Flow State Business
Welcome to the Flow State Business Podcast. I’m a soul-led female entrepreneur and Energetics Business Coach and my mission is to help intuitively aligned coaches meet their first million dollars in their online business. I share openly on topics such as money, wealth-building energetics, and the strategies that took me from zero to multiple 7 figures in less than 3 and a half years.
This podcast is filled with strategy, the teachings of flow state and proven tactics to help you think about entrepreneurship as a way of being, not just a way of doing. Infused with teaching from my 8 signature phases to get to six figures in flow, we’ll dive deep into an alchemy of topics including mindset, online business strategy, wealth creation and so much more! I share interviews with other female entrepreneurs, teachers and leaders who have found their own way to grow a successful business in flow. The solo episodes will leave you feeling ready to take inspired action, create your own flow state in business and become even more empowered to live your most authentic and abundant life. A little more about me…A few years ago I decided that I had to scratch the entrepreneurial itch. I quit my job as a tech start-up recruiter and went all in as an online coach. Along with my hubby, we created a global coaching brand, travelled the world as digital nomads with our two kids and in 3 years, grew a multi-million dollar business. It took a lot of trial and error, trying out new strategies and of course daily discipline to get this far so quickly. But after some time, the hustle got tiring. I was frustrated with my lack of progress, feeling caged by my own limiting beliefs. I didn’t want to just create another J-O-B, I desired to experience freedom.
In search of freedom, I turned to the inner work and found modalities like astrology, hypnotherapy, meditation and journaling to find ME again. I discovered ways to re-shape my reality and unlock my hidden strengths - as I became my true, unapologetic self, I rapidly grew my business to 7 figures with ease. Now I incorporate these teachings into my coaching philosophy. I blend energetics with proven business principles to create massive growth for my clients. I’m a top-rated Forbes business coach and LOVE every single day in my business and life. Ready to dive in? Then start bingeing!
xo Ruby
Flow State Business
How To Turn Your Corporate Expertise into A Paid Consulting Offer
This week on the podcast, I’m sharing:
- How I turned my corporate expertise into a consulting business that changed everything for me and my family.
- The mindset shift that helped me land my first $5K client—and how you can do it too.
If you’ve been feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure about your next move, this episode is your reminder: you don’t need a perfect plan to get started.
Hit play on the latest episode for the clarity and confidence you need to take that first step.
- Click here to grab my 23 Pages Corporate Guide
- Connect with me on LinkedIn here
Hey guys, welcome back to the Flow State Business Podcast. I am finally home on the Gold Coast. We got back yesterday and it just feels so amazing to be back on home sand, so to speak, with all the beaches around. We are just in such clear. focused modes right now, both Michael and I, and I honestly couldn't wait to come back to get back into my routine, to get back into my rhythm.
My son is starting school again tomorrow and whilst we've had the most incredible six week holiday and travel season, we've been to all the places up and down the Australian East Coast and to Hong Kong. We saw family, I had a speaking gig. So many amazing experiences together as a family unit. I'm very happy that we're kind of coming back into the regular programming.
And I think so is my son. Like he's ready to go back to school as well. He's so excited to just see all these mates again and all those wonderful things. And in the meantime, I'm so excited to get properly stuck back into work. I have always like giving myself a lot of grace over school holiday periods.
For those of you that are parents, or you just know what it's like to have multiple things going on. It's very difficult. You know, I had had some of my clients on the mastermind call the other night, just saying how hard it is to be wrangling kids and whatever ages they are and running a business and still being, you know, the nurturer of the house and you're still sharing out duties in cooking.
And it's a lot, it is a lot, but the thing is. I don't think we would have it any other way. And I am so grateful for the variety of life. I'm so grateful for how every day is so different and how we can still transform what we want in our businesses and calling in the desires that we want, even with like the small 1 percent stead.
The other day I shared on stories that I'm just making one improvement every day. One change, one thing that will make the business better. And that day that I was sharing, I was updating a lot of videos for my sales pages, and that was fun. It was 45 minutes of doing a couple of two minute videos, one minute videos, just updating the whole suite of my offers with video.
