Flow State Business

Prevent Launch Flop - The 5 Crucial Phases To Have a Hot As Fire Launch with Mai-kee Tsang

• Ruby Lee • Episode 101

In this episode, I speak to launch expert and strategist, Mai-kee Tsang.

You will love Mai-kee's energy when it comes to launching. She has so generously shared her 5-stage formula taught to her successful clients.

I'm so excited to bring this episode to y'all and you can find more goodness from Mai-kee right here...


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Speaker 1:

This episode of the own. Your hustle podcast is brought to you by blaze your coaching practice to six figures. This is my new five week group coaching program. It is going to be run live and we start on the 29th of September. Now this program is here to help you blow up your coaching practice online, especially if you are a private coach and you're wanting to learn how to book out your private coaching spots and how we do that is to get super clear on your private coaching program and start to be able to forecast your income and not have to wish and hope for your next client. If that is you, I definitely encourage you to go and check out blaze. The link is below in the show notes and I'm so excited to meet you on the inside. Welcome to the own your hustle podcast. My name is Ruby Lee. I'm a side hustle coach, entrepreneur, and all the energy you need to turn your idea into freedom. Here's a little something about me. I was once fired for having a side hustle. And today I dedicate my life and business to enabling early stage entrepreneurs everywhere to create options in their career and abundance on their own terms. Some while still balancing your day job side hustlers are the future of work and I am unapologetic for our ambition from working through your hundred ideas to creating a successful sideline business. I'll share my own experiences, practical tips and help you crush through those mindset blockers. So if you're ready, I'm ready. Let's get started. Hey everybody and welcome to this episode of the own your hustle podcast. I am currently sitting in my new home in Lisbon, Portugal and I'm so happy to be here because we've been traveling a lot since August. We have been, you know, getting through America and then heading over to the UK to spend time with my folks. They flew in from Australia and we've just been really taking it all in and enjoying being on the road and seeing new things and you know, diving into new adventures and of course heading over to Italy so that I could meet my mastermind group. And just nourish the soul with lots of pasta and Vino and gelato and that has just been such a cool adventure. But we are now here in Portugal for a good, almost a good two months. So I'm very excited to just ground for a little bit. One of the first things I did was just, you know, take my shoes off, feel the soil under me and I got my smokey courts out and I was holding that setting an intention for our time here in Portugal. And then we just did all the things. We unpacked our bags, we rearrange the Airbnb apartment. We are looking into hiring a babysitter and a nanny for Teddy. Mike got his haircut, I'm going to go get my nails done. So it just feels like, okay, we're settling and it's just so nice. I think there's parts of travel which we get to have, you know, longer moments in and just really get to be a part of the culture and get to feel like locals. And let's just say we are starting to learn a few little phrases and words here in Portuguese, which, um, it is actually going to be a little mission of mine because it's always nice from time to time to get your head out of personal development and move into a place of learning where it maybe has absolutely nothing to do with your business, but it opens up a creative side to your mind. Do you guys know what I'm saying? You know, some of you guys might have very different ways of doing this. It might be Netflix. I had another girlfriend of mine in the mastermind who was saying she just rereads Harry Potter books and she loves that. And I was like, yeah, I think for me it's just, you know, really absorbing into different cultures and learning new languages. So very excited for this next phase in our travels. Now in today's interview, I'm so, so pleased to be speaking about a topic that just lights me up and that is launching. I love to launch now. If you've been following my journey, you will know that I wasn't ever shy of launching in new programs, masterclasses, workshops, coaching like I went through a stage there where I was literally launching once to twice, once, once or twice a month and it could have just been like a low end offer, maybe even like trialing a membership into a core offering and that was just how I really started my business and getting used to the idea of selling is sharing and putting something out there that was you know, downloaded in the most creative and aligned way. But here's the thing you guys, I definitely suffered one or two launches that didn't go so well and I also had launches that went terrifically well. So in this, in this episode today I am bringing on a very, very special lady. Her name is may Kay sang and may Kay is a launch strategist. She's also a conversion copywriter, literally angels in your business if you've ever hired one and also a podcaster who has worked with purpose driven entrepreneurs who have an eye for the future. Now, if that is you lean into this episode because make A's actually going to be giving away these incredible tips to help you launch your next course or launch your next service online. So we do definitely get into the detail. This is a podcast episode for you to get your pen out, to get your notepad out, start scribbling ideas, and I definitely encourage you to go ahead and check out all of may K's, social handles and stalker online in the show notes below, and she's even got something very special. For those of you that want to go ahead and download a freebie that's really going to help you with your launches. So without further ado, let's meet make eight. She is an absolute delight and I love her accent so much. You'll know what I mean in just a second. So let's get started. May K welcome to the podcast. My love. Thank you so much for joining us today. Oh, thank you so much for having me, Ruby. I just love the fact I'm here and I can't wait to dig into everything today. Now we're going to be digging into all things launch strategies and how our listeners can adopt some of these amazing launch tips we're about to share. First and foremost, let's talk about your business, right? Like you have designed a business to help us launch our courses with confidence. Now isn't that just are just on each is, I mean so much yes to this. And personally, just like I shared with you off air, I have launched over 40 no 50 times now. Oh my gosh. Since I started my business, some of which we're Epic fails. Let's just make that clear. And some of which were just so amazing and it's really nice to be able to sit down with a launch strategists like you to really unpack like where things didn't quite go right and why. And honestly, it is one of my favorite things to do, my favorite topics of all times. So I cannot wait to get stuck into this discussion with you. But first, how did you get started with your business? What got you to this point where you really decided it was time to specialize in this space?

