Flow State Business

Spiritual Coaches - What they do for your business & why you need one with Lindsay Schroeder

• Ruby Lee • Episode 122

Meet the coach that changed my life and one of my favourite people in the entire universe.

This isn't the first time Lindsay's been on the show and if your listens are anything to go by you're all so excited to have her back sharing this magic with the OYH community.

If you've wondered what it's like to have a spiritual biz coach, this is the episode for you.

Be sure to follow Lindsay here and let us both know what you thought about the episode.

Have you hired an intuitive alignment coach for your business before?



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Speaker 1:

Hi, my loves. My name is Ruby Lee entrepreneur, digital nomad, croissant obsessed, free spirit and founder of the RNL hustle movement. And this is the earn your hustle podcast. He, uh, you'll be so motivated to start that business. You've always wanted to grow it unapologetically and go all in, earning powerfully with ease and grace. I'm so excited that you're here and listening in and I'm so grateful that you made it. So welcome to the all new hustle way of life, full of freedom, a dose of woo and plenty of random tangent loss along the way. You know, I started my company working nine to five too. As a recruiter. I was working for a ventures based business in the urban cool city of Melbourne, Australia. And today I'm traveling the world young family and toward working with the most amazing humans ready to build a career in life by design strapping my love. You are about to binge on all of the most incredible guests that I bring onto these podcasts. And guess what? They started their businesses through purpose and calling mostly while still working a day job. Let me also share this. I called my company on your hustle as a reminder for us daily that we get to love our soul at hustle or in our decisions to grow big, stop playing small, create with joy, take the risk, say yes to adventure and from time to time be okay with those meltdown moments. These episodes are filled with joy and strategy, spirituality and business, tactical tapes, big picture concepts and musings and of course some of that Ruby colored energy. So if you're ready, I'm ready. Let's get started. Oh, it has[inaudible] a busy, busy activity based week. How all of you going? Welcome back to a new episode and firstly, so many of you are saying that you are loving this new style of episode where I riff and I do my little updates and then we go straight in with a value add interview or a value add topic. And personally I love it because I'm able to chat to all of you and I feel so close to all of you when you, whenever you messaged me back saying, Oh, I love that or I'm feeling this too, so please definitely do keep this up. The podcast is a vibe. It is like a whole community in itself and I know for a lot of you listening in, you have either worked with me before you're in the membership, your private client, you're a mastermind client and this is something that I want to do. What do we call it? Like breaking the third wall? Is that the term where if you were thinking about starting a podcast and for many of my private clients you would have heard this before. I actually make the podcast for you. I, it feels like an extension of our work together and our time together. You know, like we a new podcast comes out, we spend some time on our coaching call talking about what I discussed on the podcast and it becomes the basis of that week. I'm not even kidding. It is just in this like really magical, organic part of my business and it is so beautiful now for those of you that are not clients yet or never actually planned to be, but you just know it's an inspirational place to come. It is just as well, you know, such a beautiful place to, you know, have this time with you. And you know, I was saying this on a recent live stream, so I live every single week into the owner hustle Facebook group. It is called throwback Thursday. And the theme is that I pick up and event from some time ago. It could have been maybe like a year ago, three years ago. And I use that lesson to throw back to, and then I bring that into today's energy or in that moment of that live stream and the energy that I've been picking up from my clients as well. And so many of my clients have gone on to say that they have just loved hearing me speak to them over the years of me podcasting. And they actually never had any intention of working with me as a private coach. But they've definitely been, you know, drawing from my energy and then sure enough, two years later, or even 18 months later, we're working privately together. So breaking the third wall again or whatever it is. I'm so sorry if I'm saying it wrong, I'm just, I'm Michael's going to be like, what the hell are you saying? But you know, breaking that kind of like, let's talk about this from a real business point of view and you know, escaping this like for what it is, your clients will come to you in so many different forms. And I wanted to share actually this one particular private client that I'm working with at the moment. So shout out your shaker Lind of your chic, his intuition. So your chic, his background is, she's an intuitive, she is a tarot card reader. She is, you know, a real channel in this world. But also you know a bad ass like boss when it comes to the health tech area. And she is a nurse by background but now has really gone on to become like a, a tech nurse integration project manager. And she has a big, big, big job. So she's based out of LA and she works and consults to a lot of the bigger hospitals there. So with all that being said, if she could told me how she found me and she said one day she was browsing through the Apple charts and she was trying to find a new podcast and some inspiration to you know, help her with her business. And she found my podcast on the charts in the U S woo love you guys in the U S and she said that there was just this aura around our, just hit my elbow, she thank you guides. The guides are saying, okay, okay, calm down, but I'm getting really excited here. The hands are going, the hands are going. But she saw this aura around my podcast tile and she said, I couldn't look away. So I clicked on it. I listened to your podcast episodes, I listened to many of them and it just so happened to have been my black Friday. Do you guys remember that? My black Friday, a call out for private coaching now, this was just a really limited offer. Shaker found me in this window of time. She signed up straight away to work with me privately and we've been working together ever since. So these are the beautiful experiences that we get to have as soulful intuitive and purpose-driven entrepreneurs. Knowing that our most aligned clients will come to you in the most miracle of ways, miracle of ways in the most special ways possible. And we can't necessarily engineer that. You know, as much as we love some funnels and as much as we love setting up the strategic side and knowing that we're actually doing things to move the needle when stories like this come up, it's just such a beautiful reminder that the universe always has your back and that it will conspire to help your most aligned clients find you. So this is something that I wanted to share and I just think it is such a beautiful story. So thank you your shaker for coming into my life and for just being you and I love shining out my clients in different podcast episodes. Last week was all about Aaron. This week is all about Yashika. So I am so excited to get stuck into today's episode. Just before I do, I wanted to share something else that was really cool, which happened this week. So we are returning back to Melbourne in less than two weeks. So Melbourne is my home city in Australia and I have not been home for almost a year, almost one year. We've been traveling as a digital nomadic family and we have been drawn back home for a period of time, at least a month, I would say. And then we're off to Bali to host the owner hustle retreats and the mastermind retreats. But in this next month we're going to do a bunch of very boring things, you know, really just get our legal stuff in order because the business has grown so much. Do the things, go to the dentist, get our shots done, immunity, get my hair done, all the administrative things, which happens in hometown. But I'm also so excited to connect back with my homeys in Melbourne. Like honestly, it has been such a beautiful journey and I can't wait to share it with those of you that are back home. And so I decided this week that I would do an event. I was really just not thought out at all in the sense of it wasn't on our strategic plan, on our sales plan, on our launch plans, none of that. It was purely intuition. And I had an offer to host our event at a beautiful space in inner city Melbourne. I'll tell you all about it when the event is out. And I just thought, wow, these opportunities don't come around too often and you have to honor them. So we picked a date and I put it out there and I actually firstly put out a poll on Instagram to say, Hey y'all, if you're wanting to come to a Melbourne event, what would you like me to focus on? Because my events always have a theme. But we keep it very flowy, especially in Q and a and in like the networking time. Um, and by hundreds of votes, I mean like it was like hundreds of votes and then it was like 30 votes. So that's the difference. So by hundreds of votes it was spirituality in business. And what a beautiful topic because today we are focusing all about spirituality, all about intuitive. You know, goodness, that comes with being an entrepreneur. I have my spiritual business coach coming up, so just hang on tight. She's about to share her light with the world on this podcast once again, but spirituality and business and I have to be honest, I absolutely shat myself and the reason being is I have never hosted an event purely about spirituality. It's always been strategic, which is my sweet spot. It's always been about my journey and how I grew my online business and definitely more about how to leave the employee mindset shifting into the entrepreneur mindset. And while spirituality has always been a great, huge part of my soul, ever since I was a very little girl, I have never honestly had the balls to create an event or even a training specifically about spirituality. And here we are. Those cheeky guides of mine going, eh, why do they sound so creepy? Anyway, so here we are, spirituality and business are in your hustle. Melbourne made up. I'm going to leave the link below just in case there are just some tickets left because here's the thing. When you put something out there, you followed the flow. You say yes to your intuition, you listen to your guides, you put your hand on your heart and meditation, it races a little bit. You know, you've got to do this thing. I mean it was 75% sold out in less than 48 hours. So I'm going to leave the link there. If it's open somehow, then it was meant to be and praise thee. But if you have missed out, do not stress because I'll be doing a lot more events around the world because we're doing way more travel into this year. So keep an eye out for new events over on my Instagram page, which is at underscore Ruby Lee underscore. So without further ado, I would love to reintroduce you to my amazing spiritual intuitive business coach. I call her that. But as you will hear, there are many forms in which Lindsay takes, and this is just why I love her so much. Lindsay Schroeder of our and our has been in my life for over 12 months. I hired her on an absolute intuitive whim, I shall call it this. And one of my good friends, Kimberly, when ya had recommended Lindsay to me, I started following Lindsey on her podcast. Sorry, I started to follow Lindsey on her Instagram page and one day I just responded to one of her Instagram posts. We started speaking. Before I knew it, I hired Lindsey as my coach and in that three months we had the most transformative journey. It will definitely that I've ever had really releasing a lot of inner child baggage, a lot of things around money mindset, a lot of healing, the hurt with my upbringing, my childhood, and it really set me free. It set me, set me so free and I will always be so grateful and so thankful to this woman. She has continuously supported the journey that is. And there was a period of time where we didn't coach directly together, but we were still very much in each other's lives, pretty much weekly and still are. And I now consider her to be an amazing friend. So let's welcome Lindsey to the podcast today. We really just wanted to have a bit of a chat about spirituality and business and how it all gets to be integrated and flowy. And you know, if you are truly interested in working through some ways that you can pick up spiritual tools to help your amazing business move forward, then this is definitely the podcast episode for you. So without further ado, let's welcome Lindsey to the owner hustle show.

