Flow State Business
Welcome to the Flow State Business Podcast. I’m a soul-led female entrepreneur and Energetics Business Coach and my mission is to help intuitively aligned coaches meet their first million dollars in their online business. I share openly on topics such as money, wealth-building energetics, and the strategies that took me from zero to multiple 7 figures in less than 3 and a half years.
This podcast is filled with strategy, the teachings of flow state and proven tactics to help you think about entrepreneurship as a way of being, not just a way of doing. Infused with teaching from my 8 signature phases to get to six figures in flow, we’ll dive deep into an alchemy of topics including mindset, online business strategy, wealth creation and so much more! I share interviews with other female entrepreneurs, teachers and leaders who have found their own way to grow a successful business in flow. The solo episodes will leave you feeling ready to take inspired action, create your own flow state in business and become even more empowered to live your most authentic and abundant life. A little more about me…A few years ago I decided that I had to scratch the entrepreneurial itch. I quit my job as a tech start-up recruiter and went all in as an online coach. Along with my hubby, we created a global coaching brand, travelled the world as digital nomads with our two kids and in 3 years, grew a multi-million dollar business. It took a lot of trial and error, trying out new strategies and of course daily discipline to get this far so quickly. But after some time, the hustle got tiring. I was frustrated with my lack of progress, feeling caged by my own limiting beliefs. I didn’t want to just create another J-O-B, I desired to experience freedom.
In search of freedom, I turned to the inner work and found modalities like astrology, hypnotherapy, meditation and journaling to find ME again. I discovered ways to re-shape my reality and unlock my hidden strengths - as I became my true, unapologetic self, I rapidly grew my business to 7 figures with ease. Now I incorporate these teachings into my coaching philosophy. I blend energetics with proven business principles to create massive growth for my clients. I’m a top-rated Forbes business coach and LOVE every single day in my business and life. Ready to dive in? Then start bingeing!
xo Ruby
Flow State Business
My Easiest Multi-Five-Figure Launch Yet – Here’s What Changed
Let’s talk about launching. Whether you’re in the thick of it, thinking about it, or trying to avoid it altogether, launches are such a big part of running a business—and they’ve evolved so much over the years.
In this episode, I’m pulling back the curtain on my latest Amplify Mastermind launch—what worked, what didn’t, and how it became one of the most aligned launches I’ve ever had. Spoiler: It wasn’t always like this.
When I first launched Amplify back in 2019, it was messy, humbling, and taught me lessons I couldn’t have learned any other way. Since then, I’ve found my rhythm, leaning into flow and connection to create launches that feel easeful and abundant.
I’ll share my approach to nurturing connections, crafting aligned offers, and releasing any attachment to the outcome. Whether you’re planning a big launch or just starting out, I hope this episode reminds you that launching doesn’t have to feel overwhelming—it can feel exciting, aligned, and totally you.
Welcome back to the Flow State Business Podcast. It's Monday morning over here as I'm recording this. And actually it has just clicked to 11, 11 a.m. So yay! Filled with magical vibes already. If you're brand new here, my name is Ruby. I'm so happy that you've dropped by. Today, we're going to jump into the crux of my latest mastermind launch. And I know that there's been a lot of discussion industry wide about how it's been really different and how it's different to sell these days. And I don't know, I just want to share with you what it looks like in this current season, economically, but also in business. I just really want to show you exactly how it feels to be in a flow when you're launching something that's relatively high ticket and how to back the results, but also how to just stay in congruent flow with what is just essentially leading up to your big vision and why you started your businesses in the first place. So that's what we're focused on today. For those of you that are ride or die listeners of the Flow State Business Podcast, thank you so much for always tuning back in. and also for your gorgeous messages last week about bestie chats. If you've missed that, definitely line it up to listen to next. I give you a life and business update, which is always, I feel really, really nice to be able to see what other entrepreneurs are up to as well. So anyhow, let's get started. I am actually filming this podcast episode. Oh, let me just readjust because I've got an anklet on and I'm sitting on my foot and the anklet is digging into my bone. So that really hurt. OK. Oh, right. Anyway, I was saying we are filming this episode and I haven't been filming my podcast episodes for quite some time. I think maybe six months almost. I decided to pull the filming element from it because it was starting to feel like a lot of pressure to show up and to have the lighting right and to have the makeup on and to do the hair, which I know is never really ever a big thing when it comes to speaking in flow, but it really was for me. And, you know, sometimes you just got to practice what you preach. And I needed to turn off the camera whilst podcasting because I could hear it in my voice how not disingenuous, but how nervous I was. I don't know. There was this strange energy behind it. But, you know, I really do feel like it's time to be back and to be in the spotlight. And with so many things unraveling in my personal life with the book and knowing that next year is going to be