Flow State Business
Welcome to the Flow State Business Podcast. I’m a soul-led female entrepreneur and Energetics Business Coach and my mission is to help intuitively aligned coaches meet their first million dollars in their online business. I share openly on topics such as money, wealth-building energetics, and the strategies that took me from zero to multiple 7 figures in less than 3 and a half years.
This podcast is filled with strategy, the teachings of flow state and proven tactics to help you think about entrepreneurship as a way of being, not just a way of doing. Infused with teaching from my 8 signature phases to get to six figures in flow, we’ll dive deep into an alchemy of topics including mindset, online business strategy, wealth creation and so much more! I share interviews with other female entrepreneurs, teachers and leaders who have found their own way to grow a successful business in flow. The solo episodes will leave you feeling ready to take inspired action, create your own flow state in business and become even more empowered to live your most authentic and abundant life. A little more about me…A few years ago I decided that I had to scratch the entrepreneurial itch. I quit my job as a tech start-up recruiter and went all in as an online coach. Along with my hubby, we created a global coaching brand, travelled the world as digital nomads with our two kids and in 3 years, grew a multi-million dollar business. It took a lot of trial and error, trying out new strategies and of course daily discipline to get this far so quickly. But after some time, the hustle got tiring. I was frustrated with my lack of progress, feeling caged by my own limiting beliefs. I didn’t want to just create another J-O-B, I desired to experience freedom.
In search of freedom, I turned to the inner work and found modalities like astrology, hypnotherapy, meditation and journaling to find ME again. I discovered ways to re-shape my reality and unlock my hidden strengths - as I became my true, unapologetic self, I rapidly grew my business to 7 figures with ease. Now I incorporate these teachings into my coaching philosophy. I blend energetics with proven business principles to create massive growth for my clients. I’m a top-rated Forbes business coach and LOVE every single day in my business and life. Ready to dive in? Then start bingeing!
xo Ruby
Flow State Business
Making Black Friday and Year-End Sales Work for You
Selling at the end of the year has a unique kind of energy, doesn’t it? It’s fast-paced, playful, and filled with possibility—but only if you let it be.
In this episode, I’m diving into the flow of year-end sales, with a special focus on Black Friday. Love it or hate it, this season brings such a powerful wave of buyer energy, and I’ve found ways to tap into it that feel fun and aligned.
I share my personal journey with Black Friday—starting from my very first $10K day years ago (which felt like magic) to the strategies I now use to simplify, align, and enjoy selling during this time.
We’ll talk about embracing the energy of urgency, how to bundle or discount without it feeling icky, and why some sales seasons can feel heavier than others. Whether you’re leaning into holiday sales, preparing for the new year, or considering a launch in your own sweet timing, there’s something here for you.
Let this be a reminder: Selling doesn’t have to feel heavy or overwhelming. It gets to feel light, easeful, and fun. And when you’re in that energy, the right clients and opportunities flow in naturally.
I hope this episode inspires you to explore new ways to create ease and alignment in your business—no matter what season you’re in.
Hello, my loves. Welcome to a special episode today. We are going to be focused very specifically on the energy of selling into year end, especially if you are wondering how to exactly activate and back the energy of discounted sales because there's so much in that realm that's happening right now. If you're listening to this episode as we drop it, we are in the thick of Black Friday energy. Love it or hate it, it is here and you can choose to use any time of the year to really ride off some great sales energy for your business and whether it's a match to you or not and how to actually tune into the fast paced, playful vibration that it offers your business. And I want to talk you through the pros and the cons of selling during this time, what to be aware of, my personal belief and strategy behind the sales season and why it works so beautifully for the company. And hopefully it just gives you some great insights as to what you can do between now and around mid to end of January. general sales period, end of year stuff, early new year things, and or also what you can start to think about in terms of the next season of whenever your sales is happening. So, you know, I'm going to talk about it with context to year end, but if you're choosing to use this, whatever you're learning from this podcast today for the next sales period, whether it be your birthday season, then so be it. Now, a little history around why I really enjoy Black Friday. The first year in my business, I was still very much in this like fluctuating state of income. I wasn't sure whether I was going to make anything at all month on month. I was very much in that panic station state whenever the first of the month rolled around. I'm like, how am I going to keep up with what I did last month or how do I make more than I did last month? You get the story. Come November, and also November is very special because it is my birthday month. Yes. And I always just feel so lighthearted, you know, in any birthday month, it just feels really exciting. And it feels like it's yours to play with and it's a time of renewal and a fresh new slate. So I do take that into account why Black Friday is so magical for me, because it literally runs over my birthday