Speaker 2:

Oh, Oh my gosh. Okay. So first of all, when I was a little kid, I didn't, I didn't ever dream of being a long strategist or conversion copywriter because I didn't know what they were. So, um, I'm going to fast forward to when I was in university. So I do have a psychology degree. Um, but I kid you not, Ruby on day one of my journey, I actually, every fiber by being was telling me that it was wrong for me, that it was a wrong decision and it really broke my heart because I finally, you know, I got all the grades I needed. I pleased the parents and you know, got into good university. And plus, um, you're, you're probably aware because you've been in the UK. Um, I was the final year before the fees tripled. Um, so I had the three K yeah, my partners, uh, academic year after me who had to pay nine[inaudible] years. So you can imagine that I felt super obligated to continue. Um, but I did anyway. So I do have a psychology degree. But what it took for me to actually go onto this entrepreneurial journey is that in my second year, to be honest with you, I was in an abusive relationship[inaudible] and I had never felt so, I dunno, empty or like just low of human being. And it really took me into the rockiest of rock bottoms to really realize that I had to do something better with my life. I couldn't just sit around a being this person's play thing. So I did not want to continue being like that anymore. And so I actually Rose from my rock bottom really taking care of myself mentally and physically. So I really took care of my health and stuff. And through the power of Facebook ads, I was actually, um, targeted for this health coaching school. And I was like, what? What is coaching? And it was everything that I wanted it to be, everything that I wanted to learn in my psychology degree, but I didn't. Um, and so I just thought, yes, this is what I want to do. So I got my health coaching degree, not degree certification. And actually I was one of those coaches who was good at coaching but super sucky at sales advocacy. So I think some coaches who are listening to this right now can probably relate to that. And I had that fear of, Oh my gosh, how am I going to stand out because I, you know, there are thousands of other people in my cohort who just graduated with the same certification, what the hell am I going to do? How do I stand out, stand out. Exactly. And actually my version of standing out in my journey is actually really going all in on challenges. So in a nutshell, um, there was a mental dial swallowing online and he didn't even know that he was my mentor at the time. It's kind of like one of those people you look up to when you know that you see are there videos and all that kind of stuff and you just wanna like grab their attention. Notice me. Cause I've noticed you exactly and actually had the, um, I had the opportunity to meet him in her, in real life anyway, so, and we got along so well and actually he was running a challenge around that time in his community of over 10,000 people. And what happened is I really went all in for this challenge of seven days of overcoming your fears. And I just went above and beyond than what most people tend to do. And he noticed me straight away because of the depth that I was doing. I did things like I quit my day job, which is crazy now I think about it. I was like, you know, I want to get all in. Let me quit my job. Um, you know, spoke about my abusive relationship and my favorite of all of them was, um, I got a group of guys in corporate suits to dance to the gang and sat with me and I got it on video. Oh my gosh, that is awesome. That was great. Now I'll send it to you off our door. And basically, um, so I won the prize, which is one year's worth of mentorship with him. And this is where it all