Speaker 2:

Lindsay, you are no stranger to this podcast. In fact I believe you are still in the top 10 downloaded podcast episodes of the[inaudible] podcast. And doesn't that say something because I think I'm up to like 120 episodes. You're in the top 10 because a lot of my audience knows you as my spiritual coach and guide and our friendship and relationship has sort of evolved into this like beautiful orb of a thing where I still come to you a lot for business advice, a lot of spiritual guidance. I think we really, we've always been in each other's lives like even after our 90 day program finished and we kind of just always been present in there. So I'm so happy to have you back here. It is so beautiful and I know everyone's just going to be like loving this and what we have to share today.

Speaker 3:

I'm so excited to be back. I mean like I love watching everything that you do and following your work and watching everything that we've kind of put into place and all of the discoveries that you make and all of the up levels that I see like right on the edge of your energetic system, watching you step into them. So I'm

Speaker 2:

like obsessive leach tracking and seeing how you're doing and watching and just like basking in the radiance of that glow. You know, it's so interesting you say that because it's, it's that whole thing where it's hard to sometimes reflect back and say how far one's come. Like I know you probably did this with your clients as well, where you can see it just like how you've recognized it in may. And then when you say it back to them it's like, Oh yeah, it's a real stop and reflection moment. And when we were talking about what this episode would roughly sort of look like and then you know, we're really open to spirit guiding us to wherever this goes. It's just so beautiful to sort of take a moment and be like, Lindsey, the work you've done and the work we've done together has been nothing short of magical. Just I'm a different person. Yes, yes you are a girl and like it's so it's truly magical to get to witness. And one of my favorite things about your way of reflection is that you have these things that kind of perk your ears up while we're working together, but you watch them come full circle. And so there've been multiple things that you've come back to me and been like, you told me this, you said this, this stuck with me and I knew it. It made sense. I liked it, I wanted it, I kind of believed it, but now it's here and now I feel it and now I'm in it. And watching that like full revelation and also watching you cut that time down. Every time we would work together, every time we would work on something, it would take less and less for it to click in like that. And so now, sometimes it's moments after our call or a few days after instead of months or weeks after. So that's been one of my favorite things to me. I've been famously quoted on many calls that we've had to say every time I'm on a call with Lindsey them this money flowing through the business. Like it happens every time. It's amazing actually. And it could, you know, and I don't mean this like, Oh, I'm on the code Lindsey. And it's like duh. It's because like prior to the Cole, I had maybe sent out a sales email or followed up through DM or just sort of said, Hey guys, like, you know, this contracts ending. And then I'd jump on my coaching call with you and then I'd come off and it would be a magnet towards abundance. And I just think that is a, it's so beautiful. But you always, the way you teach it to me is the portals open. You know, it's like you, you're open to receiving it rather than just hoping and manifesting it. But the actual physical plain portal is not open. It's like it's kind of just, there's still things to have been done, right? Like that happens constantly in that funnel. Like we are a channel, there isn't becoming a channel. We already are the channel. It's what's blocking the flow natural if you

