Flow State Business
Welcome to the Flow State Business Podcast. I’m a soul-led female entrepreneur and Energetics Business Coach and my mission is to help intuitively aligned coaches meet their first million dollars in their online business. I share openly on topics such as money, wealth-building energetics, and the strategies that took me from zero to multiple 7 figures in less than 3 and a half years.
This podcast is filled with strategy, the teachings of flow state and proven tactics to help you think about entrepreneurship as a way of being, not just a way of doing. Infused with teaching from my 8 signature phases to get to six figures in flow, we’ll dive deep into an alchemy of topics including mindset, online business strategy, wealth creation and so much more! I share interviews with other female entrepreneurs, teachers and leaders who have found their own way to grow a successful business in flow. The solo episodes will leave you feeling ready to take inspired action, create your own flow state in business and become even more empowered to live your most authentic and abundant life. A little more about me…A few years ago I decided that I had to scratch the entrepreneurial itch. I quit my job as a tech start-up recruiter and went all in as an online coach. Along with my hubby, we created a global coaching brand, travelled the world as digital nomads with our two kids and in 3 years, grew a multi-million dollar business. It took a lot of trial and error, trying out new strategies and of course daily discipline to get this far so quickly. But after some time, the hustle got tiring. I was frustrated with my lack of progress, feeling caged by my own limiting beliefs. I didn’t want to just create another J-O-B, I desired to experience freedom.
In search of freedom, I turned to the inner work and found modalities like astrology, hypnotherapy, meditation and journaling to find ME again. I discovered ways to re-shape my reality and unlock my hidden strengths - as I became my true, unapologetic self, I rapidly grew my business to 7 figures with ease. Now I incorporate these teachings into my coaching philosophy. I blend energetics with proven business principles to create massive growth for my clients. I’m a top-rated Forbes business coach and LOVE every single day in my business and life. Ready to dive in? Then start bingeing!
xo Ruby
Flow State Business
Why 95% of My Private Invites Say YES (and How You Can Do It Too)
Something wild has been happening in my business lately. In just a few days, I’ve signed nearly $70K in high-ticket coaching—without posting on Instagram, without sending long sales emails, and without the usual launch tactics you’d expect.
So, how did I do it?
That’s exactly what I’m breaking down in today’s episode. I’m sharing the private invite strategy I’ve been using to sign high-ticket clients with total ease, why only two people have said no (out of everyone I’ve invited), and how this approach is shifting the way I think about sales.
Plus, I’m also giving you a little life update—because a LOT has happened. Moving into our dream beachfront apartment, closing out chaotic chapters, and leaning into the most aligned, abundant energy yet.
Hello. Hello. Okay, so before we get into the juiciness of how I am currently signing up high ticket clients and all the so-called air quotes, sorcery behind it, although there isn't, it's actually so easy and so simple. I just thought I'd give you a bit of an update on all things happening in the world of Ruby Lee and.
Just chats, you know, like you guys know, I love my chats with you, and it also just helps me process so much from week to week. And I think if I were to look back at documenting my business, the podcast is the place that I would do that. And I'm just. Never skipped a beat with the podcast that week on week.
It's sort of this entry and this journal and this kind of way of me going, oh my God, yes, that happened and then this cool thing happened in the business as well. So anyway, it's kind of for me, kind of for you. We're all besties here, so let's get cha firstly. Finally, finally, hello from our brand new house.
Well, it's not quite like a house with a garden at the back, but it is an all floor apartment, beach front, and we have one of those all four apartments that has a lift that goes into it. And the lift opens up straight into the apartment like, and the first thing you see is the beach. Ah, it is so beautiful.
It's like selling sunset vibes. I can't even put into words how beautiful it is, and we literally have these gorgeous views. I can see from, gosh, like right down the end of Surface Paradise, which is where most people go when they come to the Gold Coast. Don't be one of those people and all the way down, almost to New South Wales and beyond like the other state.
It is so stunning. Like I wake up. And the first thing I see is the ocean, and it's stretching out endlessly in front of us. And honestly, it is everything that we have manifested me and my husband. I. We just love property stuff, you know, and we sit there and we talk about our dream place. And I'm a specific manifester.