began. My first four months working with him, we worked on my coaching business, right? Because I was struggling as a coach as I mentioned earlier. But here's what happened and it happened so organically that around the fourth month he actually hired me into his business. Wow. Yes. I was like, I mean I was his right hand person. I was because our, his team and like he was able to make such an impact because his YouTube channel kept going viral and he, he suddenly had a business that he didn't like, he couldn't really keep up with because he was just a one man show until I came along. So this is how we worked together. I'm on 13 launches in one year. It's because we have such a huge demand and we just had to craft an offer after listening to what his audience wanted and that's how he managed to do it. It was really tough to get me wrong cause there was so many things we didn't know that we were in the trenches learning firsthand, which is what made me love launching. I just loved the rush. I am such an adrenaline junkie. I love roller coasters and I can't wait to sky dive in the future. Yeah, it's just you and your boss launching together. So this is just a team of two[inaudible] just a team of two. Gosh and I read also that in that time period you were able to consistently hit quite large financial goals too. Yes, we did. So we had, so it wasn't an online course that we launched. We only launched one a membership that was towards the end of our time together. But the rest of those were live group programs. So to selecting like at least not, sorry, not at least. And we had around 30 people join our co our programs each time we launched and we had, we segmented the audience so it wasn't constant. So it didn't seem as if we will constantly launching, uh, we segmented people as soon as they came into our email list by which areas they wanted to focus on. So that's how we're able to do it. Um, all the time pretty much is because, you know, we were just super intentional with that. And so after being in those trenches, you know, we got along super, super well. We understood each other really well. I knew his voice and his audience, everything. And around the one year Mark of working together, he actually came to me Ruby and said, you know what? Make a, I really feel that you're an entrepreneur. Mm. Not an intrepreneur. And I really feel that if you are to go all in to this copywriting, I know you'll be successful. Wow. Yeah. That would have been such a hard conversation for him. Yeah. It was like letting his best[inaudible] out there and free. Right. It's just like, Oh my gosh. Yeah. I love that. He was super, super congruent with his own mission. So his own mission is helping people to follow their heart, take action, and to go let the life they were born to live. So he knew that he would be going against his own ethos if he had held me back. But he knew that I was destined for more and I can't thank him enough for that. And he actually wound up hiring me. He was like, wait, I still come need you though, so can I hire you on retainer, so need you for a lot too. So that was, that was amazing. So I found out your first client. Yeah, exactly. It was my first client and because of all of the connections I had built because was with him, um, you know, I had quite a lot of referrals out of the gate so I didn't have to worry as much about where I'm going to find my next client because they already had that authority built. And um, that's kind of how it will happen. And I wanted to specialize in launching because of this experience I had and I did formalize my education a bit more by taking some courses by you know, the best, um, you know, copywriters and industry sort of thing. And that's how I managed to wind up as a launch strategist and conversion copywriter.