weekend as well. But this first year, I remember just thinking, I'm going to put all the courses that I've made on sale. I'm going to do it just like the product-based businesses do. And I'm going to go live every day on my Instagram and talk about each of the courses and then offer like a 50% off discount. And that went so well for us, you guys. I remember the first day we did that, it was a $10,000 cash day and it literally felt like I was running an infomercial. You know, it was just like, here you go, this is the next course. And I could see the sales rolling in and rolling in. And it was just so beautiful. So that first Black Friday has really been a marker for all of the other Black Fridays that we've run. As a company, we've never missed a beat with Black Friday. It's always been like a season that we don't skip and it's really important for us to run during this time because. It does a lot for the energy of the business. It sets us up a lot for the year coming, but it also really gives us an opportunity to honor and to showcase all of the courses and all of the amazing masterclasses that I've held in the year prior. And I don't know, the way I sort of picture it is, you know, on Miss Universe and how every country comes out and they do a little wave. It's like that. I'm like, and here is LinkedIn brand boss. And it does a little wave and here is next five clients. And it's just such a wonderful way for me to honor and thank it, but also give it one more final spotlight and one more final like trip around the sales funnels to say, Hey, if you've missed out or if you haven't seen this and you haven't heard of me promoting this before, this is a really great time to jump in. And the discounts are significant. So generally speaking, any time between late November through to mid-January, people are in a very unique mindset. One where they're simultaneously reflecting on the year that's passed and also planning on what's ahead. And this creates two very powerful opportunities for us as service-based providers, mentors, entrepreneurs, and coaches. So number one is that it really helps them close out the year strong. For many, the end of year feels like such a last chance to take action on their goals before they set back in January. So whether it's like learning a new skill, launching a product or a project, simply starting something that they've been putting off all year, this is actually the perfect time to position your offers as the solution to help them finish the year on a high note. And I know for a fact that a lot of people who have bought courses during the Black Friday period have actually taken it and had the time to be in it because of all of the holidays that's coming up for them. It's actually a really fruitful time of year, both energetically, but also monetarily. And it sets up your client base for the year ahead as well. If they're doing your courses over this period, more than likely, they're going to start hitting you up in February, March to say, I've done this course now. I really want to do the private work together. Secondly, it's to support your clients in creating a really powerful start to the year. So number one was about closing out the year. Number two was about starting the new year. So if you're thinking about January sales, think about January and how it is filled with the energy of fresh starts. Isn't that so nice? People are feeling so ready to invest in themselves. They want to commit to their goals. They're making this a prime time to make change. And as corny as it might sound, you know, best year ever and all those sorts of things, like truly it is so aspirational to be in new slate energy. I know for me, I'm always like looking for stuff in the new year of like, no, I really do want to alter this part of my life and I want to see how that can change and how can that be different. And I'll look for courses and offers and programs during that time. So really think about how this might feel around the flow of year end and also new year sales. Let's talk about how I approach this period. I'm definitely more of a Black Friday gal. I know a lot of my clients who have tried the Black Friday thing, they've said to me, Ruby, I hate it. It is just so hectic. And if it's not yours, it's not yours to have. It's not yours to be. You do not need to do anything that I'm saying here, but just to get you thinking around some other aspects of the year that you might want to apply this to as well. So Black Friday, it's literally now, if you're listening to it live, my focus is on this energy of limited time discounts and bundles to activate buyers who might not have bought throughout the year or buyers that have bought prior and they haven't for a long time or new buyers. And notice I say limited time. I do not really vibe with the energy of having Black Friday like string out for weeks and weeks. It's just not ever really felt that fun. Limited time is like four days or something like that, five days. And why it works is because Black Friday really leverages urgency. It's the one time of year that you can be like, it's urgency. There's a lot of value. There's a lot of trust here, but it's also a time when people are ready and in a buying mindset during a very short period of time. And usually the discounts are enormous. I know there's a lot in the media about companies putting up their prices. And then when they say it's Black Friday, they are actually still making a massive profit out of it because they've jacked their prices up. Let's not do that. It's more of like the current prices that are on your website. What could you offer? That's just so ridiculous, but doesn't feel like you're undercutting yourself. You are just having fun in that sales energy. And it's only for this period of time. And then it goes away and it's done. With year-end, if you're doing just general year-end like Christmas