He's a non-specific manifester in human design. So we just have this really nice complimented way when it comes to talking about, you know, what we're dreaming up and how we are leaning into that. So, oh, it's just unbelievable. And you guys should have seen my 9-year-old son. We brought him here yesterday when we officially moved in.
And his jaw was to the floor. His, he could not believe that this is where we now live. And that was just everything, you know, like I think sometimes we can overthink it so much about why we have our business and you know, obviously we wanna have this big global impact and make change on the world and leave generational impact.
But honestly, I think for me, a lot of it comes down to, of course, like safety and security and knowing that. Me and my family are looked after and then after that it's like the kids and what they're left with and their life experiences. And so much of what I do is for the family. So even these beautiful, really special everyday moments when we're showing him the new house and you know, just how grateful he is as well.
And we just sat on the balcony. Overflowing with gratitude, like the three of us were just so, so, so grateful. I also have a stepson who's 17 and he visits us all the time. So I've been telling him just how awesome it is and how he needs to get his ass up here, like right now, and he's gonna do it like during holidays and stuff, and I can't wait for him to see it as well.
He's Leo, big magic energy, so he's gonna love the big views and just how bougie it all feels. So anyway, I wanted to share this, not to, you know, go on and on about it, but. I know that if you are someone who's going through a season that. Like right now, it just feels filled with frustrations and setbacks.
I have a client of mine who's in that, and it just feels like endless hurdles. I mean, I get that. Like we were sitting on the balcony just in shock that 75 days ago we were in this exact energy where everything just felt so. Endless with hurdles that we had to clear. And yet here we are now like living this dream magical life and in this whole different reality.
So please know if you're going through that season, please, please hold on. There is something so magical on the other side waiting for you. I promise. And I truly believe it's as cliche as it sounds. I fully, truly, truly believe from the inside out. Things are always working out for the better and there's always this or something better that's coming along.
And that's definitely been my experience, not just this time around, but again and again and again. So, ah. But yes, I must say that chaos mode for us is still in full swing. I feel like I say this every single week because it has just been so nonstop, you know, since selling the house and putting everything into storage and going overseas and all the things.
But I think, I think we are finally coming to the tail end of it. It felt so. Good to unpack my suitcase after 10 weeks wearing the same clothes over and over. I know guys like first world issues, but it just feels so good to put that suitcase away and not see it for a couple of weeks before we travel again.
But just actually exhale, you know, I get to nest and know that we are settled in and we can fully hug it down and turn this place into a home, and I am craving it. So much. And, uh, what else, what else? This week has also been. A big one because I had to hand over the beautiful puppy, um, that I've been dog sitting for the past two weeks.
And look, I knew that I was gonna get attached. My husband kept saying to me like, don't do it. Don't fall in love. You know how this goes and what happened. Your girl got attached, you know, with the time came last night to say bye. I gave him one final walk and all of that. I was driving that to mine and I was just fully teary eyes.
Deep breaths, the works, right. But at the same time, life just gave me, you know, a really beautiful gift in return. I have my bestie back in town. Um, and that's been really lovely. So I'm looking forward to finally having my girlfriend back living in the same area again and just like, yeah, I can't wait to show her everything.
And she's basically just like, you can have my dog at any time, so, woo hoo. Um, and then of course we know, maybe you don't know, but there was a whole incident that happened a couple of weeks ago. I'm gonna call it Storage gate. Oh my God. If you know, you know, we're finally moving all of our stuff back into this new house and you know, even after like the aftermath, like the robbers took some really, really big, precious things.
I feel so deeply grateful for what we still have. I. I'm literally unboxing memories and piecing our things back together and realizing that, do you know what? Like we still have a lot of things that they didn't take or break and no matter what was taken or broken, like the biggest things, what truly matters is that, yeah, we're still here and you know, things are beautiful.
My son, oh my gosh, I have to tell you, we went on a walk the other day and he goes, mom, I heard something really, really cool. Like, mind you, he's nine. So he's like, I'm like, okay, here we go. What's he gonna be talking about? Like skitty toilet or whatever, rubbish they fill their minds with. Nobody goes, do you want $10 million?