Speaker 1:

Wow. And how long have you been in the business for now? So I've only been in the business, uh, for this particular business, not the coaching world, um, for about a year and three months. Wow. That's about the same time as when I went all in. So our timeline is fairly similar, which is amazing. Yes, I love meeting, you know, entrepreneurs who are in, you know, the same sort of stage of business and this podcast is really based around early stage entrepreneurship. So there's a lot of us listening in right now who maybe haven't yet fully taken the leap and those that are maybe like two or three years in. And you know, it's amazing like the timescale aspect almost doesn't matter. You know, we all go through different phases at different times, but it's what I do know for sure is that there's a heck of a lot of coaches that are listening in, many of us who are wanting to launch digital courses and get out there, but also don't have the confidence to launch. Um, or even if you do launch, it's almost, it's like I've launched and then when you look at it, you realize, I haven't actually launched, I've just put out a sales page but I'm not leading anyone to it. And then you get to this point where you go, Oh, that's why no one's signing up. Right? I really want to talk about your secret weapon for making any launch an Epic success. And you have a five phase model that you use. Can we take a little sneak peak as to what that looks like? Of course. And you have definitely read my website. You've done your research because I, I, that's, that's on one of my pages.

Speaker 2:

I love it. Right? So there are five stages in particular, and I'd have to say that the most meatiest phases are the first two. So the next three after that are going to be much more streamlined. So let's start with phase one, and this is what I call it, the pre launch planning and validation phase. So basically don't wing it when you're launching, unless you have a super doubt in audience who will kind of buy anything that you put out there, which is, you know, it's possible, but it's pretty rare, especially when you're just starting out. So don't, when you, when you're launching is the recipe for disaster and for your bottom line. So this phase is all about actually getting in the trenches and understanding who your ideal customer is and what they actually want and what they need and what they're struggling with, what their dreams are is so important to actually get into the trenches and do that. And if you're just starting out and you don't have a ton of people in your audience right now, I would start with actually going into Facebook groups where my ideal customer hang out. And I'd asked, I'd ask the questions or actually look at the search bar and I type in like topics that I'm an expert in and I'll see what's already been said. And this is gold for you because people are telling you right then and there what their problem is. And you need to be able to create a solution for the problem that they have. Because what most people do, and the biggest mistake with launching is that they launch without validating their idea. So they are so gung ho with their idea they want, they had an amazing idea that they just want to share with the world, but they haven't validated it. And that is the biggest reason why people, uh, their launches flop. Granted, there are a lot of reasons, but this is the biggest one is because they just haven't validated their idea. It's just not in alignment with who they want to serve. Oh my gosh. Can I just say, I like that was my, you've just summed up my first few launches. Just a yeah, definitely can resonate with the major flops. And that's why I just totally was like, I'm going to build this thing. And I did absolutely zero validation. I did not talk to my audience about it. Then when I was ready to launch this six week thing that I took six weeks to build, no one bought the course. It was heartbreaking. And I'm so glad your message is around prevention of this because I nearly stopped doing what I'm doing today. I nearly, I just about talked myself out of it. I thought, Oh my God, maybe I'm just not meant for this. But really it's the launch strategy part of it. Right. So, Oh, I love this so much. Oh my gosh, I can so feel free. And thank you so much for sharing that by the way, because my first launch, um, personally it also flawed and no one bought, I thought, Oh my gosh, I'm not good enough or anything like that. So I'm so glad what's happening with tackling this topic. Less like prevent launch flop. Yes, exactly. Should be the podcast title. Well, yeah, that's good. That's gonna read the for sure. Oh, so, um, yeah, so phase one is all about, you know, pre, you know, prelaunch validation. So you're just like making sure that there's actually an audience and an audience that is going to listen to you. So this is actually another piece, um, that I haven't actually spoken about before until recently. And around this validation is also time to actually pick out your audience and actually to really, um, put yourself out there and show up as an expert. And how I've been doing that in my own business is I've actually started guesting on podcasts. So I have a launch at a time of this recording coming up in the next few weeks. And, um, before that I didn't want to spend like a ton in ads with no return or anything because I'm very new to add. So this is something that I'm working up to. So I'm doing it all organically. So, um, you know, my network and you know, getting on podcast, building my email list through that way. It is slow and steady, but is very intentional and on purpose. And so I want those who are listening right now. If you're thinking of launching and you don't want to put any money into ads, um, if you go the organic way is slow and steady, but it is definitely more intentional and you get more quality people into your courses or programs. So just think of the way you want to show up. It doesn't have to be through podcast, I'm guessing on podcasts. It can be um, you know, guest blogging. It can