really, really big in terms of authority building. And I just feel like all these lights that are on right, there's three lights on right now. It's not like there's heaps, but I feel like it's a representation of what is to come next year. And I don't know why I wanted to share that, but it's it feels so good to be back on camera. So if you're watching this, wherever you're watching this, then hi, I'm so happy to be back here and sharing the knowledge and sharing all of the drop ins and also at the same time sharing what has been going on behind the scenes of my launch. OK, let's get stuck into it. I have recently just closed out the Amplify Mastermind launch. As a bit of history, I opened up Amplify in 2019, about a year after I started my business and went full-time into it. The reason why I started Amplify is because my business was very, very booked out. I had such a great start to my business journey because I really managed my networks so beautifully when I was in corporate that the chain effect of it was referrals, word of mouth, LinkedIn took off at the right time for me, and I just had a lot of eyeballs on the business very early on. And that was fantastic. But what happened was I booked myself out with one-to-one calls super early on in the journey. And we all know that time, money exchange, it wasn't ideal. especially because I was traveling with my family through the United States and through Europe for a course of one year. And a lot of my calls and my calendars were literally managed around the flights that we were doing. I took many a call, from airport lounges and from cafes and restaurants and all kinds of places around the world, which was really, really cool. But I knew that I needed to scale in some way. And the way that it wanted to come through was a mastermind. Now, I was coaching with a mentor of mine and she's like, Ruby, you should have opened this a long time ago. And I'm like, I know, I know. I knew the demand was there. So off I went, I packaged up the Amplify mastermind for the first time ever in 2019. And guess what happened? If you've heard the story before, you'll know, oh Lord, I launched it and only three people joined the mastermind. Everybody else was happy to stay on the wait list whilst the time for my one-to-one clients was, you know, kind of finishing up and they were happy to wait however long. And I just did not understand this. I was like, I am giving probably more time-wise inside of a mastermind because I'm on weekly group calls. Plus there's one-to-one elements and group Voxer and private Voxer. Like I opened up all the channels to make this mastermind so hell yes for people. And it just didn't turn out that way. Of the three people who bought into Amplify, one of them exited after two weeks. and said, Ruby, this is not for me. I want to become a private client. So I converted that person to a private client, obviously not quite really what I wanted. And then the two people who were remaining in the mastermind, it's that kind of in your mind, global worst case scenario of this is supposed to be a mastermind and there's only two people in it. And all the feelings came up of ego, of embarrassment, of worry, of anxiety. Should I just refund them? Should I just quit? It's only been two weeks and I promised them six months together and it was just this whole thing and I was freaking out. But something within me said, just keep going. And the two people, they happened to go through the entire Amplify Mastermind period and absolutely loved it. I got some amazing feedback and really, really great testimonials from both of them. And I don't know, just it was a very, very huge learning experience for me. and one that I can talk to a lot now because I know a lot of my clients who are thinking about launching masterminds and whatnot. All the fears that they are experiencing or expressing to me, I can literally say a hand on heart, I know what you're going through. I feel it because this was me back in 2019. So besides the point, we launched it. I used the two testimonials that I had and we relaunched it again the following season. And I was even so hesitant to do that because I thought, oh my God, like, what if this happens again? But it didn't. The next time I launched it, 12 people joined and so on and so forth and so on and so forth. So Amplify has now been a staple mastermind that I launched under the Flow state. business brand, and it's really made for pre-revenue or early stage revenue entrepreneurs who are wanting to achieve their first or their next six figures in flow. So first six figures usually are my clients who are exiting corporate and wanting to start a knowledge or skills-based company based off their already thriving career and transitioning into entrepreneurship. And early stage is really for those who have been in business for a little while, maybe a year to three years, but their income's really fluctuated and they haven't quite yet hit six figures or they have and they don't know how to do it again in flow. So it's really just this beautiful combination and this amazing group that comes together. And we have clients from all around the world, from US, from Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, you name it. And so, you know, it's just one of those buzzing places on the internet to really coach in and to mentor in. And over the years, it has now become a million-dollar asset for us, which is just so wild to say, given that when we first launched it, only three people joined, then two, then I was so worried. Anyway, it was important for me to give you that context around this particular mastermind, because I do feel it has a sense of momentum behind it. It has its own energy, vibration. It's got its own soul work to do. And this is something that I know the majority of my listeners will totally get. Every product and service that you make and create and that you