Flow State Business

Client Feedback - The 'F' word in business and how to deal it

Ruby Lee Episode 195

Does the word “feedback” give you the heebie jeebies? Even though I've been out of corporate land for years, it still gives me shivers down my people-pleasing spine! Most of us hate the idea of being told we haven’t done something right but as a business owner, you’re bound to face it at some point. The game changer is how you deal with feedback when you receive it.

In this episode, I talk about what to do when you receive challenging feedback and how it’s an opportunity to be empowered and make you and your business stronger. I talk about not taking things personally, putting yourself in your client’s shoes, and never responding out of low vibrational energy.

I share an example of when I received some feedback that really knocked me and how I dealt with it to create an amazing outcome in my business. I also share the secret weapon to ultimate resilience and how every piece of feedback is there to better establish yourself and your business into your 7 figure vision.

So, how do you respond to neutral or negative feedback? 


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