be doing your own Facebook lives just as long as just consistently showing up. That is so important and because any time outside of your open cart and close cart period, all of that, the rest of the year is prelaunch priming, which is when you are super, super intentional about your message and what you are doing, you know, in order to kind of fulfill that message of yours, would you through your offer. So just want to put that out there. I could not agree more. Could not agree more. Yes. So that is the first stage, the most important one for sure. And phase two is all about when you're creating your launch materials. So I just want to, I'm going to do a quick hit list of what I typically have. I'm in a launch and it can be a little bit overwhelming, but you don't have to have all of them. Okay. But the most important thing is that you do obviously have a sales page of some sort and you have a checkout page of course connected to that. You'd be surprised that some people would actually forget about how to get paid. So it's quite shocking that you know, this is how you're going to make sales actually having a checkout page and you know, to have the launch emails or your open cart, close cart and everything in between branded graphics that you are going to be sharing on social media. And if you're doing a webinar, things like your webinar signup page. So that's just a quick hit list. And I just want to say that all of this is actually wrapped around in my freebie. So you don't have to remember any of this. Um, you know, I've actually, I've got it all on a list for you. If you are interested in downloading that. Um, I'm going to leave the link for that in the show notes guys. So go and check it out. Thank you. So, um, yeah, that's just a quick hit of the main ones. And for me, I go the extra mile. I have a launch oriented lead magnet, so I have a lead magnet specific to the same topic as what I'm offering and having a landing page for that too. And if you do want to go down the paid ad route, then you know, having Facebook ads to retarget people who are interested in your content and all of that jazz. So I hope, are we still good? Still good, absolutely fantastic. So the next three are a lot more streamlined. It's all good. So phase three is where you thank yourself for all the work you've done in phase one and two. So this is all about systemizing and scheduling. So you have written all of your copy by now and designed all of your graphics and everything. So now it's time to, as you put it into your software of choice. So I personally use Kartra and some people use Kajabi, some people use Infusionsoft. MailChimp get response, get go, I'm sorry, come back. Yet there are so many different softwares, but whichever one you've chosen, now it's time to just pop, pop it in there and to make sure that everything is aspiring properly. Yesterday before I jumped on this call with you, Ruby, I was literally rereading my own launch emails, probably about 20 times. I've said, you know, I'm in emails when you see how many versions you sent to yourself in the double digit. So I'm like, Oh my gosh, I need to sleep. Oh my gosh. Absolutely. And I'm a Kartra user as well, so I know exactly what it looks like. Oh my God. Oh, I love Kartra so much. I can geek out about that. Like, Oh my gosh. Yeah, so you know, this is all about just you've done all the work, now I just put it into your system, make sure everything's firing properly, make sure all the links work inside your email, all of that jazz. And this is actually the time where it also creates a launch calendar. So this is something that I'm using to keep me on track is super simple. I literally just take a Google doc, I create a calendar there. So just, you know, per, you know, Monday to Sunday I'm on a table and just put all the days in the month you're launching. And I just like color code it based on, you know, when my cart is open, when it's close, when my webinar is and all that kind of stuff and I put the tasks on each day so I know exactly what I'm working on. So I know what I'm working on today after this. Um, after this episode I'm going to be, you know, recording my podcasts that are related to my launch topic and editing them and writing the newsletters. You want to keep yourself as organized as possible because I am solo launching, I just want to say I'm launching solo. So, um, it's a lot of work and I have to keep my thoughts organized. But even if you're not doing the solo and you have a team, having everyone on the same page is going to make your life so much easier. I have the biggest smile on my face, right? JG out on launch strategy. And I will just add, you know, whilst I've done many launches, I have not actually really planned out my launch to this degree and I think you, you are just such an expert in this space, but it's even inspiring me to look at my next launch differently because like whilst it's all up in my head and I don't solo launch per se, I have a team now that helps me. I still know that there's even deeper ways that I can get more organized because that drives a clarity and your message and it helps you feel almost more surrounded by, okay, like I know what I'm doing. I'm not just throwing things out there and hoping for the best. It's almost a way of saying hand on heart. I've done everything I can to put my heart and soul into this launch and it doesn't, the launch don't define my success or my failure, but what does is how I showed up for it and knowing that yes, like I came into this knowing I've done my work. So it's up to the universe to do the rest. And I love that strategy gets to work this way with a belief system that you can make that work. And if it doesn't work this time, it'll work next time and the time after it's just practice. Right? Exactly. Yes. I'm sorry, my voice just went wait a[inaudible]. Yes, absolutely. And so, you know, not everybody does make a long challenge. I just found that as a solo launcher right now I just feel like, okay, this is going to be the easiest thing for me. And also because I'm, it's kind of, it's