put out there in the world, it holds its own soul energy. One thing I find really fascinating is everything that I launch, the date that I choose to launch something is essentially that product or that service's birthday. So then it has its own little dynamic around it. Like, is it a Taurus baby? Is it a Scorpio? If you've done any launching between like the last month or so, it's a Scorpio based launch and it's very mysterious and very drawing and just so, you know, deep. And then if you're launching anything in Sagittarius season, which is Hello, my sunshine, very proud Saj over here. It's expansive and it's exciting and it's spiritual and it's intuitive and there's a lot of wisdom and teaching behind things like that. So something to think about when you're launching and picking the dates that intuitively come to you. So I had just come out of a very scorpionic launch period with Amplify and it was honestly the easiest launch that I have had for Amplify I'd say ever. And the reason why is because I just really detached from needing it to produce any sort of outcome. It's not like I was holding it to ransom to say this better be the launch that brings in a ton of income I can't deal with that sort of energy, like it always does. It just puts things up from a vibrational perspective for me lately. When I had started the business in 2019, sorry, 2018, and then 19, 2020, 2021, for those of you that have been around since that time, Do you remember how I used to do those like money thermometers? And I used to draw like a full-blown thermometer, like a fundraising thermometer, and I would bank up all the sales that I was making. I'd have a hundred K at the top of the thermometer and I'd just color it in, color it in and reach that goal. I think about that now and it does actually physically make me sick. Not if you're doing it great, but this is just a chat about when you know it doesn't align with how you want to meet your goals. If I had that, it would feel like too much pressure, squeezing the life out of flow, and it doesn't drive me forward the way that it used to. Now, will that season come back? Absolutely. In January, February, March, you'll probably see me posting financial thermometers all over the place and I own that, but be very aware, be very conscious about how your energy wants to connect to any kind of launch or any kind of financial goal. Hey guys, I am going to briefly interrupt this episode, which I hope you are absolutely loving, and let you know that I have a free resource to help you connect deeper to the energy of impossible success. This is an EFT tapping emotional freedom technique, one of my favorite ways in order to help connect the body at a cellular level to my bigger desires and goals in business. You are going to love it. If you've never done it before, it's going to be a whole new incredible experience. Link is in my show notes. So go ahead and grab that for you right now, which you can listen to after this episode. Okay, let's head back. So we've closed out the launch. I'm celebrating one of the most epic flow based launches I've ever experienced for the mastermind. This round has brought in a $62,000 launch thereabouts. Like give or take five grand. We still need to consolidate it because we have some monies coming in from all over the place. And also some people took up a much higher plan, which included like the IP days or one-to-one days or extra boxes. And they wanted to add certain things on and it's not just the baseline price of the mastermind. So anyway, we've landed around there and I'm so pleased about that. It's just been pure ease, pure alignment, And let's talk about what I did to just reverse engineering it around what made all of this unfold so naturally and so easily. Also, as I'm sharing some of the numbers and the aspects around income, I want you to also know that this is sales and revenue. Some people get really thingy about it when I don't say it's sales and revenue and they're like, yes, but is it profit? And I'm like, well, it's mostly profit because here is the first thing. We didn't run any ads. It's just my time that I'm sitting there watching the circle and writing emails to my clients. Michael sort of works a little bit. So maybe his time on the launch and he really gets the funnels and stuff prepared. And then Deb, who's really helping me with any social media content. So, you know, take what you will in terms of the profit conversation, but you know, let's call it 70%, 80% profit, which is so lovely to have that because we have such a small and mighty team. Okay, so no ads, zero ads, nothing but organic reach and word of mouth and connection with my audience to discuss that the Amplify Mastermind is reopened. This is also me emailing out to my list. My list is currently just over 10,000 email subscribers. Around this time of year, we do a massive clean out and we go back to about six, 7,000 subscribers, because there's a lot of people who might mark me as spam, who've blocked me, et cetera, et cetera. So we just do like a big wipe out. And generally speaking, my email list stays under 10K, but we have a very engaged list and a very high open rate and it's a lovely community on the emails as well. So that's where a lot of the announcements for my openings happen. My launches mostly are very email based now. And when I do launch online, on social media, on Instagram and LinkedIn, it's less launchy and it's more just branding. So just saying, by the way, I've got a mastermind, it's called Amplify, rather than sign up now, countdown timer, bonus ending on socials. That I found anyway, for us, it's worked a lot better to do that in a very aligned way via emails and not necessarily through social media. I think people are just tired on socials, whereas on emails, It's a different feel. People just genuinely want to see what specials are going on or they want to stay close to, yeah, just