sales, New Year's Eve type sales, anything that's offered around end of December, the focus around here is helping clients reflect on the year and to take action before it ends. So it might be a slightly longer period of let's say like before Christmas through to 31st of December. Think bundles, think holiday programs, think VIP sessions or anything that will fast track them to align to the finish strong mindset. You know, like we can do this together and I definitely want to buy this before the end of year, you know, comes to a close because December can feel like a closing chapter. So how can you leverage the energy of that? What makes this offer? an ideal offer during this time, what sort of solutions feel like a really good match to, it's time to close out this season and to do this with a lot of soul and with a lot of heart. Okay, thirdly, if you're planning on doing sales in the new year, 2025! I am genuinely excited. I can't tell you how ready I am for this year. There was something about 2023 and 2024 that kind of just felt a little blah. I really wanted it to feel like how I feel now with 2025. But in that same vein, The focus of anything that you're selling in the new year is going to be about vision planning, goal setting, programs and services designed to help your clients set up for success in the very early new year. You might want to think about the first quarter of the year, what they can achieve in that time. So if you're a fitness coach, a fitness program, nutrition coach, first three months of the year, what they can do to reset their diets. Now this can include also any of your signature courses. So, I am actually going to open up next year with my signature course, Flowstate Business. I want my family, my community to be in the energetics of Flowstate to begin off the new year together. And that's going to sound really exciting to I know a lot of my clients. And for those who have done Flow State Business, because we've already had hundreds of people do it, I'm going to offer them a mastermind. So it's going to be the Flow State Business Mastermind that also opens in the new year. So given that, it feels really good. And why it works is because January is all about the possibilities. It's all about what people are looking for to reset their timeline, not just the year, but like what they're going to do ongoing. So a lot of people are going to be looking for mentors, new mastermind programs, new group offerings, something that's just going to help them really stay accountable to their resolutions and their goals for 2025. Now, once again, if this is resonating, make sure you pause it here because we're now going to go into the psychology of sales during this season. And then we're going to look at the pros of year end. and the cons of why something like this might not work for you so that you can really assess whether or not this is something that you'd like as an ongoing strategy. I will also continue to discuss some of the structure of your sales flow. Hi, my loves. I hope you are loving this episode as much as I have loved creating it for you. I'm quickly dropping in to let you know of a flow tool which I think you will love to have alongside you in your business and definitely your more complex goals that you might be setting for yourself. This is a tool which is steeped in flow science. It's a 90-minute audio flow track. filled with my favorite lo-fi productivity beats and it is soaked with the best subliminals to help you call in more focus, more impact, more income and more productivity than ever. If you are wanting to experience this level of time dilation, of folding time, of getting more done in a shorter period of time, then this is what you'll need in your business. I'm going to leave the links below and for now, let's head back to the episode. Let's talk about the psychology of sales during this time of year and what I definitely noticed amongst my buyers at this time of year, but also a lot of my clients. So a couple of things. One, there is a real sense of reflection and renewal. A lot of people at this point in time are naturally reflecting on the progress that they've made. Or in brackets, the lack thereof, perhaps, and feeling a little sorry for themselves or a little frustrated at themselves, or just, you know, wanting to kind of gain a new perspective on what's available for them next. And looking at how this reflection really creates this sense of urgency to act before the year closes. That's what we are going for. Okay. So there's this reflection and renewal. Secondly, there's this timing and energy cycle which is running during this time of year. So late November through to mid-January is the best time for a lot of people to really think about how they're going to use their slowdown time. and the time that they're taking off from their usual activities, their usual day jobs and thinking about like how do I fill in this time that makes me feel great? Am I going to work out more? Am I going to read more? Am I going to hang out with my friends more? Am I going to grow the business finally and sit down and do the plans for it? So this means more than likely they'll be more engaged in content. And I choose to believe this every single year. I will have this discussion with friends who are like, it's super quiet over this time of year. Nobody ever really wants to take up courses. Is there even a point in launching anything? I say so. I know that this is the time that I really like to learn. This is the time of year that I really am so excited to level up my game, so to speak, and engage with more things that I might not have had as much time to do because I'm serving 50 to 80 clients every single month. But during this time of year, there's more spaciousness. I have more room to absorb information. I get to choose how I spend my day more than I would do in a normal sales flow week or a