Speaker 4:

get all that crap out of the way. And one of the metaphors that I love to use and I know that you've really resonated with is the rocks in the backpack. If you get that heavy shit out of the way, if you unclog your funnel, shit just blows and it comes and that board tax creates magic. But it's already here. We're just sometimes blocking it. So like you said, it wasn't just that like, Oh people were sending me money that I hadn't like opened a funnel for like you were taking those inspired actions and once you started to put that together that Oh, I get into the flow on my calls, you started making spiritually aligned decisions to capitalize on that. You would launch something beforehand, you would open a cart for something beforehand, you would send out a contract beforehand you would go, okay universe, I believe that my funnel is open. I believe that this isn't a magical time. I'm taking that inspired action and then right off the call you would get to see that come into reality.

Speaker 2:

How do you, Oh, this is so interesting because I have been on such a spiritual path pretty much like you saw me from the very beginning of my interest point and then you've just seen may take like one step into like one direction, one, two leaps, like into like, that's just who I am. Like if I am so interested in something, I go really, really deep in with the research with the record player, my ideal client, I will binge the shit out of. Like if you say to me, Oh, you should look up, you know, Akashic records or you should look up breathwork or something. I go so deep and it's only, I mean you have said things to me before and I'm like, Oh yeah, I'll park that. And then it circles back just like what we said earlier. But the thing that always like talks like I followed that thread really fast and then it just always opens up like certain things in my life that I'm like, Whoa. And as I've gone deeper into this spiritual pathway, I have definitely not struggled, but it's been like a challenge. Like it feels like a puzzle trying to sort of be like, how do I communicate this out to the world? You know, like I am not Ruby Lee business coach. That just feels way too vanilla. And sometimes the world kind of gives you these parameters that you have to label yourself into. Oh, you know, and I know you've also said the same thing. I, you know, people like what do you actually do, Lindsay? And you're like[inaudible]

Speaker 4:

jazz in my own business is the little tiny amount of characters I get to put on Instagram. Describe what it is that I do. I can't say Fox three threaten that. How many times I've changed my title because clients come back to me and they're like, you know, you call yourself this but you actually do this, this and this. And I'm like I do that. You should like publicize that you should market that. And I'm like okay. And then I shifted to that and I'm like, you're right, I love doing that. I should get that out there. Like people shouldn't see that. I'm going to have to like switch you back again and try and add, I fight with those Instagram characters so often cause I'm like, I have 16 titles that I would like to put on here so that everyone can see exactly how I would like to represent the work that I do. And you were like at the foot of this beautiful mountain going, isn't this coach business coach feels like I'm just packing up for my trip. And the top of the mountain is actually what you do. Yeah. Yeah. I know. And what it has really helped me do though is feel in to the intuitive side of what my title reflects in this moment in the season. And a season for me can last two weeks or a season for me can last six months. Like I, there's something at the moment where I'm doing a lot of shadow work. I've been wearing black for all of January, I'm just told to it. I feel I'm very much in this space where I'm like, there's shadow work, this inner inner child stuff that I have to work through that's kind of coming up again. Actually once you mentioned to me on one of our calls that the work never ends, right? It's like a sly row. I think that's how you described it. Like going actually describe the spiral. You say it's so good. You say the spiral analogy is so good. So healing is truly a spiral we're never done. And a lot of times when we go into these particular topics, for instance, a childhood, a shadow work with specific parents or you know, the big hurdle that we get through one of the big pillars of areas of growth for us. You never really master it. You don't like get through it, you don't finish it. You're not like, Oh, okay, I'm done with that chapter. You go deeper and deeper and you heal at new levels, new understand at new levels. It's truly like all of a sudden you've had the windshield wipers turned on and now you see a whole new reality, a whole new layer, a whole new tab. And so for instance, both of us have done that deep work around, you know, one or both of our parental relationships and at some points we've been, Oh my God, like I've gone through it. I feel good about it. I've let it go and sometimes it's just a refresher on a process that we've already gone through and another time it truly is, we've cleansed with the windshield wiper and all of a sudden you can see a whole new level of it, Oh, this is how it's affecting me now. Oh, this is how me getting through it, or Oh, this is the next deeper level of clarity that I need to have a processing of. Releasing. Releasing was a huge one for me. The deeper and deeper I got, I realized I'm still holding on. I'm still, I still have this buried, I still have this in this tiny pretty box that I put a bow on and buried it deep down in here and at every spy layer there's, you know, uncovering a whole

Speaker 2:

new box on pack and release and let go and reprogram. It's so true. I am relating to this so much right now. So I guess 2019 was a real year of setting up the business so that we could travel and truly invite more freedom into our lives. 2020, my word of the year is bliss because I do really feel like I've got a cup here in front of me. I feel like the cellist is open now and it's a lot sort of like shifted on the physical plane where my pricing shifted. My, the type of clients I'm calling in and the environment in which I want to call them into is, has changed. So less one-to-one, but more um, group work, intimate group work. And I've never really done something like this before. I've done group programs and courses, but the vision I have for it is like a circle. If we were, if we were in a physical place, which is something else that's been really coming up for me, but it's like hosting a circle of men and women, you know, and really deeply going into business, spirituality, life connection, all the things like you're going to be coming to one of my masterminds and presenting there and teaching my, my women there. It's such a big shift, Lindsey. It's like, wow, and I'm just holding the space and the manifestation process starts all over again because what was it feels like, Oh, it was easy to like enroll group programs. Now it's easy to get one to one clients. This is such a unique like unicorn type of energy and it is challenging. Oh my God, Holy shit. It's so challenging. What you want is you want to step into a new challenge at every level. You don't want to go, okay, I know how to sign one-to-one clients now. I'm just going to coast on this forever because as you grow, your business grows. And like you said to me, one of my favorite things that you've ever said and one of our coaching calls was that you wanted your business to reflect who you are beyond just the business beyond just the techno ball, but mind, body, spirit. You wanted it to look like you. And so finding how you wanted spirituality to come through your business, how you want to speak to business and strategy, which is not like everyone speaks to business strategy. You want to talk about family, you want to talk about connection because all of those things are what make you really unique, really special. And what brings that massive transformation for both you and your clients. Yeah, I feel that. And I was, um, I was actually on a couple of discovery calls this week. And it's funny how much like ego comes into play when you're on a call and then you also have your intuition, you know, speaking to you, I know this happens to you as well because of the, what you taught me about like turning right to left, you know, handling egos, right? Isn't it? Or[inaudible] or person. Sometimes mine trade, depending on how I'm balancing my masculine and feminine, I, okay. All right. So what we're talking about here is Lindsay taught me this, like just a physical practice. Like you've got ego, let's say on your right side or your left, whatever you feel called to, and you turn to your right and you'd say, thank you so much ego. I, you know, I'm hearing what you have to say. I'm hearing that this is a really great client. I'm hearing that they're going to pay in full and that's making me feel awesome. And then on the left side, you're hearing from your intuition. Yes, but they're not going to resonate with your spiritual, you know, the spiritual side when you're wanting to teach that and they're not fully embodying the full like spirit that you are. And I just know like intuitively, like it's in this gut feel for me. Um, I found out a lot about my human design the last like couple of months and it makes so much sense. Like I'm a splenic authority and it just makes so much sense. Oh my God. I'm like, no wonder I'm always like pointing to this area. Um, yeah, you ought to. Oh my gosh. And so it was just like, I just know. And you know, like I, and it's interesting because with those clients I was like, all right, well you let me know, but I didn't go ahead and send the contract and do a follow up. Like I usually would. And it's just like, isn't it interesting? Like how your actions just feed into, you can feel it. Yeah. Where's the others? I'm like, okay, well here you go. I'm going to send you the contract, send it within like 10 minutes, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. And guess what, they pay within like 24 hours less, sometimes an hour, and it's just like you just know there's such a connection there

Speaker 4:

and now you're able to release the ego's desire to have people sign just to have people sign. Now it's beyond that. It's not only I want to bring in money through my business because that's the intention of business, but it's, I want to help the right people. I want soulmate clients. I want to have this type of connection. When I work with people, I want to get on calls and have it be effortless and flowy and have, you know, the client have massive up levels and shifts and transformations and if someone isn't ready, if someone isn't committed, if someone's questioning or if someone's like, Oh, I want you to prove to me why you're the right coach, or I want you to defend your pricing or any of those things that, you know, when we're first starting off in our businesses, we often put up with deal with consider make second guesses. Then we're like, Oh, maybe I could change our pricing. Maybe I could do that. Maybe I could do this and now you shifted out of that completely and now it's really like on your intuitions page instead of just listening to those, you know, first things that the ego wants.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And it's sometimes hard to find the difference between ego and a calling. Yes. I think I'm still working through that and really hearing both voices. So an example is one of my like, um, I guess part of my, who I am authentically is I have a huge desire to be seen and heard and to be respected in my industry. That's definitely been a really big one, which is why I've always been drawn to the stage and being a speaker and whatnot. And yet there's a part of me that's like, Oh, well if I'm not being seen and heard, then I feel less worthy of showing up. And so then it's like, Oh well worthiness on the physical plane when it comes to this can link so highly to number of views and how many speaking gigs I can get and how much I get paid for speaking on the stage. Like, do you see how that's that this correlation between I want to be seen and heard, but I also want to be paid for my worth and I want to have like all the cool metrics behind it. Oh my gosh. Like how do you navigate through all of that and just let it settle and steep I suppose. Like how, what's the thing to move through that?

Speaker 4:

I come back to the core that I've created and so I think that's something really important in business that a lot of people who aren't doing that mindset work aren't doing and are considering. There are rules that we're all following. We've been taught them by our parents or by society or by a previous job. And when you become an entrepreneur, it's actually your job to rewrite those rules. Otherwise you're operating on a previous set of rules that maybe have been imprinted on you years and years and years ago and you're just carrying those through. So I constantly reevaluate those core things. And if metrics aren't a part of that, and for me, they're not, how many views I have on a live stream doesn't mean anything to me.

Speaker 2:

So you never fall that, you never look at that. You're just like,

Speaker 4:

I mean I see it. Of course I see it. It's on there. Like when I'm in my private Facebook group, I can see how many people or you know, the ego will pop in and say like, Oh, you should do this, live on your main page and then share it to your group so that you get more views. But I then come back to my core and I'm like, okay, what is the reason that I'm going live? The reason that I'm going live is to share it. This topic is to share wisdom on this is to affect that one person or those five people or whoever really, really needs this and I've created this safe space in this group and that's who my intended audiences. That's why I want to share some of those things with, that's who I believe is really going to listen to it, to be affected by it. Who's ready for it. So then I can shift out of, yes, I might get more views if I put it these two places, but this is my, this is my truth, this is what I'm intending, this is aligned with my purpose. And then other times I'm like, no, it's time to share it on bowl. But I kind of come back to the core that I create and reevaluate over and over and over, and then metrics become so much more than just how many people can I get to view it because I could get a bunch of people to view it if I put it on my personal page or if I had one of my friends share it who has a ton of followers. But is that my aligned audience? Are those views people who are going to be intimately affected by it? Probably not. So those metrics don't mean anything to me in that regard. Yes, going viral is amazing and it supports your business, but what's the truer thing? What's the most important thing? What's the most aligned thing? And so I get into that vibration and I release that ego with desire for a few more, five more, 10 more, 30 more hits on there for the right people are gonna see it. The people who need it are going to see it and I think that if it gets old to hear that, cause we're constantly re pulling that back over and reshifting and reshifting and re coming back to center around that

Speaker 2:

because especially in a society that pushes them. Right. I was just going to say that

Speaker 4:

when you pitch something, it's how many followers do you have? Do you have, they're not asking. Okay. What is the engagement of people who are your aligned audience number? What's the engagement of people who then become clients or previous clients and people who you've truly affected and changed them and supported them and held space for them. You don't put that on a call sheet. I just want to know the number. I wanted to know that the solid flat numbers, so it's a constant back and forth and moving your business forward, but in an aligned fashion.