whatever it is that I'm launching and putting out there. Next, I really kept the momentum alive with three little mini lead up launches, which were all priced under a hundred US by the way. So they'd be like little four week masterclasses or themed up sessions that I was doing that I knew strategically was going to lead up to the next Amplify launch. I curated the topics so that it would lead merrily into six-figure discussions. And like some of the topics that I taught on for under $100 US was how to attain your next five clients, magnetic leads, where leads are coming from, and I showed them my lead generation process. And also more importantly, you're looking at how to plan out the vision for 2025. So these are really fun, accessible masterclasses. And what it did was it drew in a really beautiful wave of energy from fresh faces and loyal clients alike. So it was a draw in of brand new people into my world and those who just really wanted an update or insight around how I ran this. So as part of those three mini launches, I also want to say that I didn't do the traditional lead magnet into a sales call aspect at all for this launch. I just really wanted paid clients who are already saying yes to the mini courses, who are more than likely very much there because they wanted to grow their business in a strategic way. And what I did during this time was advertise a wait list. A wait list was key to this. flow-based launch season. Because what the waitlist did was, I would say, I'm so excited that you're here joining Next 5 Clients. If you love this topic, you probably also want to discover other aspects of growing your six-figure pathway. And if that's you, no pressure, but I have a waitlist available for my big mastermind. It is 111 days and it's going to be focused on helping you create your six-figure roadmap. And through that, I really built such a connection and an intrigue. So over time, over the three-month period leading up to Amplify Doors opening, it meant that people were already very much warmed up and ready to go with the idea. So we had a really lovely group of people on the wait list who were just sitting there waiting for me to open up the doors. And part of the incentive of being on the wait list was, I would say, there is a dollar amount off, which was crazy, $1,000 off. And you also get three private calls with me if you choose to sign up to Amplify. Clearly, it was such a great incentive for those people who were interested in joining the Mastermind anyway, that by the time the doors open and that particular bonus activated, we had such quick, easy yeses right from the start. And I think that's really important. You know, when you're launching something big like this, it shows you that not just your intuition or your inkling was there to put something really, really big like this out there to your audience, but that the demand and the supply met its expectations. and that you had done what you needed to do to kind of build up this leaning process. And it's something that I teach a lot inside of Amplify of how you get people to lean in and to join the runway and not just lean into, oh my God, this is now opening and the doors are suddenly open. I didn't even know this was coming, but curating and preparing your audience for the launch itself. Does that make sense? So over the course of the four weeks, I stayed very, very connected also with my email list. Like I mentioned earlier, sitting in front of Netflix lately, I've been enjoying The Circle. I'm binging on it. It is such an interesting demonstration of human behavior and human psychology. and how popularity really comes into play and so many misconceptions with that. Anyhow, so I've got that on and I've got my laptop on my lap and I'm literally typing away and I'm writing from the heart. I'm just saying, guys, my favorite mastermind is now open for the last time in 2024. I cannot believe that we're here at the end of this year and we've made it and I'm so proud of you, but I also know it's been a really rocky year for some. Let's start this next year with a very clear plan. So then I brought in the three under $100 launches. Let's think about the way that you are magnetizing leads and bringing together your next five clients strategy so that we can really vision plan into 2025 and put this into play for your six-figure roadmap. Do you see how all of it was just this really cohesive masterpiece and how it just felt like flow? It just felt like ease. It just felt like one thing easily led to another. And if there were people that were on the fence about joining and You know, there definitely were people who just didn't care for more information. They just knew they wanted to be in it because they've heard their friends had gone through it and loved it. They've read the testimonials on the page. They were already a yes. They were just waiting for the doors to open. That was always such a joy and something to celebrate. But those who were unsure, and the majority of the questions that came in, by the way, was like, am I too early stage to join a mastermind like this? Anyway, what I did there was I offered them a strategy call. Now the strategy call wasn't by any means a sales call. I know sometimes it can be masked as that, but I truly just wanted to sit down with the people who were on the fence with their business, not necessarily with Amplify. And that was the mentality that I wanted to offer this through. So a 30 minute call time went out to everybody and I said, hey, it's going to be available until it's not available anymore. So just book in. And I want to hear about where you're at with your business, where it feels like you're really struggling with things and where it feels really uncomfortable. And I want to offer you some advice as someone who's been there, done that, but also advised literally thousands of people around the world to unlock their