And it honestly just felt so easy. And that was my only obligation for the day because we were traveling as a family done. I also have been diving into the world of many chat and building out funnels and learning a new skill there. So it meant that I bought a course on many chats. So I'm spending. Two hours a day, one hour at the start of the day, and then the next hour later on in the day, implementing two hours of the day, getting my head around the mini chat system.
And that just feels like progress, you know? So whatever that looks like for you, it's easy for us to kind of want to make it so much bigger than what it is, but it really isn't. It's one task that moves the needle. And what happens as a result of that? In November, I wrote a 25 page guide on some of the goals that I have for 2025, what I'm leaving behind in 2024, the lessons I'm taking with me, the things that I'm leaving in last year and what I'm transitioning into this year as a coach and entrepreneur, and that's it.
Um, those goals have already started to fall into place. One of the big things was making passive income more of it and transitioning from it being a 90 plus percent active based business where I'm coaching all the time in order to earn revenue in my business and to, you know, make an impact with my clients to by the end of this year, I would love for it to sit at 50 50.
And my other goal was that I'm making passive income sales every single day. And you guys, I have not missed a beat. Every single day, a brand new passive income sale has come in. Some days there are 25 to 30 sales. Other days there's one or two, especially on weekends. And I am so excited. Just. To see that result happen so fast and so quickly with these 1 percent changes and even just patting myself on the back for doing this whilst being on holidays and traveling and having Teddy full time and so many different things going on with our schedules and not having a rhythm.
I really hope that this example just goes to show that a small little piece of intention, an hour a day, two hours a day, whatever you've got makes a massive difference towards your goals. So this does actually segue really beautifully into our conversation today about how to turn your corporate expertise into your first consulting offer or coaching offer, depending on what you want to term it.
I don't really see that there's much difference between both consulting, maybe more like a corporate level and bigger scale, slightly bigger scale. And, or coaching can also mean bigger scale because it can mean group coaching and masterminds. So whatever you want to call it, it's interchangeable, but I wanted to really take you back to 2018 when I left my corporate job, I actually left with a hundred thousand dollars in sales already under my belt.
And I'd done that through working full time and then eventually part time with my employer and how I navigated through that. Kind of gray period where I'm still working for somebody else. I'm on somebody else's payroll, but I'm also operating under my business number and my Australian business number and my own brand and how I did that and how I navigated conversations and how I sold to my network.
So I want to throw it all into this one because this is really such a modern discussion for modern day corporates for everyday corporates who are right now. In the future of work, we're in it and how to navigate both worlds very beautifully, how to receive revenue from multiple income sources, to not feel like you're just trapped in the golden handcuffs and only having one source of income.
I just really think that's such a backwards way of, you know, earning in 2025 and beyond. So I want to pick up the story from Once I decided like properly decided capitals that I was for sure wanting to leave the employed life and somehow make a way into entrepreneurship. Everything about it was calling me.
I'm not going to talk about the days where I was tiptoeing in and out of it's charging 50 for a resume. If you've been around for a while, you know that story. This is the story of once I'm like in that mode of this is going to happen within the next six to 12 months. And I directly want to speak to those of you who are also in this same frame of mind where you're either calling in a voluntary redundancy and you'd love like a big juicy.
salary package to take with you into entrepreneurship, or you just know you're very much at the end of the road, you're giving yourself a hundred days and, or maybe you've already put in your notice and you're there. This is really going to speak to you because I want to show you exactly how you can start monetizing your expertise and what the skills that you already have without overthinking it and without needing to.
Completely reinvent the wheel. And I see too many of my clients really come to me in frustration because they've spent the last three or six months doing things that actually don't move the revenue needle at all. And I could go on and on about that, but it's things like getting a beautiful website done and getting it designed and getting a really expensive photo shoot, getting your hair and makeup done, getting all these courses when you don't even have a product to sell yet.