And I was like, yeah, sure. I'll take $10 million. And he goes, do you wanna wake up tomorrow morning and live a full life? And I said, yes, I wanna wake up tomorrow morning and live a full life. And he said, imagine if you had $10 million, but you knew that you weren't gonna wake up tomorrow morning with a full life.
Would you still want the money? And I said, no. And he goes, exactly. So we're still gonna wake up every morning and live a full life. And that just made me tear up because just like hearing him say that in, in the real perspective, like I actually really understood it. It's just so beautiful. And I know I just had one of those moments where I just thought, oh, I've done a good job.
I've done a good job with the money mindset thing, and that just felt worth it. That was just such a beautiful, beautiful moment. So, yeah. Okay, so let's get into, that's actually a great segue because from here I also wanna share that I have had. A really, really big couple of weeks with money stuff like good stuff, big dollar energy kind of stuff.
And I have had the most incredibly easy and effortless abundant launch that's happening right now and will be happening until the end of the month or until we are completely sold and filled. And I kid you not guys, like I have approached a handful of people and. Two people said no, two people. So let's say like 95% of people that I have privately invited.
Into a high ticket experience with me has said yes, and I wanna share with you exactly what I've done with this launch, which by the way, it feels weird even calling it a launch because I haven't put one single post up on Instagram. I haven't shared one single story on Instagram either. I haven't put it anywhere on LinkedIn, like they're my two main social media platforms.
I haven't even talked about it here on the podcast until now. It's mainly been through. Private invitations via email, or if I'm already speaking to that client in Voxer, I'll just voxer them directly and I'm also like recording a little loom video. And anyway, uh, if you do want a little scoop on exactly how two private invite, it is definitely an art form.
It's something that I would say is more advanced if you. I'm new to this, it just takes a little while to get your confidence behind it. But what I've actually done is I have put together a step-by-step on exactly what I'm currently doing to convert my high tickets. And like to give you an example, the last three days, like it's Monday, the, what is it, 3rd of March at the moment.
So from Thursday, Friday, and then today, so business days, I've signed almost $70,000 worth of coaching services into my high ticket container, which by the way is Inner Circle. So it's my brand new inner circle experience. It's so, so, so, so, so different to. Any other inner circle I've ever run. Uh, the last time I opened Inner Circle, it was 16 months ago.
16 months ago. So not because of like, I didn't wanna do it, I was told to wait and told to listen, and then the green light would come. And this is all in my journaling, in my meditation, you guys. And the green light came to me in a dream. And this has like been unbelievable. So I've also got another 30,000 that's incoming this week, and then I'm pitching another 50 to $70,000 worth of new clients as well.
So it has been a very, very, very abundant couple of days and honestly, what a beautiful start to march as well. And I wanted to share this with you and make this part really, really inspiring and, and let you know that it's very easy to do this once you get your energy behind something like this. Which is why I never really fuss about sharing my notes with you guys, because like a lot of my peers will say, you could charge people for that.
I'm like, what? For my notes on how I make high ticket sales? And they're like, yeah. I'm like, but it's not that that I really wanna be. Teaching and selling and enrolling people into, 'cause you can just have it for free. I know that what really makes this work is flow and energy and if you know how to flow on demand, if you know how to be the master of all things, flow state and work with energetics the way that I do, that's really what I wanna be paid for.
So you guys get all the operational stats and stuff for free, whatever, like the step by step. But yeah, definitely go check it out. I'm gonna leave it in the show notes below and like go download that. If you listen to my episode last week as well, you'll know that nothing's really that pretty in my business.
That's been a very strategic. On purpose decision, so please don't expect the world from my sales page. It is what it is. It's literally so simple. Just put your name and your email address in. I'll send you the whole document. It's, I think two pages at most, and it's just really here to help you see how to keep it easy and how to keep it fresh when it comes to your high ticket sales and private invitations.
Keep it really fun, please. That's really what is gonna bring the flow on because. Your high vibrational energy operates with ease. It doesn't operate with over complexity in the business. So any opportunity you have, just to make things simple, definitely go ahead and do that as well. Okay, so very quick episode from me today.