highest potential in their business. These were fantastic because what happened was as soon as they were in the calls, we were sharing so much about the things that have been going through in the last couple of years. And it sort of just naturally gravitated to, I'm joining Amplify. This is the exact call that I needed to feel really seen and to feel really heard. And when I say that there was like zero sales pitch, I mean zero. The call ended sometimes without me even ushering the words Amplify Mastermind. And they would come back to me in a DM at the end and say, I loved that. I'm joining the mastermind. How do I do this? So what happened here was it's the energy that was almost drawing in my most aligned clients so that they could define for themselves whether or not this was the right space. The more I'm in business, the more I realize that The convincing element or getting people across the line who are fence-sitters is probably one of the worst things that you can do for your refund rate or for the no-show rate in terms of having people come in and they don't feel great about it because they've been convinced in a way that feels forceful. So I very much now am so hands-off with that process. I'm there as someone who can lead a thought or who can help hold space. And that's about where it ends for me when it comes to selling. There is nothing within me that it feels good to try and make somebody say yes, especially under the pretense of having things like extended payment plans and all of that. Don't get me wrong. There are deals that are done on Amplify. You know, sometimes it's a little bit here, a little bit there. We're adding these, I'm adding these bonuses, I'm putting this into the package, but it's nothing too major that it feels like I'm heavily selling. A little dose of reality, with any sales process, and I want to share this because it happens to the best of us, there were two people who massively ghosted me in the process. And it's never easy to accept a ghost experience because more than likely you've poured time into a conversation and you've nurtured someone through. So take, for example, the strategy call. Someone had come through the strategy call and it was an amazing call. And I don't know, they just felt really supported and I felt just amazing. And then they had said, so this is the key, they had said, I'm ready to join Amplify, send me all of the details. And that's exactly what we did. So contract goes out. You know, email went out saying, so excited to welcome you into the Amplify mastermind and nothing. And we've got HelloSign or DocuSign, sorry. And you know, with DocuSign, you can always see when someone opens a contract and reads it and signs it. It just gives you the, you know, the steps along the way of what's happening with the contract. And this person hadn't even opened the contract. And that was odd because usually when I send a contract, it's straight away. It's exciting. I want to see what's in it. And that was odd. So then I followed up and through email, nothing. A few days later, I messaged this person on Instagram and I could see that they had seen it and no response. And that's about as far as I'd take it because I just thought like the whole, why aren't you responding thing is not on me. It's on them. And it sucks. But it happened twice. throughout this entire process, which, you know, sometimes you just got to cop it on the chin. It's rare, but it still happens. And I'm grateful for every interaction because it adds to the learning experience, no matter how far along you are with launching. So looking back, you know, this launch was built on a lot of connection, a lot of trust, and this beautiful rhythm that just felt so natural. I believe that every single person can experience launches in this way. When I was speaking to someone in the industry about her launch not too long ago, she just said, I am burnt out. I hate launching. It's just awful. I can't stand it. And I'm just sitting back just going, why do people do this to themselves? And then when I dig into the process a little bit more and they share with me what they've done, I'm just like, babe, of course it feels so awful. I feel a level of anxiety listening to you talk about your launch and the processes that you had to go through. It gets to feel very abundant and it gets to feel easy. And over time, yes, I've been in business for six years and I've built an amazing network and community, but all of this started with having that personalized conversation with one person at a time. And I hope that throughout this episode, you've just really heard the soul behind the discussions and the energy of the big transformative vision. And for me, it's always to help people experience more flow in their businesses, to grow businesses easily and abundantly and effortlessly, and to just enjoy life in every part of the process that comes alongside with that. So repeat after me if this is what you're wanting to do in terms of your launches, in terms of your business. I am open to alignment. I am ready for clients to flow in with ease. I open up the trust doors and I choose to see that each individual is a contribution to the work that I'm here to do. I can feel the ease of it all running through my system. And right here and right now, I receive the proof that it gets to be easy. I'm holding the space for more flow and more success today. Okay. I hope you enjoyed this episode about the launch numbers and about how I received my clients inflow. If there's anything that you really want to discuss more privately with me, or you just want more information on a certain aspect, you know, my inbox is always open. Shoot me through an email or send me through a DM on Instagram. I would love to hear from you and here is to your most abundant launch yet. And remember, you can always follow the flow of what feels good. I'll see you in the next episode.