And you haven't tested with your network and you're even just too afraid to speak to your networks. There's just so many things that people just do back to front. And I want to show you the way that you can do it, which is, it makes sense. I'm not saying it's the perfect way, but it's a way that. Helps you sequentially see how money can come through in a very short period of time using your existing networks.
And I'm going to use LinkedIn as my example, because LinkedIn is really where I leveraged a lot of my existing network to land my first clients. So the first thing I have to say every single time I'm working with a one to one client is you do not need all of your ducks in a row. Okay. Like I can't, Stress that enough, what you do need are two things that'll get you making money a lot faster.
One is your years of experience, and that could mean soft skills. That can mean the skills that you've gone to university or college to learn. That could mean your job for the last 10, 20 years, your experience. And secondly, your existing network. Now, if you do not have a network where you're telling yourself that you don't, what have you been doing this whole time whilst you've been working for somebody else?
You do have a network. You're just unwilling to see how this network can turn into clients. And that's the main issue here. It's not that your network aren't willing to pay. It's that you're not willing to allow that to be a reality. And there's some, so many BS excuses I've heard. Like, I don't like that person.
That person doesn't like me. When I left that corporate job, we sort of ended on funny terms. Oh, that person's only on this amount of salary. So there's no way they could afford this or so and so is in alliance with this boss who I had an argument with six years ago. Can we just, please, like a customer.
Is a customer and you'll be surprised at how much you make things up in your head and how much that client potential client has already kind of let water go under the bridge or whatever that terminology is. Okay. So I just want to address that upfront because we're going to be talking about some uncomfortable aspects to how you can make your first sales.
But I promise you, I promise you that the other way of doing this, i. e. growing your social network and growing on social media and doing all the things that is going to take you a very long time to score a client. You might get lucky with one or two where your main clients are going to be in the starting point early days is your network.
If you want to grow an Instagram account or your TikTok account to whatever number you've got in your mind, just. Decide here and now that you're going to do that for six months and potentially not earn very much. And that's not going to feel good because cashflow is the lifeblood of your business and it's the lifeblood of your ideas and it's the lifeblood of flow.
And I really don't want you to be burnt out even before you've made a single sale. Okay. So let's do that. I'm also going to use the term 5, 000 because that was the first number dollar amount that I sold that just felt really. Good and big. And it really, for me, it struck this ideal balance. Like the price point was stretching me enough, but it was definitely me deciding to earn the value of my time and expertise.
And just seeing that five grand transferred into my account. I was like, Oh my gosh. Like it was. So big. It was so big. And I understand that I have a lot of my clients who are earning like two, 300, 000 a year. And that's just so natural for you to say, but even so, I know a lot of you would be balking at that if that was under your own brand and business, because it's so massive that you've done it on your own.
So, Oh, I've got goosebumps even just saying that. All right. So we're not doing ducks in a row instead. I want to step you through the way in which I started making money. At the very start of that decision, I also was like, I'm going to just come up with a couple of things that's going to make it easy for people to buy from me.
I knew that I needed a payment system. I didn't want to invoice cause I did invoicing through my resume business and I was following people up. And that was just a waste of my time because I was a new mom and I was also balancing a corporate job and I was managing people and clients and stakeholders.
To then go at like 10 o'clock at night. So and so still hasn't paid me. I need to chase them up for my 50 bucks was so low vibe. So I found a way and that was through Stripe. I'm a Stripe gal. I'm actually considering getting rid of PayPal altogether because the business PayPal business shits me. Their fees are so high.
They can lock your account. They put stuff into a frozen space and they don't tell you why you can't get in touch with anybody. So I'm just going to go with Stripe. As much as I can now, which is why maybe if you've ever seen my sales pages, I don't have PayPal as available. It's just not my favorite. So I went with Stripe.
And then I also found a system which was Calendly. And that's where people can book directly into my calendar. I did a little sync up with my Google calendar. And basically when people chose the time, they were the times that were free on my Google calendar. And in order to get a time with me, they had to pay.