Speaker 2:

Oh so I was hanging out with them. These group of entrepreneurs once and all of them were talking about for the space of like almost a week, which company to go with to buy Instagram followers so that you could look a certain way online and it, yup, absolutely. I am so shocked and surprised how many do it's like so many people. A lot of businesses do it a lot of, yeah, a lot of entrepreneurs and solo preneur was people that I see online and I follow and that sort of thing and I was like, Oh my God, like then here we go. I'm like maybe I should look into this company. How good would it be if I could just hit 10,000 followers and then I get the swipe up function and I might look more reputable to people who are all shopping around an Instagram for a coach like this is just like agar eight can you hear it? It's just like these are like the things that you don't really want to say out loud to anyone. Like I felt that too. Like I don't like my answer.

Speaker 4:

Instagram following is under two K and so people are like, how are you charging the prices that you charge? How are you doing what you're doing? Like how many followers do you have?

Speaker 2:

And I have to lay that makes you more magical. Got it. Click. I have to pull it up and look at it. And like, uh, this

Speaker 5:

Lenny. And they're like, how? How are you at the price? How long have you been at that praise? And I'm like, from the moment, I think

Speaker 3:

I love that. I love it. So I've been at my

Speaker 5:

right, so since the moment I started taking pain clients, I remember when you said family circle, I remember when we did our coal and you told me what your price was. And my first initial reaction was like, okay, I'm going to make that happen. It wasn't, it wasn't like, Oh, am I going to make that happen? You saw it on the cold ticks. I'm like, Oh yeah, how do I pay you? And I was like, okay, you pulling up bank and Cubs being like, all right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I was literally like looking up to the left, looking up to the right line,

Speaker 5:

cheating, if I'm going into where she is going in,

Speaker 3:

I would expect nothing place pull it back. And then I hopped off.

Speaker 5:

Well and Michael, who's like very intuitive and you, you've described him as like a big cat. Like he just knows he has these like instincts and it's like, so the coal was good and I was like, yeah, it's really good. He's like, well what's the guy like what? What's the hesitation? I didn't even have to say that. I'm like, yeah, but like, you know, cause we were about to travel and we just, you know, going to buy this one might take it. He's like, what are you talking about? It's just like that whole freaking account is for, you know, and I'm like, Oh yeah, that's so true. It's so interesting isn't it? To, and this is like going back to aligned clients that just make it happen and it's like it's already there. Right? Ooh. What's your opinion on this has happened to me. I'm sure it's happened to you on people who don't have the money and they want to work with you and you know, you've heard of coaches who will say things like, I'm a coach that you and I both follow has said this, like, you know, go and get the credit card and buy the coaching and then believe that it'll come through for you. I've never asked you this like what's your opinion on this? Because it is a real true like a belief that your guides will help you, but at the same time, is it financially John's silly and like, you know what, what, where do you land with all of this? So I'm never going to say to a client, get a credit card and put this on a credit card. I have had clients say to me that they're going to do that. And I like when clients ask me, should I do this? I am. I am not the one that can tell you the should. What I can do for you is that I can support you in the process. And so even on discovery calls or after discovery calls before people are my clients or before they're not my clients, if someone asks me should I or shut an I, I will give them guidance on how to make an aligned decision. So here's what you can journal on, here's how you can meditate, here's the questions you can ask, here's how to, you know, really get in touch with that feeling. And several of my clients have made decisions where it's an investment above and beyond maybe what they're, you know, what they had projected for that amount of month or that year or that whatever timeframe for business coaching or mindset coaching, but on their own intuition. And so I'm never going to tell someone to do that. I've also had people, you know, maybe put a deposit down and come back to me and be like, is this right for me? Should I do this? Is this a mistake? Oh my God, I'm freaking out. And again, I, I am not going to tell you yes or no. You have to tell you yes or no. And my ultimate guidance around that is if you are not ready, if you are not ready to do the work, if you're not ready to show up, if you're not ready to shift from spending money to investing in yourself because you have to believe that it's an investment in yourself and not just money out the window. Like if you're just looking at how much your bank account's going to drop or how much are credit cards going to go up and you're not feeling that it's been vestment in yourself, then it's not and it's not going to work. Oh my gosh, it's so Curry. It's so true. Like so on both sides. One is, yes, I've invested a significant amount into coaching. So last year I think in, we had a look at, you know, the old P and L and it's like the number one thing that I spent my money on last year was professional development coaching 70 K then travel. So people are like, yup, really? And I'm like, yeah, that's just like, that's just me. And that's what I value. But I never look at the bank account and go, Oh, minus 70 K like this is why I do what I do, why I earn what I, what I am earning and what I'm bringing in in a beautiful environment to give back to me. So that's always number one. But you know, it's funny because I have been in many conversations, it's discovery call month. You know what that's like, you know, there's so many, you're just constantly on like sales calls, but conversations about people's visions and dreams and this, you know what, there's been such a smaller proportion of people who have said that maybe because I am moving into this next level, it's more about like let's talk about, yes, let's talk about like this next level. But you know, the one or two that have come through very natural who've said, I can see the value in it, but essentially what they're saying is I can also see the minus X amount of dollars and I just don't know how to convince my partner. So it's outside of their physical realm, but it's in the energetic space and someone that they love and they trust them. They value like I have never really asked Mike, can I spend money on this? He's more like, you're just going to do it and I fully support that, you know? And I can't imagine asking any of my birth. I cannot, I cannot even hear what that would sound like to be like to any of my partners current or previous be like, I would like to do this. This feels aligned. May I can that does that comes down to authority, doesn't it like taking authority for your worth and authority for, you know what you, you know this is 100% like you're being called to. Have you always been like that? Did you have to work on that? Where did that authority come from? Was it just like from within? From a very young age, I grew up really quickly and so I became an authority figure in my nuclear family because my parents divorced when I was younger. It was really messy. And so I became very parental to my younger sister at a very young age and I'm selling my book. So yeah, now that I have dark hair, we look so much alike. It's so precious. I love it. We have a couple of pictures where we do look like twins, so happy. Before when I had really blonde hair, she was like, we don't even look alike at all anymore. And I'm like, I know. And as soon as it went dark, like she was the first person that I showed when I did my hair and dark again, she was like, I love it. You're you again. So that internal authority was created at a very young age because they had to be. And so that's not something that I had to really build up. I mean, I've definitely fine tuned and finessed it for me, the spending of money on myself versus other things I could spend on other people so easily I could spend on my home, on my family, on, you know, education, books, all of these things. But like for my actual self of like developing my own business, that definitely took some limiting belief work, deep, deep limiting belief work around that. Is that, what is that worthiness? Is that trust in trusting in the value in how you show up for it? Like what? I'm trying to get to all of the above what it is. Yeah. Yeah. So shifting that belief system, they're Irving that, what are your big, big ones that I went through and I know I've mentioned a little bit of this year, I made a very large investment in a coaching program and it ended up not being for me at all. Um, and so that was one of the things that I was grappling with when I considered making that investment because part of me felt very, very aligned with it because it's very similar to my pricing. And so I was like, okay, I want to be able to make that type of investment in my own business, but in myself because I'm asking my clients to do that. And I think I got fixated on making sure that I was able to commit at that level. And I did less of the intuitive check around who it was and what the program was and I wanted to be included in this group. And then when I got into that group I wasn't getting very much out of it. I was like, I already feel really like I've established most of these things. Like I've integrated a lot of these things. Like I like my spiral is deeper than this already and so I wasn't in the community that I have been told I was going to be a part of. I wasn't learning what I had been told that I was going to be learning and it's equally as impactful as a lesson and I know that's something that you've learned in a couple of different places. Sometimes we're looking for the lesson to look a specific way and we're actually learning the either the shadow or the light aspect of both. Like there's two sides to every coin. And so I took so much away from it, but it was my own internal processing. It wasn't, Oh this is module a, I'm going to learn that thing. It was okay because module a is not what you thought it was gonna be. What are you actually learning? And so I've never questioned my intuition when it comes to investing in my thoughts and my businesses since then because of that. And so that I can't put a price tag on the way that that's changed my life and my business is worth the investment in addition to a bunch of other things like that. That became lessons for me that I pulled out and allowed to come through me because it wasn't what I thought it was.

