in this mastermind so much, and we've literally had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of entrepreneurs come through this and their lives have been so massively transformed. They've hit six figures, they're in flow, they're growing into multiple six.
A few of my Amplify clients from years ago are about to hit the seven figures. I'm like, I just know how much this space really changes things. And so when I'm in launch and I'm thinking about November and I'm thinking about what's up, this is the energy that's running through my veins, like my business veins.
Another thing that I am always genuinely so excited about November is Black Friday. I. Love it. It is often the biggest money flow activator of the year for us inside of Flowstate Business Inc. Like, there is so many reasons why Black Friday is just a match for me personally. It usually runs right over my birthday weekend.
Ding! And it's a way that I put on sale, like I, my business doesn't really do sales at all, but where I am really matched to sales is like Friday. So my courses go on sale, like definitely keep an eye out. 50 percent off, 70 percent off. I do like really, really cool at 97 offers. And then, you know, I'll also fill some stuff out for 2025.
So amazing private coaching offers, retreat offers, VIP days, like. You can tell my energy is right behind it, which is why almost all of my Black Fridays are six figure Black Fridays, like cash in hand received. And it just is, I don't know, to me, Black Friday is iconic vibes for the business. There's a lot of wealthy energy around closing out November and December.
And even when it comes to December, truly, when everybody else seems to be taking their foot off the pedal. I am so matched to this like electric flow of like, what else can I put out there for my people? I think that's why the business does so well because I have more attention. So really think about it.
There's a lot of stuff going out there with product based, like I totally get that. It's very overwhelming. There's a lot of sales going on. But isn't it just how you perceive things is what you choose to believe, what you choose to see. I choose to see that there's epic sales energy going on in the collective.
So hello, of course, I want to ride that wave and I want to be a part of it. So, you know, coming to this place where Have a think, I've just mentioned a couple of different ways that you can monetize into year end. And that could be, you know, creating a small ticket offer and doing like a really great 97 sale for the whole month and just going ham with it.
Or, you know, thinking about like your private coaching for next year. Do you want to do a really great, sounds cliche, but you'll come up with a new year, new you offer where it's just. It's, you know, year end time, Christmas, birthdays, whatever, Black Friday, why not just go for it and go all in and be like, I'm offering you the best deal that you will get ever.
And you're setting yourself up for next year really, really well. For those of you that are consultants, maybe you might want to consider speaking to some of your businesses and setting them up in 2025 early to be like, Hey. The first quarter of next year, I'm offering this, this deal for my consulting services.
I'm going to also going to add this. I'm going to add this and I'm going to prepare this gift for your company. Like whatever it is, I'm not saying undervalue yourself, but it is the silliest season for a reason. It's kind of fun. It's exciting. It's meant to be, you know, really elevating. Think about ways that you can give back, um, through the form of offering discounts.
You know, I'm going to offer you that perception shift where just because you're discounting doesn't mean you're hampering your worth. You're actually offering a gift of your time and offering the gift of accessibility. It's just, I think it's just really, really cool. So have a think. Hey guys, I am going to briefly interrupt this episode which I hope you are absolutely loving and let you know that I have a free resource to help you connect deeper to the energy of impossible success.
This is an EFT tapping emotional freedom technique, one of my favorite ways in order to help connect the body at a cellular level to my bigger desires and goals in business. You are going to love it if you've never done it before. It's going to be a whole new incredible experience. Link is in my show notes.
So go ahead and grab that for you right now, which you can listen to after this episode. Okay, let's head back. And I also want you to know that it's not about hustling harder over this time. I really hope that's not what you got from this episode. It's meant to be follow the flow of what feels so good and so fun.
Align your energy with what you want to bring in. Maybe you're actually wanting to test some things. You know, one year I decided to test out a Bali retreat. And I wanted to gather like 10 people in a beautiful home in Bali. And I put out the sale during Black Friday and it completely sold out. I was just literally jaw to the floor.