kind of strange because there's almost like inception of my own services. So I'm like, I'm literally as if I hired myself, what would I do with a client sort of thing. And it's so hard though, isn't it? Like it's like you're talking to yourself through another person. Exactly. I have to get my old to ego, like my about page, but I'm on my about page. I have three different characters on my team and one version of me is called Firestarter and she is like the bad ass business. Chica. She's like, Nope, take no crap from no one and just get things done, you know, and she looks bad ass. I love it. I love it being funny. Happy bunny. I actually say that to people that are you happy bunny? Like when they're super happy about something and because I literally am, I have so many facial expressions and a lot I'll say I'm old. My, my mouth like open. I can't smile on my face, so I need happy, funny. So good. Oh, that's cute. I love it. I love it. Um, so, so we have two quick ones, um, last phases and then, um, then we can, um, you know, take this conversation wherever you see fit, but these two are a lot more simpler, believe it or not. So faithful that actually when you go live with your launch and actually there's not that much that you have to do. Believe it or not, people think that this is like the most, um, you know, the most stressful part. And no, no, no, no. If you launched the way that I have shared today, you know, validating your message, getting all your materials system, I think you're all, trust me when you go live of your launch, all you need to do is show up live and be present. So you know, do your webinars if that's what you're doing, run your challenges with uh, with the best of your ability. Get in the DMS of your audience members. You are interested in what you have to say, but just be there. Be present youth voice messages or video messages. Those are super effective because it shows people you actually care about the individual and no one can take your place. Like even if you have a team showing up as yourself, people thinking, Oh my God, I have access to Ruby Ruby's actually speaking to me right now. Like, that would be amazing. And you'd be surprised of how that, that's action. That will take us like 30 seconds to do. Just send a voice message on Instagram, for example. That can really make a big difference. Someone wanting to, you know, fork out of hundreds if not thousands of pounds or dollars, um, you know, in order to invest with you. So faithful, just be there, be present, be in that tunnel. I love that. And I think also I have to say what you've described is what happened to me where I had recently just come out of a big launch. And in that period I did many more voice messages and the amount of people who said, Oh my God, I can't believe you're actually responding. So that did happen to me as well. So guys, it works and it not economically does it work. It's just a really nice way to further validate your, what your clients want from you and also be able to create that further point of connection to your launch to the students that you enrolling to how you're serving others. I love voice messaging, especially during a launch. It brings me so much joy and it's just that connection piece. So I'm really, really glad that that's been brought up and I don't know, I will. The other surprising factor is, and I think I've always known this, but I'm learning here where you know, you said once you go live, there's actually not that much work. I'm like, that's so true. I've never thought about it that way. A lot of the work is done prior and really once everything's live, it's just about you showing up and being present, right? Yes. 100% exactly. And so yeah, honestly, when I said earlier that the meatiest things of your launch is going to be when you validate and you create all the materials, but after that is literally as smooth sailing as you can possibly get. And finally the last phase, it's a post mulch wrap up. So this is your opportunity to really reflect and learn. And actually I'm getting some feedback from the people who didn't buy. So this is all about having a debrief moment with your team and if it's just yourself, so I will have a debrief meeting with my fire starter. OT ego has have to really look back. What things could we have done better? What things do we need to do next time? Which things do we um, should we not do next time it's reflecting all the things that happened midway which is the beauty of live launching. You get feedback as you go which is beautiful and the thing is what most people don't do. But what I highly recommend is sending out a feedback survey to everyone on your launch list who didn't buy. If you are too close to your business or you have a personal attachment to um, someone rejecting your course or something like that, probably get a team member of yours to go through and sift through the answers for you. But that is going to give you incredible feedback and I want you to take that with a pinch of salt as well. So if someone gives you feedback, you have to really ask yourself, is this my ideal customer though? Because people can complain about anything but you have to really think, is this a person I want to serve? If there's someone who actually would be a good student of mine and if you can act should be like your filter question before you read a response and take it to heart. Because it's very easy to take it to heart because this is our baby, you know, wherever we've created our course program. But that is the final stage of the post launch. It's the post launch wrap up. So you've done all the hard work. It's time for you to get out the champagne and the clink, you know that your glasses with your team or yourself in my case. Um, but our house gin and tonic.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh. I'm so with you there too. I'll go. We need to go for drinks. Huh.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, the, those are the five David and, and that show, um, or it's quite a big nutshell. It's like a Bridgeville nutshell.