Speaker 2:

Mm. Yeah. But it's really easy

Speaker 5:

see for us to flip into, Oh wow. Like I fucked up. Like, Oh wow, this didn't work. Oh wow. Like this is shit. Oh wow. I didn't get what I was supposed to get and like get angry and get better and feeling like you were cheated and go into victim mode. And so that was, that was the lesson is can I not slip into that and how do I like pulled my ration? How do I find the lessons in this? How do I look at that other side of the coin? Like what is it that I'm truly supposed to be taking from this because we can't fuck it up. We can't make a wrong decision. So choosing that, even though I didn't get what I thought I was going to get, it was up to me and the bigger lesson, the more important lesson was, can I find that? Can I stay committed to the fact that there is something here?

Speaker 2:

And I think that's a real shift that's happened. Like for sure, you know, whenever that's happened to me and it's been very minimal that it has happened. But I remember saying when I, I could feel the door close, I could feel this like energetic door close when I was working with someone in particular and I'm like, I think that's closed or closing and do I want to run there and hold it a jar and just try and like, you know, keep it open. And I remember sitting down with Mike thinking to, you know, at first I felt really almost just like apologetic. And I said to him, I know, you know, I was like investing into this and I was there and then now I'm not there and I feel super guilty. And that same conversation came up, think about the lessons and think about all the, the gifts that have fallen from it. And if I'm, to be honest, like, you know, a lot of it that had happened on the, you know, on the physical plane, it's almost just, that was just like very top level. The iceberg effect is like, okay, yeah, what do you know you're worthy of? What are the things that you're drawing from it so that you can take into your power, into your highest self, into the

Speaker 5:

future to you? And so much of that, like you said, you cannot put a price tag on there. And I know it's helped me power up so much. It's just been like, it's almost such a free experience and I'm just like, thank you universe. Like this is, I never knew that it was going to come in this form, but it has and it's just been actually just so freeing and Oh my goodness, I feel, um, it feels exalting almost, you know, and you've, okay, before we close off today, I love this practice because I maybe may deep diving and so in my meditations I have been building an altar for myself and I have been entering into, I picture going on like a magic carpet ride and I go to this place that is not of this world and I land and it's like marble floors and I have flowers everywhere. Yeah, yeah, yup. Flowers everywhere. Yep. And then there's this like beautiful, like almost just this like golden statue of me. I'm standing up, I'm not sitting down. I'm standing up and it's just like going to the lube and you see these statues and I'm like, okay. It's a statue of me. Ruby. Beautiful, favorite statue. Really favorite[inaudible] or world Nikkei at fam. A three wing it angel without the head. That's from the front of the ship at the stairs. Oh my gosh. Yes. I saw it wasn't an art history class and the professor click the slide and I started crying like uncontrollably violently crying and sobbing in an art history class because I felt her like it hit me so strong and people were like, what the fuck is wrong with you? I was a freshman or sophomore in college. I was young, I was like shaking and like I never get panic attacks. I never get like anxiety. I never like solve in public and I just, I felt her like move the room me and it was magical and to this day it's still my favorite piece of artwork. Wow. Have you been? Yeah, I have not been. I'm like gosh, I think the brand, I will eventually go together. Oh my gosh. And the reaction there. Oh my goodness. That is going to be, I mean like I have worked with her in several meditations. Like I have a very specific meditation practice. So what do you mean you've gone to her, you've gone to the statue and you've gone. To me it's the statutes help us from a boat. It's like off of the front of the boat. And so I've gone to her when she was part of the boat in meditation. I've gone to her when she's lost pieces. I've gone to the um, like the goddess angel, like energy signature that it was based off of. I've gone to her in the loop and meditation. I've actually, have you ever seen any like imagery of Pegasus and the muses or the muse will ride Pegasus when you get worse? Yes, because she has those angel wings. I've actually like done a meditation or I've envisioned myself smaller like feeded nestled into the wings. I've allowed her to show me, like, show me all of the travels and show me what it means to like to guide this boat, to guide these people, to guide adventure, to guide travel, to like navigate the, the sea. And so it's been, I love working with her energy sounds so nurturing to be nuzzle with like on a show. But then so I've done that with powerful at the same time. And if I were to like describe you, that is exactly you. It's like this nurture, you have this nurturing energy that you've had. Just this fucking power and it's like this guidance like you are my like God, it's like you, you always like you. Oh my second access point for me. You know I like that. Oh I love that so much. It's like yes we are doing a little triangles up over our third eye. Yes I am just, Oh my gosh. One of the things I've really loved to do with clients is to really support the opening of the third eye and it looks different with everybody and some of it, it's a physical director. Some of its me actually like clearing stuff out. Some of it's me asking those right questions. So for you, I get these almost like wisps of energy or like as if it's like you can smell that scent. You know when you like catch a scent in the air and you're like, Oh my God that smells so good. Like I want to follow that. I can, I get that with your energy. And I like follow it and then I'll ask like, Oh what, what about that word? Or what about that thing or Oh, you just said five things and you think those four are really important, but what about them? And so I think that's really opened your third eye when we've worked together as like, okay Ruby, consider this, think about this, you listed these. And then this one just slipped in there. But like what if you followed that? Tell me more about that. And then you crack that wide open all on your own. It's just allowing that, that lens to kind of show us, okay, it's red, it's right here, all of that. Yes. Yes. And I'm definitely a very Senti type of gal. I love beautiful sense. I know every time I travel I have my thing. I like, my son is very um, Woody and like, I like, um, like fig. I like, um, baked Apple, like a very like frankincense AMBA. Like Angela would like that. So me and so everywhere I go, like I usually have these candles and I just lied it at wherever I am in the world. And it brings me down. It really grounds me harm. And then if I'm doing oils in the bath, like I'll always go those sorts of sense. And yeah, people who like meet me like, Oh my gosh, you smell really good. I'm like, I know[inaudible] vision. So one of our last calls we talked about the temple and so when I envisioned the temple for you, for most people I see these like lighter colored candles, but for you I do get that like dark Amber. Oh I love that golden like glow inside of the main cause of that fragrance. Yeah. I know I mentioned to you before, I normally taste energy, so it's very, very telling that for you I, I smell it like I guess fence because sensor is such an important thing. Yeah. I'm always drawn to candles that are in a dark glass. So even if it's like a dark red when I'm feeling really sick, see and you know, like that I put the dark red on. Um, I have like dark Navy candles when I'm actually like really in the zone of find it really, I don't know, like I just deep dive maybe like that's my Pisces moon and it's just very like, Ooh, you know? Um, yeah. And then I get like a white candle and I'm like, Oh, you know, those are very similar to crystals for you. Like they each have their own specific energetic signature. And so it's, it's really a tuning, an energetic point. And for you it's supporting the lens for which your third eye is seeing. It's almost like the Rose colored glasses, but it's putting on, it's all of these different colors putting on and it's beyond just like a color. It's a feeling and a sense in this entire package that you've created that means central and sexy. That means really invested in deep dive. That means each of these things. Yeah. How your energy communicates to you. Totally a whole message into colors and color feel full of it. And so when I had this light picture of my temple and then there's my golden statue and my dark candles, flowers, but dried flowers specifically like dried flowers and I um, hydrogen ribbon hanging upside down as well. Yeah. And even like the ones behind you, I'm really drawn to that. Like this, this is, are they dried or they're just sort of like, they're all dry and Belle, yeah, that's my vine, a baby shower. So I kept them and they're all dry. And even when I, when I do floral arrangements for my fault, half of the things I get are already dried. So like that one is already dried. These were already dried eucalyptus and leafy like dried like arrangement. Yeah. Yeah. That's why I just love like the Australian like type of um, flora. So as I'm saying that, my heart just dipped because just my country's on fire at the moment. But um, uh, just like the wattle, do you know what wattle is? It's like a really thin, like branch, really thin and really delicate almost. And then these like pops of like yellow flowers, they like circular and they just light up. It's so beautiful. Um, and so yeah, I get to this like the foot of my statue and I look up at her, she's not like super soaring like a Zeus or anything like that, but she's like, she's there and I just like look at her and I'm like, Oh, and she's naked, you know? And I'm just like, Oh my gosh, like you are so beautiful. You're the most beautiful statue I've ever seen and I am just like in awe of her and the reason why I do man. Yeah. And this is like a practice Lindsey at shared with me around true like self love diving into self worthiness, seeing yourself as, you know, almost just this like beautiful goddess or however you want to think about it. And because I've been going through a lot of shadow work and the stuff that I'm, you know, you know, moving through and building through and I do this meditation practice and I just feel the whole kind of like encompassing, like I'm just like this gold statue. Yeah, you're with that energy. Yes. And with coupled with the smells and the flowers and the oils and the candles, and then I step into my day and it's like, Oh my gosh, it's not even better. Sorry. That's not the right word for it. It's like the, one of my favorite words is Ambrosio and it may receive the nectar of the gods. And that's how I feel after I do those practices that are just like juicy and ripe and like sensual and like, like I'm vibrating. Like I can truly feel the vibration coming off of me cause I've anointed myself in like the goddess of me. Yes. Yeah. And it still looks so much love. Like it's almost just, I can't wait to give more of me to my clients and to the world and you know, because obviously like one of my highest values is being seen, but like being seen in a way without being too like, Oh shouty shouty it's just, people just come in like they go, wow, where have you been? And you know, there's so much like light with you and I just want some of that. And I'm like, Hey, take it, take it. Like I replenish. Like it's fine like I can give to you. Yes. One of the things that I want to tell you now that we've kind of, the being seen has come out, which is something that I've known in our previous friends, but something like you're really able to identify that as kind of your love language and your, your business love language. I'm like, this is very important to me. One of mine, one of the pillars of my business is seeing other people and what I'm always working towards is allowing my clients to see themselves as I see them because I can see the like the truth, the purity, the like if you let go of those rocks, if you take them out of your backpack, like I can make you make that lot way. And so it's so, it's so magical to have, you know, to have the internet and allow us find each other. And I remember like on our initial call, that wasn't even a discovery call. They were like, how do I work with you? And I'm like, we're doing this right now. We're on this thing. We'll talk about that. And it's like, you're like, but how do I work with you? And I think that that connects so much because your, your desire to be seen is so inherent and releasing the ego around that and allowing that to be a true and then my desire to allow people to see how I see them and like let go of the things that are weighing you down and then let me support you with the technical process of how to do that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah. As you said that I just started to tear up because I, that is, that is my love language. And when you said that back to me, you might as well said, I fucking love you. You know, like, it's just, that's how I accept that. You know, and I, I love it. And you know, in the past that was a quite an unhealthy relationship for me because if a guy saw me, I would take that on face level and be like, Oh, like he loves me. But it wasn't deeper than that. Or if my employer would be like, Hey, I can see you, I want to promote you. I would go through this like almost just this like hit like this rush and be like, Oh my God. Oh my God, I'm so amazing. This has really evolved now into how I want to be seen, knowing what that feels like to be truly heard so that my message helps millions. Like it's more of a, I want to be seen in order to reflect back out. It's almost just higher self to be seen so that you can continually step into her more and more. Yes, yes. Say you just pick up my energy and turn it into these beautiful words. That's it. So we're going to leave all of Lindsay's, um, links below in the show notes and everything we've spoken about today. I would love to hear from you. You know what has really resonated, whether they're themes that have come up, what are some of the areas in which you know you need to work through and work on and then come to Instagram and tag Lindsay and I and ask us questions because we're sort of in the process now of conjuring and pulling together and creating magic and this is something that we have set the intention to do somewhere in the year, early in the year to work together and to help create more resources and a place that you can just come into the well and draw from it and drink from it. As we grow our businesses, as we get deeper in our spiritual practice. Was there anything else you wanted to say about at Linz?