I'm also gonna throw into the show notes, the wait list link for Inner Circle. If you're still here, I'll quickly share a little bit about what this round of inner Circle is going to be like and oh my gosh, you guys like, I'm so excited. Like I, like I said, it's been a little while in the works because I've really had to sit with the energetics of what my next high ticket.
Ultimate calibration type of experience would look like. And this time around, I just feel so ready. I have the signature course called Flow State Business, which is the name of this podcast, the name of my business. So that is like your one stop, 1 0 1 beginner program on all things applying flow, flow state and the science of flow into business.
Inner circle is going to be about flow state mastery. So this is about unlocking peak performance and the convergence of magnetic sales and wealth expansion by mastering flow at both a neural level. So we're gonna talk about brain science and a strategic level and how that overlays into your energetic stay on days.
So. It's not something that I just teach as a concept, which flow state business is. It's a beautiful idea and you get to learn about the science of things, but in mastery, you actually get to embody it so it actually becomes part of your new operating system. But oh my God, amazing. It is six months long.
Can I just like read out some of the things we're gonna be working on together? We're gonna be talking about cognitive optimization and how you gain deeper intuitive guidance without overanalyzing and the science of operating in your peak success and money zone. We're gonna be talking obviously about productivity, but more so than productivity.
I wanna show you how to get into the zone. And access this dopamine driven motivation, which isn't unhealthy, but it's how to help you stay naturally inspired and focused without burning out. We, we do this by accessing dopamine at a really, really beautifully balanced level, and also obviously working on things like your nervous system and resetting that and ensuring that.
Everything that we are doing with client attraction and sales is backed with the neuroscience aspect of how you stay in balance to receive more, but without having to move. I. With more force, which is why I'm able to do so much in my life, but never feel burnt out, exhausted, and completely flat at the end of it.
And I'm just so over it. Like I just, I know this is my mission to really help entrepreneurs. Become more of who they are through understanding flow and flow on demand at this level, and being this like contributor to the expansion of consciousness when it comes to flow state. Just lights me up in every way.
We're also gonna talk about things like, of course, um, passive income, productivity, expansion, wealth and lifestyle goals. How to become more effortlessly, more of you like aligning into deep work states with passive revenue. Especially for those of you that have been growing your business for some time now, and you are only exchanging time for money, like what I was doing for the first six years of my business, and then moving into a flow model where you start thinking about things.
Even into the future, a little bit like how you build a team that runs on vision, rather than having like a bunch of people just taking orders from you, you know, they're helping you run the vision, which is what I'm so, so good at. Whenever I hire people into my team, so big things are coming in inner circle, but you guys, we are well and truly filling a lot of spots.
Like I think we're almost at 50% filled now. So if you want a spot, there's only gonna be 15 people in this inner circle for six months. Please jump on the wait list, or if you have just immediate questions, just DM me straight away. Most of my high ticket clients sit on the podcast. You guys are really, really loyal listeners, so I know that I'm speaking to my ideal people right now.
If you just wanna know the investment, if you just wanna know like the details like that, I'm cool with that too. I get it. Like you just wanna get down to business. I. Um, but please don't message me just for the money, like details and then ghost me. I absolutely cannot stand that. I'm sure you would hate that as well.
So if you wanna talk money, if you wanna talk investment, if you wanna talk impact, if you wanna talk whether this is right for you, then my inbox is open, open, open. Very happy to discuss. And uh, yeah, just my advice is just please be quick. 'cause every single person that I'm literally private inviting right now is saying yes.
And if I haven't already private invited you. It could be that it's coming. 'cause every single private invite takes time and energy. 'cause I really sink into your business and see where you're at. And if you and I have never worked together, then maybe that's why I haven't private invited you. But this could be the time.
So anyway, big love, big kisses. I've gotta go. I've got so much I need to do. Unpack, set up the house. Definitely send out more private invites, and I hope you enjoy the freebies so that you can have a look at exactly what I'm doing to have all of my amazing high ticket clients come in and say, yes. Okay, loves I'll catch you in the next episode.
In the meantime, don't forget, you can always, always trust and follow the flow of what feels good, big kisses.