So they couldn't just make an appointment. They had to pay for that before the appointment entered both of our calendars. So it was really cool to just have that there. Because as soon as I started to tell people that I was taking one to one sessions to help them with their problem, I was able to then go.
Here is a way to pay me. And as a little bit of a backstory, I had a lot of people already asking me stuff because of my job. So they'd be asking me things like, how do you actually stand out in an interview at third interview stage? And you know, these would be senior, senior, senior managers pulling me aside in the hallway going, I'm going for that secondment.
I'm going for that other job or that transfer to this other part of the company. Okay. I'm in third interview. Can you just please give me some good tips on what I need to do that's different? And, or I would have, you know, the call center gal who I would bump into in the kitchen and we got along really well.
And, you know, I have this one particular colleague in mind. And she'd say, Ruby, like, I don't want to be in the call center forever. I do want to move into marketing. What can I do to stand out? I think I need to build a personal brand of some kind. Can you please share with me how to do that? Can I pick your brain?
So I had a lot of these, like, pick my brain, pick my brain type of things. And then even outside of work, I had friends of friends. One of the boys at barbecues and they'd be saying like, Hey, can I pick your brain on how you balance a full time job? How you have kids and also how you have a side hustle?
You know, I'm currently working at this company and I want to do what you do, but I'm not really sure whether they would, you know, be okay with me doing that. and Like, can I just set aside a Saturday breakfast and I'd love to shout you a brekkie and then pick your brain. So I had a lot of those going on.
Do you have those questions coming up within your current expertise? So again, I'm not talking to someone who is a lawyer who's wanting to start a cupcake business. I'm talking to someone who is currently a lawyer who wants to start a business to help Entrepreneurs trademark their brands or to, you know, have a contracts based asset based business that's running online effortlessly.
It's about your expertise. Are you already getting questions like that? Now, at first I gave all of my advice away for free because I thought I'm just really helping people out and it's no big deal, but the requests really started to pile up because I was taking these free meetings. Whatever you call like lunch meetings.
I was probably still getting treated, but still I realized two things. My time was very short. I was juggling so much and I had my own business goals. And secondly, I really felt this deep annoyance that was sort of growing where like, damn, like I have a lot of value to give guys because what happened was, you know, that executive, that call center chief, they all went and got the things that they wanted because they sat down and talk to me, but people were gaining all this clarity and taking action from my advice and monetizing their moves and they were getting pay rises and all of that.
Why couldn't I, why shouldn't I charge for it? So it kind of came from that place and. I really also knew that if I wasn't monetizing, if I wasn't saying it's worth this much, nothing would ever change in my world. I would still be working in my corporate job because I'd be telling myself it's too hard to sell.
So that's when I really decided to turn a lot of my free advice, like 99 percent of people who asked me, the 1 percent were very, very close friends. You know, you're allowed to have one or two that you're like, yeah, of course, don't worry about it. But 99%. I turned it into that paid offer where I would lead people into my calendar link.
And I called it pick my brain because every single person was saying, can I pick your brain rubes? And I just started charging a hundred dollars for an hour of my time. And it was such a game changer because within a month, I sold 10 of these. Within a few months, I made my first 5, 000. just so nuts because it was the gateway to saying I'm open and I'm ready and I'm setting up some stuff.
So this is all I needed. I'm going to say it again. I just had a calendar system. So get a calendar system. I had a payment option, create a payment option. And then I started to tell people that I would like to get paid for it. So anytime someone asked me, I'd say, I actually do have a session like this.
I've got a lot of people asking me questions all the time, and this is the link. So up to you, you can decide, you know, whether to book in or not. I was very casual about it. Like I am now whenever I'm selling. So that was it. And then once I get more confident with it, I started to post it on LinkedIn. And of course, like with my employer in mind, I was very respectful and I would say they knew by the way that I had this side hustle.
So I'd say whenever you see me promote stuff about. How to get people, you know, more confident with themselves when they go for jobs. No, that I'm not taking those sessions during work times. I'm taking those sessions after work or during lunch breaks and things like that as well. So it was so good to just begin in that way.