Speaker 3:

It's like a Brazilian Hutch thing. It's not like a pistachio. Well yeah, definitely not a precise yet.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, this is so helpful. Thank you so much. May Kay. Like I know that my audience is just going to literally now be diving into that freebie and be clicking right through to your website. What are you launching? So let's talk about this. What is coming up next in a couple of weeks? I know all of us are like, okay, now we go to learn about this. So what, what is coming up for you? So, um, something that I mentioned around the first phase or validating your idea and everything. And for me what was missing was quality eyeballs because I didn't want to resort to Facebook ads or Instagram ads because, you know, I don't have a huge budget right now. I have to be super honest. So that's why I'm like, it's just me launching and I thought to myself, do you know what? I want to be super intentional with this launch. And so around this time I also found my referral, well running dry. This launch actually was not planned. Ruby. Yeah. She all happened very organically. So around June, this year of 2019, um, I found that a thorough while running dry, meaning that I didn't have to the network that was flourishing with referrals when I just started, it was running dry and I thought, Oh, I started to panic because, uh, because of that I was super complacent with my authority building and my lead generation. So I actually didn't work on that at all, so I really kicked myself for that. But I really, um, I really thrive on challenges. So I challenged myself to pitch to 101 podcasts in 30 days. What are you kidding? What was your strike rate? What was your conversion rate? Or I, I'm, I've actually kept a doc and everything and after I got my first year rejections, which actually believe it or not actually wasn't that many. I actually got a yes one in every three pitches. Oh my God. Amazing. Well that's because your pitch is freaking so personalized. Thank you. So warm and inviting. I'm like, how could I say no, I not known of you prior? I'm like, Oh my gosh, I feel like we need to just like you say, go and have drinks like right away. Oh wow. Is awesome. Thank you. And the thing is, I've learned so much during that process and I did some live Insta stories. I think I've got it on highlights right now. I'm not sure how long I'm going to keep that up, but I, you know, are documented as I went. Of what I was doing each day, what was due each week, what my focus was. And so people started to come to me as an expert to getting on podcasts and I was like, I was like, um, sure, like let me just share. And they would come back to me say, Oh my God, make it work. And I thought, Hmm, this is interesting. And because I actually love talking about this because I love podcasting myself cause I have my own podcast. And also this piece of advice was thing that four mentors of mine said similar Tennessee. They said get on more podcasts and so forth. Okay, I don't know how I'm going to do it. And so I did and I just learned so much through this process and I love the process that I've actually carved out and now I want to take a small handful of people through the same process who want to build their authority very intentionally and on purpose to build their list, attract quality clients, you know, for their business. And also because for me, I didn't think about it at the time, but it was perfect for my launch. So it's all, it's come back full circle. It was crazy. Getting quality eyeballs on your launch. Um, through guessing on podcasts, being an expert, showing up and I'm teaching my students the exact same thing. So it's my incubator program. It's called to show up, be heard incubator where I'm going to take them from a to Zed for this whole podcast. I'm pitching journey so it's not just a pitch I want you just want to say that it's like refining your method, um, your mindset, focusing on your mindset and pitching and then actually how to do the interview. Like what to say because all of that would be for nothing if you don't actually do the interview well. So I just wanted to to be completely step-by-step held by the hand and, but yeah, so that's what I'm watching. That is amazing. Go and check it out. I'll leave the link below if you're listening to this before the launch period ends, definitely go and check out. Make Hey, thank you so much. Now, where else can we find you and stalk you? Where do you mostly hang out? So, um, so you can find me on my website and on my website you'll find the links to my own podcasts or quiet rebels podcast and you the best social media platform you'll find me on Instagram. I'm very active in the stories. So focus more on the stories. Not so much defeated the same. I mean stories are aware of that, you know, and it's just so much easier. I don't know. I find like sometimes with posts I get to the end of the day and I'm like, Oh no, I've forgotten to post what I've done. Like a trillion stories. And I'm like, ah, well it's fine. The stories become like polka dots in the top. It's not even dashes anymore. It's like polka dots. Well thank you. If you guys loved this episode, which I'm sure you have, please come on and tag

Speaker 1:

may K and I on Instagram will ratio your, your stories. We honestly cannot wait to hear your feedback and what the biggest takeaway was from this episode. And you know, I think we've just named this podcast episode on the episode itself, how to prevent launch flop. Right. Sorry, but thank you once again my love. It's such a pleasure to speak to you and I'm sure that we'll be doing something soon in the future and collaborating maybe even getting you back on the podcast again. I'd love it and let's get some gin and tonics but wealth around it. You're totally alright. Thanks very much Ruby. I've had such a blast being here. Thank you. Okay. Didn't I tell you that she was going to be an absolute delight but also just so filled with knowledge around launching? I am inspired and speaking of launching, I am launching blaze. This is the last time we're going to be doing this live you guys. So if you are a private coach wanting to start an online practice that he's going to blow up when you're able to forecast your income, where you're able to gain so much clarity on your offer, this is the program for you. Check out all of the links below. I love you all so, so much, and I'll catch you in that very next episode. Okay, ciao guys.