Speaker 5:

They are just, we are all chemical little creators right now dancing around this cauldron, deciding what it is that were the ingredients that were pouring in there. So if you guys have hires, it is an alchemy. So we are currently taken bottles down off the wall and mixing and creating the beautiful potion that is going to be the magic we're creating. So if you have an that you would like us to toss into that call drum, you want something to come out of this that you want to learn something. There's a topic, there's a focal point, there's you know, a certain style of teaching that you want to follow, the way that you want to be in our energies together. We'd love to hear from you so that we can really create, um, in our organic aisle chemical process, but going in the direction that you guys are interested in. Cause clearly we can refer our hours. So we should just do it all day. Live streams are going to chat for a day and come and join us as you. So cute. Oh my gosh. But this is eight Ruby. Ruby, when you get a good bathtub and one of your travel places, let's bathtub live stream. Yes. Yeah. Oh my God. So I'll have my dark candles around me and Oh, I can see it. Oh yeah. Flower crown. My very first bathtub livestream wasn't inspired by you. I thought about, I was like, Oh, I can't do that. And then I mentioned it to Ruby and she was like, you need to do that. I mean do it right now. And then I did it and I loved it.[inaudible] like it's amazing. So we'll get all of our flowers and dried flowers and candles and music and we'll just live stream for an hour or two from her bath. Gosh, talk about all of our magical museums. Yes, yes. Oh my gosh. That would be so incredible. Yeah. So thank you so much. Beautiful soul for being on. And I know this will have more episodes coming out together because it just has to happen. And I love these episodes. Like I personally go back and re listen to them and it's just such a gorgeous reminder. Actually, another episode Lindsay and I are going to do together as a meditation. This is the very first meditation. Yes. So am I. You suggested it and I'm like, yes. Hell yes. So we're going to do a meditation podcast and it's a resource that you can all dip back into when you're going through certain periods in your business growth. So I think the reason why Lindsey and I work so well together is that we both have successful businesses. We're both growing it. We're both doing all the things on like the strategic front and clients are signing up all the things that you're doing to build your businesses. But this is like the spiritual access that you know, isn't necessarily, I know when I started it wasn't as easily found. And then you know, when I found Lindsay, it just opened up doors for me. So I want to bring this to all of you in the owner hustle tribe, but also, you know, provide more spiritually related resources in 2020 as well. So Lindsey is a really, really big ingredient to all of this. And I'm so excited to work with you more my love and collaborate and just make magic in this world. Oh yeah. They just want to create the magic that we're meant to create and allow people to find it. So but it's there. Speak our truth, stand in our authenticity and beam that out like little lighthouses so they, those of you who need this and are ready to shift your life, shift your business from the inside out. Find us

Speaker 1:

if you have listened to this episode all the way to the end. You are magical and I am so glad that you are still here. Can you do me a huge favor? If you love this, I would love it if you could screenshot it and also just tag us both on Instagram. We will share your profile. We will shout you out and it would just mean the absolute world because it means this message gets to go out there to more people and really helps serve others as well. I love you all so much. Also you would have heard this little activity through the end of the podcast episode. That was my bad. I'm not a sound engineer. That was the fan. I recorded it in[inaudible] Thailand on like a 36 degree day, so it was really hot, almost a hundred degrees, so apologies for that. I now know not to do that. It's, it was actually quite a way away from me, but my blue Yeti microphone is just a superstar and can pick up a lot of things that are happening. So thank you for being here. I love you all so much. I will catch you in next week's episode and I can't wait to hear how this episode has helped you see things from a new perspective. Stay magical and remember, you can absolutely earn your hustle. Bye guys.