And it, it honestly did become. easier and easier and easier. So, um, by the way, guys, this is a good point to stop here and let you know that I actually have a brand new, like hot off the press today. I'm recording this January 27th, 2025. I had another episode planned, but because this product just got finished today, it's brand new.
It's 23 pages long. On exactly how to turn your corporate expertise into a paid consulting offer, and it is field there's like 6, 808 words on the exact strategy that I use to begin getting paid, making that first five grand and then turning that five grand into a hundred thousand. So if you've got questions as you're listening to this going, but how did you do that and how can I do that?
Then this is going to be the guide for you. It's on sale for a very teeny tiny amount, and the price is going to go up on it, but I'll leave it be for a little bit. So if you're listening to this now, go and grab it. If you're listening to this way down the track, it's still going to be extremely reasonable.
So go and have a look. Now, one of the things that I also go a lot into inside of this guide is how to price for your expertise, which I'm not going to talk about in the podcast, cause that's going to take forever. And it's probably a whole other show in itself. And also how I authentically started to just tune into and how I turned my network into this incredible opportunity of, you know, not just having more clients, but opportunities like media and speaking and all the things like, you know, how I attracted a brand deal opportunity for 10K, how I.
Went ahead and signed a major bank campaign, just so many crazy things. And that's just what LinkedIn is for me. Like, and so many of my other clients, stuff just lands in your lap when you're on LinkedIn. Which actually does take me to the part where I do want to talk about how to confidently leverage LinkedIn to land your first clients, I'm going to say LinkedIn.
But please feel free to interchange that with anywhere that you feel you have your existing network. So that might be Facebook because you have, you know, had all of your mother groups on there forever and you're ready to step back into your career and that's just where your network is now. Go with that.
But I'm just going to say LinkedIn. And I want to talk about how to unlock those really hidden sneaky opportunities you already have right under your nose through your connections. And if you really think about it, you guys, don't you think it just makes sense that the first place to start selling is your direct group of friends, family, and peers.
Does that not hit with you? I like, trust me, I know it, it might be awkward because do you really want to sell to your auntie's husband? Probably not. It's not easy, but if you can't sell to your direct close people. I'm telling you right now, it's not going to get easier selling to a bunch of faceless online followers that you've never met before.
And like, you don't really even know how to articulate what you do. There is a lot of magic when you face this fear. I want to just call it a fear because. Most of us do feel the awkwardness and I've seen so many of my clients try to sell to their, you know, air quotes, non networks first, because it feels safe and you're sort of hidden and it's okay.
But that's like leaving a massive treasure chest right in front of you untouched whilst you're trying to dig for the pennies that don't belong to you. You know, someone accidentally spilt along the way, you are just ignoring what's right in front of you. I'll give you a really practical example. When I told one of my GMs that I was going to go full on into helping people build their personal brands on LinkedIn.
And I was just having lunch with him and he goes, Oh, that's just amazing. So many people need that. And then I just turned to him and I said, do you need that? Let me coach you. And he's like, you know what? I reckon that would really help because we're trying to tender for this business. And they don't really know who I am.
They know who the founder of the business is. They know everybody else, but they don't really know me because I've been so buried in my work for so long now. He's like one of the best of the best of the best in the industry and what he does. But I'm telling you his LinkedIn account was so, so basic. And if wherever we were tendering, if they looked up who was leading the project, which I'm sure they would have.
There's just nothing impressive behind that. So I said to him, let's sit down, it's a hundred bucks and I'm just going to show you what to do. The reason why I'm charging is because it's taking me away from the family, but it's going to be worth it. And I want to help you. But this is just what feels balanced to me, signed up, easy done.
So like you just have to have the boldness and what was the worst that was going to happen? He was going to say, not right now, rubes. Like it's fine. And then I would have said, seriously, don't make it awkward. It's all good. If you need help with this, you know where to find me. Like I sit right next to you, you know, so just a reminder that if you are serious about landing your first sales, just stop overlooking the network because it feels awkward.