normal coaching flow week, so to speak. So in that vein, people are in a different energy cycle and it feels good for them to invest and to work with you or to think about ways to work with you. And don't you want to be front and center during this time? I know I do. If more and more people are taking time off Instagram and Facebook and LinkedIn and they're not as active, doesn't that give me more space to be seen and more opportunity to be found. Yes, I'm definitely taking that opportunity up and it feels good for me to do so. Okay. The third part that I want to say about sales psych during this time is there is a true desire for growth. So whether your clients are at this sort of like timeline where they're ending the year feeling behind, or on the other side of the scale, if they're feeling they're finishing the end of the year inspired, they've had the best year that they've ever had. The universal thread of this is people want to grow. And they're looking for guidance and transformation and support. I'm having two discussions right now with my clients who have had an incredible year in business. I'm talking the best year that they've ever had. Like money coming out of everywhere, people that are booking them in, they're booked out months and months in advance or people are willing to pay like a rush fee for their work. And they're saying to me and they're asking me questions about scaling, about hiring. How do they become even better, even more seen, even more heard? How do they expand out their authority? And they're looking for Facebook ad experts, writing coaches. They're looking for health wellness. They're looking for retreats where they can just go and fill up their cup and serve from an overflowing place. They're looking for overseas masterminds and events that they can book in next year. They're looking for ways to upgrade their photography and their branding and their imagery. And these are all big investments. They're all like 5, 10, 20, 25K. There are people right now who are leveraging this time of year to reflect on all the wonderful things that they've done because of their desire for growth. So some aspects there to think about when it comes to sales psychology. Now, pros and cons. The pros and cons of running sales during this time of year. Let's start with the pros. And what has really effectively brought me to selling every single year during this time, why I freaking love it, is because A, it boosts the revenue. That is a very obvious pro. Obviously, I don't need to go into it too much, but let's face it. This time of year is a natural revenue driver. If you're not selling during this time of year, Why? I know this is a very strong opinion, but why? You're missing out. From Black Friday to New Year's, people are actively looking to spend on solutions to make their lives better. Okay. That's all I'm going to say about that. The second pro I'll say is that it does create a very loyal client activity flow. Hear me out. Many people who buy during this season, for me, I know this to be true. And for my clients who I've advised on selling during this time of year, they go on to become your long-term clients next year. Because they've been able to come in at maybe an accessible price point or just something that is truly so high value. So it doesn't just need to be discounts during this time. You could be selling a VIP day and adding more value and that's the Black Friday offer. You could be adding some really cool stuff. They could be getting a gift. They could be getting more time with you, but the price itself stays the same. But the clients who are buying during this time, they start at an entry level offer and they continue working with you in a high ticket programs. I've seen it happen again and again and again. And it's just honestly a vibe when this happens, because I'm like, oh, you came through the Black Friday sales. And they're like, yes, yes. A year and a half later, they're still with me in some capacity. Number three, a big pro is that because you're setting the tone for 2025 and you're activating your clients to do so now, whatever it is that they're wanting to work towards, you're not just creating sales, you're building momentum for the new year. And not just in the perspective of like momentum for your business, but the momentum for change, the momentum for the shift that you're here to create. I know for me, my job, my mission in this life, this lifetime that I lead is to raise the consciousness of entrepreneurs that flow state is a very real reality and they can have it anytime that they want and they can access it on demand. By doing this, by being able to set the tone for 2025 and to reach more people during this time, imagine the group of people I'm getting to be so excited by this philosophy and this mission that it becomes their mantra. And then I'm creating this incredible movement from now. I'm not waiting until January when it's sort of sleepy in February, when everybody's just sort of like cranking back up. I'm getting those people who are motivated to stay in the flow of flow now, and they're ready to do the work. Let's talk about the cons and how to navigate them. Now, of course, this season isn't without its challenges, but I want to say that for the most part, the challenges are going to be more internal than they are external. Point number one on that note, the overwhelm. There are a lot of sales that are happening right now. And I know for a fact, so many of you are thinking to yourself, I'm already overwhelmed by all the conversations about Black Friday, Black Friday, Black Friday, sales, sales, sales. I have to turn the Instagrams off and the internet off and I don't want to see a single thing. That's great, sure. But your most aligned clients are going to be shopping, if not with you, they're going to be shopping elsewhere. And I don't say that to fearmonger, but that's