Couldn't believe that we sold that out in a three day period. So typically. With Black Friday, especially, I will run my sales from Thursday through to Monday. And so like the main sales period where I sort of see most amount of income come through is at that mid section, that first, that middle three days.
Oh my God, was that just the best thing ever? And you know, I really decided, this is what it comes down to. The belief system behind it is I decided that the clients and the money and the abundance and the fun and the flow was going to feel so electrified because everybody was so uplifted with year end stuff that all of this was going to come to me really effortlessly.
And that I didn't have to wait until January 1st to make these big moves. And I didn't have to wait for some, you know, proverbial date on the calendar that this is clean slate energy. I really was just like, no, let's do it now. Okay. So hopefully this has just given you that pep in your step and whether you're still launching and deciding to shop in your business and creating space for more flow to come through.
I really do want to remind you that. It's not too late to believe that 2024 still has so much to offer you, my love. We are not giving up now. We're not just deciding like, eh, that's it. I, you know, the last launch was October and now it's Christmas. It's not. And do you know how much of the world doesn't celebrate Christmas?
I have so many clients who are I'm literally so grateful that I'm still open for business and willing to do some calls and some masterclasses and some live opt ins over that period because they just don't celebrate. And even if let's say you traditionally have, but this year you're not going to, I know that there's a lot of people in my world, in my group, a lot of followers and clients of mine who are just really head down.
You're just like, no, I'm I'm just going to spend the rest of this year, very focused on ensuring that I have my shit together for 2025. And that's why I want to join the mastermind. That's why I want to be in the business. Like this Amplify round, by the way, if you're interested, the show notes have the Amplify link.
Please do not miss your chance to join this round. I was saying to one of my clients who's just signed to work inside of Amplify. And she also said, this is exactly why she wants to be here. Is because this year end round, whenever I launch in November and it goes for 111 days. So we finish up this round around the start of March, mid March, start of March.
And it's such a magical time because we get to see out the year end together. We get to launch into the new year together as a mastermind and literally call in our six figures. There is something so damn good about this. And I've had my clients who are now. Enrolled, ready to start on November the 11th.
I like bring it on. There's so much energy behind it. And it's just like the best thing ever. Okay. Go and check that out. I really would love to have you inside of amplify. Check out my black Friday sales, whatever else is coming on. But for you, listen up, what are your goals? I want you to write these down now after the podcast, when you get a chance.
What are your goals for these final two months of 2024? What's the plan? You don't even need to go into that much detail. I really just want you to get creative, go somewhere and think about some expanded, cool ways for the first time ever, you might be putting out a retreat for the first time ever, you might be doing a one to one VIP offer, and it's going to come out awesome.
On Black Friday itself, or all the courses and all the free stuff you've done this year, bundle it up and do an amazing bundle. How cool would that be? Build your email list, get people buying, get people in. This is how you do it. If you've got like a services based business, some of my clients are, um, health, wellness, skincare, beauty.
What are some ways that you can bundle up your services? You know, like 10 skin appointments for this amount, like, you know, and it's just like you're selling out. For the first half of next year, how, what a vibe if you're an ads agency or consultancy of some kind, like think about ways that you can extend out your current clients.
Now, even if they're on a package, this is one of the things that I love doing. All of my private clients and all of my mastermind clients, they're going to get an extension offer on black Friday. And even if they're like two weeks into their contract or, you know, three weeks into their contract, the extension packages that they can.
You know, pop that onto the end of their current work, their current contract, but it's at like a significantly lower price. And the only time they can take that up is now like during the Black Friday sale. So very cool. Very fun. It's not too late to go after 2024. Definitely lean in, decide that November, December are going to be such a game changer, completely different.
Way that you're going to approach it. Okay. Just dig into that energy, create some of those last minute miracles and finish the year so strong. I am backing you and as always follow the flow of what feels good. Okay. Let me know if you love this episode, come over to Instagram, send me a message, leave me a five star review.
If that's what you feel like doing, I would love and appreciate you so much. Big kisses and I'll catch you in the next episode.