You have something there that really helps people. I had something that could really help. That person, my manager, and it was very uncomfortable. It was worth it. And guess what he did? He ended up telling two of his guys in his team, and then his guys sold their wives and then their wives told their friends and it just kept going and going and going.
What I have noticed is there's this funny thing, which goes on sometimes with. Pre revenue entrepreneurs, or those of you that are wanting to go full time in your business, and there's this mismatch of your platform to your network. And you waste a lot of time and energy and credibility, like you're, you've hired yourself a reels coach, but none of your clients are on Instagram, for example, and you're like, Oh, I've invested X amount of dollars into this course.
And then I've spent like 30 minutes trying to edit a six second reel and I only got one like, and I'm like, but are your clients on there? Are you looking for these sorts of people or like, what, what's the goal here? This is where 30 minutes of editing a reel and sticking it up on a platform. That's going nowhere for you versus 30 minutes of just having one uncomfortable conversation.
Where is that going to take you? Think about the opportunities and the time exchange that. You have with your direct networks and it's where people know, like, and trust you. This is like your trusted networks. You just have to be a little bit brave. I can say hand on heart, every single entrepreneur, big brand that you can think of that's out there.
That's how they started be bold. Okay. Send the message, start the conversation, mention what you're offering, send them to your call link. People can't support what you're doing. What they don't know about. This is your moment to really own that expertise and start making moves. And you could literally be one conversation away from a five grand opportunity, but only if you're brave enough to speak up and only if you decide that you actually really want this stop hiding on the wrong platforms and start leveraging LinkedIn for growth.
And. It's massive and actually inside of the guide, I literally break down how this platform is designed for businesses and professional growth. It's literally where decision makers, corporate leaders, entrepreneurs, industry experts, journalists, they go and connect and they collaborate. It's a business platform wanting to have business conversations, business solutions.
They're discussing challenges about what they're going through. So, Business to business, how can you help them? Like there's no other platform like this. And this is the mindset that I really want you to think about when you're looking at revenue generating activities. There's no point crying over the five likes that you have on Instagram when you're not on a platform where your clients just simply don't exist.
Okay. There's so much more in this guide. I really want to encourage you to jump in and have a look, especially if everything I'm saying right now is just like, gold to your ears because I know what it's like. Like I would have been searching for this podcast when I started and just writing down a whole ton of notes because.
This is really where the difference is. I have had six podcast listeners simultaneously tell me this week that whenever a podcast comes up of mine, they've got a notepad and a pen ready to go writing notes. I mean, you guys are just incredible. Like Sarah, Jacinta shout out again, like. I can't think of the other side.
I'm so sorry, but like, you know, those of you that have DME saying I'm writing notes and notes and pages and pages, this is where you really get to dig in. This is why I love podcasting because you get long form evergreen content that lives on a system. And LinkedIn is exactly like that too. It doesn't disappear after 24 hours and you can really be intentional with your presence there.
So a couple of questions for you. Write this down cause I know you've got your notepads now. What value do I bring to my network? This is your authority. Question two. What do I want people to associate with me professionally? This is your personal brand for your business. How can I position myself as approachable and helpful?
So this is going to be about how you are more authentic. There's different clients who answer each of these differently. For instance, I had a client of mine. And I asked him this question, like, how do you position yourself as approachable and helpful? And he's like, Oh, I kind of don't, I just sell. And I'm like, and how's that going for you?
He's like, I don't get a single DM. I don't get any likes. No one clicks on my links. And I said, if you could be more approachable, or if you think about someone that you can approach really easily, who would that be? And he goes, well, you, and I said, cool. Okay, well, we'll, but use me as an example. How am I approachable?
He goes, you just share stories that are real. Bingo. And he goes, you also share insights, relate to me, bingo. So showing up to your network on LinkedIn, isn't just about selling for the sake of selling or talking for the sake of talking. There are so many people out there who are just talking at you. I promise you, they're just not getting conversions.
They're just not like revenue conversions. I see some of my clients posts and I'm like, you're talking at me, babe, please. And then I have to message them to be like, and tell me your story. I don't need theory. If I needed theory, I would have just gone to a textbook, share your stories, your insights. How do you add value?