just the reality of what's going to happen. I know that I'm staying very close to my fashion brands. I love my fashion. I love clothing. And I'm going to stay close to a couple of my favorite brands. And if one brand isn't doing Black Friday, which is quite rare in the product world, but let's just say, I'm going to go to my next favorite brand and be like, are they running specials? And then I'll go to them. So why is that different in the services-based world? It's not. And if your audience feel overwhelmed by the sales, they're just not matched to the sales energy. And that's cool. They're still going to be your clients. Like I go through seasons where I cannot be bothered looking at what goes on in the sales for my favorite brands. And I'm happy, happy to buy full price because I don't want to go through and find my sizes and be disappointed that it's not there and you know, all the things. I'm cool with that. That's fine. I'm still going to be a loyal client to that brand. So to stand out, I really want you to just focus on clarity, focus on the intention. You're only in it for four days, let's say. And in those four days, what are you going to do to make it really count? What are you going to do to make it favorable to you? What are you going to do to make it playful so that you're not overwhelmed and caught up with everything else that's going on? You're just showing up because it feels so good for you to be there. Secondly, a big con is the discount fatigue. So whilst discounts are really great, it's awesome at driving sales, it might not be a match to you because you're like, I don't want to discount things at 85% off. I do, by the way, have a course that's 85% off, I have a course that's 60% off, I have a course that's 40% off. I'm good with that because this time of year reflects that for me and I've already talked about that, but if you don't want to discount, Add value. And I mentioned some examples earlier, but it could be you're adding more time, you're adding some gifts, you're adding your favorite book list, you're adding a playlist. What else can you add? Bonus courses, you know, additional time that they can take up the package that could be like, hey, usually you've got to take this up within two months. Now you've got six months to use it. So whatever it is that looks like, that's going to feel so, so fucking good. And in congruence with not needing to discount, but instead adding a ton more value. The third most common con that I see is energy. This season can feel busy, unexpected. It can feel so crazy, especially if you're also planning for the new year and you're trying to think about what courses you're launching next and you're trying to think about your business goals and you're setting boundaries and you've got to drive somewhere for Christmas and you've got to call your grandma and you've got to buy gifts for your nephews and nieces, which you forgot about. Whatever it is, you know, you're trying to automate stuff as much as possible, get your email stuff going, bank some stuff up for your podcast. Just remember that during this time, fun is just as important as taking action. That's what's going to really lead your energy during this season. If you can't drop into that whole vibe of like, how can this be so fun that I actually really want to do it, then it's going to feel like a task and it's going to feel like a heavy one at that. Another client of mine who is about to release her Black Friday specials, she has been very diligent with doing all the systems with all the ticking the boxes and doing all the writing behind it and setting up the funnels. And she's just getting to a point where it's just getting very serious. You know, the eyebrows, they furrow and they burrow. And I'm like, babe, can we just smile about this for one second? Can we just like go, yay, Black Friday and celebrate it? And we did that. And she's like, OK, I feel much better now. Then she's like, I forgot. I forgot that I actually had to have fun. And that's this time of year. Don't forget to have fun. Okay. Bundle things intentionally when you're selling them. Think about the stories, create some great stories. Why did you make this course? Why did you make this offer? Why is this bundle really important? Why are you wanting to take people on retreat to Africa? Like story, story, stories. It's going to feel so much better when you sell from that place. Always, period. That's what it feels like. And focus on not just the sales, because that can be really distracting during this time of year, whether it's like no sales or like the sales are much lower or it wasn't where I expected it to be. Focus on the transformation. Okay, people don't just want to buy from you because you've got a whole heap of discounts. They want to buy from you because you're talking about the course and the offering that's offering a transformation that it promises and it feels so good for you to be able to share that and it feels so great for you. to be able to do this in a really accessible way. Okay. And you know, this time of year, it's honestly always like, it's more than the selling component itself, although it is masked as that. So, you know why some people just feel so heavy around this time of year, but it is a really more than ever this time of year, people are craving connection. Whether it's someone who doesn't have a family over Christmas or Oh, whether they're just feeling really lonely in the business right now, they just want connection. OK, I hope you enjoyed this episode. If there's anything that you really want to discuss more privately with me or you just want more information on a certain aspect, you know, my inbox is always open. Shoot me through an email or send me through a DM on Instagram. I would love to hear from you. And remember, you can always follow the flow of what feels good. I'll see you in the next episode.