How do you draw people in to have conversations with you and with each other? So many amazing ways that you can really think about setting up your LinkedIn and your network in a way literally lands you. Like I had, um, I connected with one of Australia's most, Like one of the most well known 500 million is like half a billion dollars a year.
He contacted me on LinkedIn saying, I love your work. I'm trying to grow my personal brand on here and really I'm leaning into how you storytell cause it's really. Inspiring. Had another client reach out, basically saying, Hey, so and so has recommended you. I would love to work with you. And I'm an executive coach, trainer, group facilitator.
I've built my business exclusively just through word of mouth. And now I'm wanting to expand my personal brand online. So beautiful. Like they're sharing so much about like their challenges and where they're at right now, have another in my inbox and. Um, yeah, she was just saying that she's a recruiter in HR as well and just wants to start something different and new because she just feels 2025 is the year that she's going to quit her job and go all in.
Start conversations, not sales pitches. Okay. I promise you this is what changed my entire trajectory. If I think about deciding to start monetizing the free chats into a hundred dollar an hour offer, and then inside of that hundred dollar an hour offer, I didn't just end it there. I would lead them to something else.
I would lead them to a thousand dollar offer. I would lead them to a 5, 000 offer. And that was just so massive. Like think about how you can upsell. And this is, again, I go through a massive section. It's a whole chapter inside of the guide about how to upsell and how to continue selling up so that it's the 5, 000 turns into a hundred thousand dollars and beyond.
But the key here is to keep it very deliverable for you and your clients, especially for those of you who are still working full time. Don't upsell something. Like I've just come off a call with another client of mine and she's working full time, She's nailed down a consulting offer, like a big one, 15, 000.
And she's literally now feeling like she's working two jobs. And then when she looks at the hours behind how much time she put behind her consulting offer, it's just not worth it in, from a pure money data perspective, obviously we're going to do a lot more with that. And I promised her it is worth it, but think about your deliverables.
You do not need to over deliver to the point where you're just literally feeling like you're in two full time jobs and it's. You know, exhausting. Okay. Keep it simple. I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars off one consulting package addressing one hyper specific problem. So what I addressed was how to turn your resume based LinkedIn page into a personal brand that makes sales.
That's LinkedIn brand boss. I've had almost 600 of you go through this course. So you know, LinkedIn brand boss, if you've done it, that's exactly what I teach. That's it. There's no fluff. It's very clear. It's results, results focused. And there's a very specific pain point that I'm addressing. Okay. So this offer has gone in to make like quarter of a million dollars in the first three launches because it was focused.
It was easy. All the things. And you can keep it simple. All right. So I hope you enjoyed this episode and that it's given you that little fire. Please go ahead and grab the guide. I'm going to keep it on sale for a tiny bit longer just because I want to reward my podcast listeners with the sale price as long as I can.
And you're not going to regret it. It's just going to be such an amazing read. You're going to highlight the whole thing. You're going to have notes everywhere. And then once you have those notes and those questions, then we can sit down and have a chat or you can come to one of my masterminds, spend three months nailing down your strategy.
You're on your way to making seven figures. It honestly is so, so good. I love you all so much. I'm so ready to kickstart 2025 with a massive bang once Teddy goes back to school tomorrow. And yeah, this is me like not starting yet. I can't wait to see the version of me. That's like in it and started and raring to go.
I'm definitely going to have more amazing stories like Sasha's last week. I interviewed my client who left her corporate CFO job at the executive level. And she went full time into her business, uh, last year. And I, more of these stories are going to be super empowering for those of you. I work with a lot of high net worth, very smart individuals who are leaving corporates, who are earning, you know, have very much been earning six to multiple six figures for years and years and years with massive bonuses.
And they're just putting it all out there, starting their own companies. And I am the person to help bridge that gap. Everything is in the guide. And I'm so excited for you to lean into this and that I finally have this resource that's just easy and accessible for people to go and grab. Okay. Love you all.